Are you struggling at the moment? Sending Hope Issue #8 #RecoveryContinues Hello , What strange times we are living through! We know that many of you are likely feeling anxious and uncertain about the current situation. We're here to assure you that throughout this period we will be continually working to provide you with ongoing information and support, particularly in regards to how this situation affects people with eating disorders. There have been a number of changes to our in-person events, including our Stories of Recovery night next week. You can find the most up to date information on our website here. We have spoken to one of our resident clinical psychologists, Christie Arbuckle, about what strategies she is recommending for her clients to ease anxiety and maintain recovery during this period. "In times of challenge, we can find our mood changes and we may notice increased worry or anxiety creep in," Christie said. Have a Coping Plan for prolonged periods of social distancing Christie encourages you to write down the ways that will help you cope if you're required to stay at home for an extended period. Having a tangible plan will give you extra preparedness to care for your mental health should you need to self isolate. Questions to answer include, Who are 3 people I can call or facetime when I need to? How am I going to stay connected with my support team? What self-soothing strategies work best for me? Stuck at home? Top tips for making the best of the great indoors Remember, if you need to talk to someone, please give our Helpline a call between 930am - 430pm on 1300 550 236, or email Join a virtual yoga class tonight! For urgent support please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 Eating Disorders Victoria respect and welcome diversity of culture, religion, gender and sexuality. |