Issue 06 | 2019 NEWS PLUS + Issue 06 | 08.02.2019A global update on food safety brought to you by FOOD PLUS + an enhanced approach to food safety and quality. 1. Jigsaw puzzle: France reports Salmonella poona cases in infants31.01.2019. France. SalmonellaOutbreak News Today reports that health officials in France are reporting four Salmonella Poona cases in infants whose strains are genetically linked. Source: Barf Blog 2. Progress report: FDA moving forward with FSMA’s produce safety rule08.02.2019. USA. Food SafetyWhen the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) was signed into law in 2011, one of the most challenging parts of Congress’ mandate was to transform the nation’s food safety system as it related to produce safety and implement a system of preventive controls that aimed to avert problems. Source: Food Safety News3. Call for FSA to relax MAP guidance07.02.2019. UK. Clostridium botulinumFood safety experts have called for a relaxation of guidance governing the controls on vacuum and modified atmosphere-packed (MAP) chilled foods, which has been claimed to place UK manufactures at a distinct disadvantage compared with overseas competitors. Source: Food Manufacture 4. Poland sick cow slaughterhouse: Meat from closed abattoir ‘sold to nine EU countries’02.02.2019. Poland. Food SafetySecret filming by broadcaster TVN revealed the unwell animals being killed at a slaughterhouse situated 112km east of Warsaw.Source: Barf Blog 5. African Swine Fever and Avian Influenza UpdatesJanuary 2019. UK. African Swine Fever & Avian Influenza UpdatesLast month DEFRA published updates on the continuing cases of ASF in Eastern Europe, and the relatively few cases of AI in poultry throughout Europe this winter season. Source: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 6. Contrast between UK human and animal antibiotics use revealed01.02.2019. UK. AntibioticsA major new report has outlined antibiotic use in both animals and humans in the UK, with the aim of supporting a “one health” approach to tackling resistance. Source: Poultry World ![]()