Message from the Principal
Photo above: Declan Ogilvy and Annika Donald on the Canberra Trip 2016, photo was taken at the war memorial immediately after the closing ceremony during which these two students placed a wreath at the foot of the remembrance pool.
Dear Parents
Welcome to Term 4 at Kennedy Baptist College. This term will continue to provide a wide range of opportunities for students across all Learning Areas and culminates with examinations for students in Years 8 to 12. Over the holidays Kennedy operated three student tours to Canberra, the Pilbara and France. It has been wonderful to hear the great stories of the experiences students were given whilst on these tours. Congratulations to both the staff and students who participated in these extraordinary opportunities.
Year 10-12 Prize Night: Tuesday 18 October, 7.00pm
Next Tuesday we celebrate and give thanks for the wonderful achievement of our Year 10-12 students. I would like to remind families that this is a compulsory event for students and details about next week have been emailed to families. It would be wonderful to have as many families as possible joining us on the night for this special celebration.
Year 12 Last Day: Friday 21 October
Next Friday we will honour and farewell our Year 12 students at a special assembly to acknowledge their last official day of classes at Kennedy. We wish them all the very best as a large number of these students commence their final preparations for the WACE examinations which will then be used for university entrance. Year 12 Graduation will take place on Friday 18 November after the WACE examinations. I hope all of our Year 12 families can join us for both of these special events.
Mr Mark Ashby
Proverbs 16 (NLT)
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.
The writers of Scripture were very clear as to who is in ultimate control of our lives and the limited control that we actually have. We know, that no matter how much we think we have control over what happens to us, even relatively small things, when we put that perception of control into practice, such as getting a clean run on the traffic lights, or finding a car park in a shopping complex at Christmas time, the reality is far different. Often it is the difference between what we perceive to have control over and the reality of what actually happens where frustration dwells. Instead, if we acknowledge that God is ultimately in control, it does help to take some of the sting out of our responses, when events do not go as planned.
In the light of the difference between our perception of control and the reality of control, I was reminded recently, that by counting down the days to an event, it is so easy to miss out on the here and now. Yes, it is exciting to plan holidays, but in doing so, let us not forget to appreciate what we have today. Instead of always looking forward to what could be, we need to be thankful for those around us now and what we have at this time. When I was younger, I remember singing a song, which had the following chorus:
“Count your blessings, name them one by one
Count your blessing, see what God has done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one.
And it will surprise you what the Lord has done."
(Johnson Oatman, Jr.)
Today, take time out to count your blessings, and remember there will never be another day exactly like this one.
Baptist Colleges Conference 2016
Whilst students enjoyed their first day of holidays on 23 September the Kennedy staff participated in a Health and Wellbeing conference with four other Colleges.
Topics included emerging issues for Gen Z, developing healthy brains and positive education strategies.
As they went into the holiday break they had much to reflect upon with respect to how best to incorporate their new knowledge into their teaching practice.
Ms Sandra Doick
Public Relations
Dancing Through Time
The annual Kennedy Baptist College Dance Showcase was held on 16 September. The show, “Dancing Through Time” had 140 dance and acrogym students from Year 8 to 12 performing routines choreographed by Mrs Lara Del Basso, Miss Katie Hair, Miss Lisa Ricci and the students themselves.
The students did a fantastic job with hard work, extra rehearsals and commitment resulting in an outstanding night. Congratulations and well done to all students involved in what was truly an amazing show.
Mrs Lara Del Basso
Dance Teacher
Moorditj Mob Visits Kennedy
On 21 September the Year 8 students were fortunate to start the day with a performance from the Moorditj Mob, an Indigenous dance group who are part of the Wesley College Indigenous Program.
In the Noongar language, Moorditj means ‘great’, ‘strong’ or ‘excellent’ and Kennedy students certainly enjoyed the excellent cultural dances honouring the earth and bush animals, accompanied by the rhythmic sound of the didgeridoo. At the end of the performance the Moorditj Mob presented Mr Rijk Batley with a framed Message Stick to commemorate the day, before joining students for a breakfast of emu, crocodile, venison and kangaroo burgers.
Ms Sandra Doick
Public Relations
Canberra - Sydney Study Tour 2016
During the holidays, 32 students from Years 8 and 9, and four staff members embarked on a wonderful journey to Canberra and Sydney. Our first stop was Canberra where we were met by our coach driver, Jeff, a fountain of knowledge and experience who really enhanced the trip. After a brief visit to McDonalds, we arrived at Eaglehawk Holiday Park where we immediately felt at home.
Over the four full days we spent in Canberra, we managed to pack in visits to the National Museum, the National Capital Exhibition, Australian Institute of Sport, National Gallery, Australian War Memorial, the High Court, Questacon, Parliament House, National Electoral Education Centre, the Royal Australian Mint and the Embassies. In the evenings we played some games as we gradually got to know each other more, played lasertag and enjoyed a quiz night and a movie night. Perhaps the highlight of the Canberra leg was the laying of the wreath during a beautiful and reflective closing ceremony at the Australian War Memorial by two students, Annika Donald and Declan Ogilvy.
We then drove on to Sydney where we stayed at the Sydney Harbour Youth Hostel. The view from the top to the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge was awesome and being an actual dig site for archeologists made it even more interesting. Whilst in Sydney we explored the Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Rocks precinct. We also managed to have an acting class at the National Institute for Dramatic Art (NIDA), a visit to the Sea Life Aquarium, some time to shop at Market City and Paddy’s Market, a trip to Bondi Beach and the Gap and we finished off our tour at Taronga Park Zoo. It was certainly a busy week together but the opportunity to be immersed in so much culture and history of our beautiful country was well worth it and I am sure lifelong friendships were formed.
Mrs Claire Wallace
Canberra - Sydney Study Tour Coordinator.
French Tour 2016
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After months of anticipation, we finally arrived at Nice airport in the South of France, meeting our host families. It was the beginning of an awesome three-week linguistic and cultural immersion trip.
Mme Gomot, the teacher in charge of English at the high school, Institut Jeanne d'Arc in Brignoles and the Principal, M. Brunstan welcomed us all on the first Monday with a typical French breakfast of yummy croissants, pain au chocolat and chocolat chaud. The lovely host families spoiled our students as they introduced them to a different lifestyle, delicious food and took them to lots of interesting places. Friendships with their correspondents were strengthened and many of the students and host families were in tears when we left Brignoles for Paris.
Immediately, Paris charmed us with her beautiful architecture, streets, mouth-watering pâtisseries and glorious autumn weather. We spent our days in Paris keeping up with our language skills and honing our cultural knowledge with visits to the Louvre, Orsay, Champs-Elysées, Notre Dame, Montmartre, Sacré Cœur et bien sûr, la Tour Eiffel. We also travelled to the Normandy region, north of Paris, and visited the old town of Rouen and Giverny to see Claude Monet' s garden. A day trip to the Loire valley gave us the opportunity to explore three different chateaux. Disneyland was not left off the hook either.
We had an amazing time with a wonderful group of students who were very well behaved. All this made for an amazing tour. Mrs Barbara Meadows and I would like to thank all the students who made this trip so enjoyable and the parents for all their support and encouragement.
In February, next year, it will be our turn to reciprocate and welcome the French students and their teachers.
Mrs Maryleen Henri
French Tour Coordinator.
Newman Trip 2016
Recently, nine Year 11 students joined Mr Murray Dunstan, Mr Ben Pether and Mrs Bonita Bradley on an outback adventure to the Pilbara region. The purpose of the trip was to provide students with an opportunity to speak with indigenous people and to engage in a range of cultural activities with them.
The trip started off in Newman where we helped an indigenous family move their furniture to a new home. The next day, the students experienced the Mt Whaleback BHP Iron Ore mine tour, before heading to Nullagine, a small town 190km north of Newman.
At Nullagine, the students spent valuable time with the indigenous students who attend Nullagine Remote Community School. The group was taken on a walk to a lookout and the students enjoyed hearing stories about hunting and the dreamtime. The next stop was Jigalong, where the group spent a night camping outside the front of one of the elder's homes. It was an honour to be invited to stay in Jigalong and the students appreciated the time spent with the indigenous elders and their family.
After Jigalong, we returned to Newman and spent time at a Day Centre, where they each gave a gift with a towel and hygiene products to a grateful recipient and sat down and chatted with the Martu people. This was a special moment and it was great to see friendships being made.
Finally, we all let their hair down in Karijini and had an amazing time at some of the gorges that make up Karijini National Park.
I can't speak highly enough of the nine remarkable Year 11 students who attended this trip. Their behaviour was excellent and their attitude towards caring for others was outstanding. This group certainly made me proud and I am looking forward to future tours and the prospect of indigenous students visiting Kennedy Baptist College in the near future.
Mr Murray Dunstan
Trip Coordinator.
Research and Study Centre
Champions Read
Champions Read commenced this week throughout the College. For a period of four weeks all students are encouraged to keep a record of their time spent reading for leisure - for every 15 minutes a student reads they can earn a point for their House. Last year our students read for over 16000 hours and Forrest won the perpetual Reading Shield.
We encourage you to remind your children to keep a tally of their reading for Champions Read.
Celebrating Reading
In the last week of Term 3 the Research and Study Centre celebrated with over fifty Year 8 students who had read 16 books this year (and therefore joined the Double Eight Club) by organising a movie and Krispy Kreme doughnut event for them.
We also celebrated with over one hundred Year 7 students who had joined the Eleven in Seven Club by reading eleven books this year with a pizza lunch, this was a lot of fun. Mr Mark Ashby and the Heads of Year 7 & 8 joined the events along with our Head of English, Mrs Jenny Burton and several English teachers. It is a true reflection of the importance that reading and literacy has at our College.
Mrs Virginia Yurisich
Teacher - Librarian
Excursion Update
Year 11 Physics Big Day Out to Adventure World
On the last day of Term 3 the Year 11 Physics students joined 1500 other Physics students for an action packed day at Adventure World. Besides having fun on all the rides and slides, the students applied their knowledge from the recent motion topic to questions concerning the rides. The weather was a bit unkind raining the whole day, but the students enjoyed the rides regardless. The universities had a range of interesting projects, including a trebuchet and a virtual reality device for the students to experience. They could get their speed measured by a police radar as they whizzed down the superfast slide. Despite some shivering, the day was enjoyed by all.
Mrs Brenda Richter
Science Teacher
Term 4 Uniform Shop Opening Hours
Monday to Thursday 8am to 3.45pm
* Closed on Friday
Mrs Kerry James requires help for the packing of uniforms for the new Year 7 students for 2017. If you are available to help on the mornings of Wednesday 26 or Thursday 27 October please contact her through email or call the College on 93147722.
Term 4 Cafeteria Menu
With summer here, Beedawong has spiced up their menu! With so much more to choose from please click here to see the menu for Term 4.
State Representatives!
Has your child represented WA in sport this year?
We would like to acknowledge students in the 2016 Yearbook who represented the State in their chosen sport. If your child has represented WA this year please send details of the sport, the competition, the result and any other pertinent details to Mrs Mandy Beaurain through email by 31 October. Thank you.
Year 10-12 Prize Night
Next Tuesday, 18 October at 7.00pm we celebrate the wonderful achievements of our Year 10-12 students.
Hayfever Season
Hayfever season has arrived. Kennedy Baptist College can only administer paracetamol to students with parental consent. If your child has a condition requiring medication (e.g. hayfever medication) and you wish them to take the medication at College, please complete a medication form which is available from the office. Student Services Support will then store your child’s medication under lock and key.
Please make sure all medication is in the original packaging as we can not accept medication provided in zip lock bags etc. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Year 12 Last Day!
Friday 21 October 2016
Breakfast from 7.15am sharp - 8.15am: Year 12 students meet at Tompkins on Swan, 632 Canning Hwy, Alfred Cove (dressed in winter uniform, leavers’ jackets are acceptable). Students are not permitted to drive to the breakfast and should be dropped off at the venue. College buses will take the students back to the College at 8.30am.
Whole College Assembly from 9.30am - 10.30am: Parents are invited to this assembly where the Year 12 students will be farewelled and honoured. 10.30am - 11.00am: Walk of Honour to the oval where photo leaflets and pens will be distributed to the students for signing.
Morning Tea from 11.00am - 11.30am: Parents and Year 12 students are invited to a morning tea which will be held in the Lower Foyer. Students will leave at the conclusion of the morning tea.
Term 4 Tutoring Timetable
Click here to download larger version.
Celebrating Student Achievements
Ryan Simcock
Congratulations to Ryan Simcock who came 3rd in the Western Australian Student Constitutional Challenge. The online test which was open to Year 12 Politics and Law students in Western Australia, challenged students in their knowledge of the Australian Constitution. They were only given 25 minutes to complete 44 questions. Ryan demonstrated his exceptional ability to recall important sections of the constitution relating to the Year 12 Syllabus.
Parents & Friends Association
Open Day - Thank You!
The day went very well and we raised over $5400. Thank you for your generosity and thank you to everyone who helped make the day such a success.
At the P&F meeting on Tuesday night of this week, it was agreed that $25000 would be spent on equipment and fitness machines for the new gym in the Sports Centre. With the building program in its final stages the Sports Centre will open in Term 1 2017, and it is planned that the money will be spent over the summer holidays so that the gym is equipped and ready for use when the students return next year.
P&F Cupboard
We now have a P&F cupboard. This may seem mundane, but it is exciting for us.
World Teachers Day - Friday 28 October
We provide a morning tea to say thank you to the staff and recognise all the work they put in for the students. Can you help by making something delicious for morning tea? Please bring it to the Staff Lounge on the morning of 28 October before 10am. Sweet or savoury items and some gluten free would be great. To make life super simple please use a container or plate that you do not want returned to you and if you are able to label the ingredients then that would be handy but not imperative.
Diary Dates for 2017 (Yes already!):
P&F AGM and meeting for Term 1: Wednesday 8 February 2017, 7.00pm in the Staff Lounge.
Car Boot Sale – Saturday 25 March in the car park. More details to come.
Contacting the Parents and Friends Association
Do keep track of what your P&F Association is up to on our facebook community page: Kennedy P&F or you can contact us via email.
Community Events
Free parents seminar!
This seminar, presented by the 2016-17 Thinker in Residence Professor Jane Burns, will present ways parents can support children and young people in building their digital resilience and to stay safe online.
When: 7.00pm - 8.30pm, Monday 24 October
Where: Churchlands Concert Hall, Churchlands Senior High School, 20 Lucca Street, Churchlands
Book online now at www.trybooking.com/NEPI
For further Information contact 6213 2297 or email Karen Wyatt on karen.wyatt@ccyp.wa.gov.au or visit ccyp.wa.gov.au for further information about Professor Jane Burns and the Thinker in Residence initiative.