Style and Coaching
This month we discuss Social Style and how this can impact your desired outcomes when coaching.
We are judged by our behaviours
Our behaviours are readily observable by others and directly affect our social interactions in all areas of our work and home life (including coaching). Early in life, we develop behavioural preferences and patterns, which we find most comfortable. These patterns are partly the result of genetics and partly learned in our early years.
Sometimes our behaviours are seen as positive and sometimes negative, particularly when our behavioural preferences clash with others. For example, some people speak quickly and are interested in taking action, while others speak more slowly and hesitate to act without deliberation. Some focus on personal relationships and are quick to show personal care, while others focus on business results and rarely reveal their feelings.
Through over 60 years of research, TRACOM identified four behavioural styles known as Social Styles. TRACOM’s SOCIAL STYLE Model defines behavioural patterns and teaches specific techniques for creating productive relationships with people of any style.
The Coach’s Style and how their Style impacts coaching
Coaches who make subtle and simple adjustments to their coaching strategies can have a much more profound impact on the people they’re coaching than if they were to treat the process as ‘one size fits all’. Coaches who pay attention to the Style preferences of the people they coach, are showing Versatility, but this in only half the battle.
Coaches also need to be aware of their own Social Style and how understanding their Style and the Style of others can help them achieve productive coaching outcomes.
Over the next few editions of Progress Matters, I will be sharing with you further detail regarding the four behavioural styles and how you can use Style to improve your ability to achieve productive and effective relationships in your workplace and at home. Next month I will be discussing ‘Driving Style Coaches'.
If you can’t wait till next month and would like to know more about
Social Styles and how it can help you Progress further – call 0411 358 333 or email or go to our website
You can’t stop Progress!
Janelle Nisbet
Managing Director
Progress Training Systems is accredited to deliver Social Style instruments and training here in Australia and the Pacific.