No Images? Click here 28 August 2018 CaRST eNewsletterDirector's MessageOne of the ways CaRST supports the development of our HDR students is through the Industry Mentoring Network in STEM (IMNIS). For a third year, our university has partnered with IMNIS to expose a select number of motivated PhD students to industry through this 12 month formal mentoring program. This year the three South Australian Universities held an inaugural SA IMNIS meet-up event, a unique feature of the IMNIS program in our state, which we were pleased to host here at the University of Adelaide. CaRST has introduced a number of new training sessions for the latter half of 2018 across multiple campuses. Of note, we are running a series of seminars supporting outreach and engagement for researchers taught by Paul Willis, one of Australia’s leading science communicators and former Director of the Royal Institution of Australia. Dr Monica Kerr EventsCreating Impact for Research Through Social MediaWith the release of the ARC assessment of Engagement and Impact last year, everyone is exploring how to create impact for their research. In this seminar, Paul Willis from Media Engagement Services will explain their unique strategy to generate impact through the creative use of social media by researchers. 29 August 2018, 3pm - 4pm, Charles Hawker 205, Waite Campus. Register here. This activity counts for 1 credit in Domain D. Integrity and Authorship Training for Research StudentsDid you know that ethical research practice, including the appropriate acknowledgement of the role of others, is not only a feature of good research culture but also required by national funding bodies and the University? This session will introduce your responsibilities as a researcher, including how to address authorship/integrity issues, and how to seek help if things go awry. 30 August 2018, 10am - 12pm, Horace Lamb 422, North Terrace. Register here. This activity counts for 2 credits in Domain C. How to Navigate an Academic CareerAn academic career is often the first choice for PhD graduates, so what academic career paths are there and how do you navigate them? During this session you will develop a concrete plan for your approach and specific next steps to take in your career development, including building the right mentor network to help you pursue your preferred career choices. 3 September 2018, 10am - 12:30pm, Schulz 307, North Terrace. Register here. This activity counts for 2.5 credits in Domain B. Develop your Leadership Skills as an HDRWhat is leadership? What are the skills and characteristics that make a great leader starting from a base in academic research – and how does one overcome leadership challenges? This interactive workshop will explore how to develop a leader’s mindset and improve leadership skills early in a career as a researcher. 3 September 2018, 2pm - 4:30pm, Schulz 307, North Terrace. Register here. This activity counts for 2.5 credits in Domain D. Beyond Academia: Career Planning for HDRs Addressing the prospect of a transition to careers beyond academia can be a real challenge. There’s often a lack of obvious role models, limited knowledge about employment options, nervousness about seeking support for such a move and uncertainty about how skills learned in academic research translate to the outside world. This interactive workshop will guide participants through the main steps in preparing for a transition from academia and executing it successfully. 4 September 2018, 2pm - 4:30pm, Schulz 3017, North Terrace. Register here. This activity counts for 2.5 credits in Domain B. The Other Side of Scientific Writing: Increasing Reader Engagement and ReadershipPublications are the universal currency for communication among scientists. But they are generally composed of dense, uninspiring language that can be laborious to wade through and difficult to understand. This seminar will discuss how to increase the readability and readership of our writing to boost the influence of what we write. 7 September 2018, 2pm - 3pm, Benham G10 Lecture Theatre, North Terrace. Register here. This activity counts for 1 credit in Domain A. NewsIMNIS The University of Adelaide selected 20 PhD students to participate in the Industry Mentoring Network in STEM (IMNIS). This award winning initiative of ATSE connects motivated PhD students in STEM with high-level industry leaders in a one year mentoring program. The three South Australian Universities held an inaugural SA IMNIS meet-up event on 20 August 2018. This meet-up was an opportunity for new IMNIS mentees joining the 2018/19 program to connect with each other, meet their University program representatives, and learn more about the program from past mentees and mentors. The event was hosted by the University of Adelaide. Outreach and Engagement for Researchers Seminar SeriesIn this seminar series, leading science communicator Paul Willis presents strategies for researchers to create impact and tell the story of their research through social media. The seminars have been scheduled at the three University campuses: North Terrace, Waite and Roseworthy. Follow the links below for more information and to book! Seminar 1: Creating Impact for Research through Social Media Three Minute Thesis - University Finalists DecidedCongratulations to all HDR students who participated in the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition in 2018. Following 5 highly competitive faculty finals, 10 finalists have been selected to represent their faculties at the University of Adelaide 3MT Final as part of Research Tuesdays on 11 September 2018. Come along to the University Final to support the finalists and hear some amazing research stories. More information. About CaRST Located within the Adelaide Graduate Centre, CaRST is a specialised training and development program for HDR students at the University of Adelaide. For further information on CaRST visit the CaRST website. |