Call for APATX18 Conference Sessions
The Call for Sessions for the Annual Texas Chapter Planning Conference and Short Course for Elected and Appointed Officials is now open. The Chapter has improved the process by moving the submittal process online through our provider, ZoomGrants. Visit www.apatx18.com to submit your proposal via ZoomGrants and review our handy "how-to" document that walks you every step of the way. Sessions are due Tuesday, May 1, 2018.
Volunteer for the APA Policy Delegate Assembly at NPC18!
APATX is looking for volunteers to serve on the APA Policy Delegate Assembly to represent the Chapter. Each Chapter appoints delegates to participate in the development of APA policy guides. Policy guides are critical elements of APA’s advocacy work. These guides establish the APA's policy positions and principles and serve as a guide to planners and policymakers at all levels of government.
This APA Legislative and Policy Committee (LPC) has launched work on three policy guides. The Delegate Assembly at the NPC will not be formally adopting any policy guides. Instead, there will be discussion on the following guides in progress as listed below:
Social Equity and Inclusive Growth
Housing (Update)
Surface Transportation (Update)
If you are interested in serving on the Delegate Assembly for the Texas Chapter, please contact Mike McAnelly, FAICP by April 2nd no later than 5:00 PM.
2018 Great Places in Texas To Be Announced
On Monday, April 2, the 2018 Great Places in Texas will be announced through this newsletter, social media, and press-releases. We will also announce a new partnership at this time with a Texas celebratory, so make sure you stay tuned!
...and now, time for some teasers :)
One designated place was conceived as the largest Works Project Administration (WPA) of its type in 1938 and had a new master plan adopted in 2017!
Another designated place was constructed in 1870 as a means for transportation, and has been the catalyst for much of the city’s active transportation and recreation improvements and will utilize TIF funds for a $5.5 million rehabilitation project.
These places will be revealed on April 2nd along with four other Great Places in Texas!
Visit www.greatplacesintexas.com for more information and to view past recipients.
Review Conference Proposals for #APATX18
Would you like to assist APATX in reviewing and selecting conference proposals for the Annual Texas Chapter Conference and Short Course for Elected and Appointed Officials (#APATX18)? Then email Doug McDonald to sign up.
New Fellows (FAICP) Announced
Election to Fellow is one of the highest honors that the American Institute of Certified Planners bestows upon a member.
The College of Fellows is concerned with mentoring and future advancement of the profession of planning. As outstanding professionals in the field of planning, Fellows of AICP will address student organizations, state APA conferences, and professional development programs.
Congratulations to Texas' newest members of the College of Fellows:
Bill Barker, AICP
John Dugan, AICP
David Preziosi, AICP
Shafik Riffad, AICP
Midwest Section hands out awards at 28th Annual Awards Banquet
Click here for a larger photo
Project Planning Award: City of Forth Worth "Como/Sunset Heights Neighborhood Empowerment Zone Strategic Plan"
Planner of the Year: Alicia Winkelblech, AICP, City of Arlington
Director's Award: "Denton County Greenbelt Plan": Denton County, Upper Trinity Regional Water District, Upper Trinity Conservation Trust
Student Project Award: UTA Vickery Meadow: Strategic Action Plan, Institute of Urban Studies
Student Project Award: UTA Factors Making A Street A Vibrant Place: Comparing Street Users' Vibrancy Perception Between Main Street , Forth Worth, and Inonu Boulevard, Sivas, Turkey, Bilal Caliskan
Midwest Scholarship: Dhawal Kataria
Midwest Scholarship: Ahoura Zandiatashbar
AICP Exam Workshop in Austin
This AICP Workshop will provide an overview of what to expect from the AICP Exam. We will cover helpful tips on how to study and test taking strategies. The major topic areas of the exam will be outlined and sample test questions will be presented. The workshop will be conducted in a panel discussion format.
Saturday, April 7, 2018
1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Halff Associates, Inc. Offices
9500 Amberglen Boulevard
Building F, Suite 125
Austin, Texas 78729
Registration fee: FREE
To register, please send your name, email address and phone number to:
Richard Luedke, AICP
Texas Chapter Professional Development Officer
Chapter Communications Technician Selected
In February, the Chapter selected Kyle Kingma, AICP to be the Chapter's Communication Technician. Kyle previously served the Chapter as a volunteer on the communications team. Kyle is also the Planning Manager for the City of Tyler and the East Section's Director.
Please coordinate with Kyle on anything communications and website related!
Thank You Sponsors!
The sponsors listed above assisted the Chapter with funding the Texas Chapter Reception in New Orleans at the National Planning Conference. In addition, Steven Villavaso, Villavaso & Associates, J.D. Allen, Alliance Transportation Group, Ann Bagley, Bagley & Associates, Karen Walz, Strategic Community Solutions, Mike McAnelly, CoPlan the Planning Collaborative, LLC, and the APA Chapter President's Council assisted with bringing the Bruce Daigrepont Cajun Band for the reception entertainment.