Message from the Principal
Photos above: Snapshots of our recent Easter Services.
Dear Parents and Families,
Kennedy endeavours to develop and foster strong relationships with our community members and two highly successful events have recently reinforced this. Firstly, our Easter Services were great events highlighting the Arts talents of our students and reinforcing two of our College values that underpin the strategic work at Kennedy. These being Faith and Service. It was great to have Pastor Ken Lee present an Easter message linked to our service work in Cambodia. It was also wonderful to see so many families support this project through the sponsorship of children in Cambodia. On the evenings I announced that we plan to have our own Transform Centre in Cambodia. This will be totally dependent on the ability of the Kennedy Community to sponsor the 100 children in the Centre. No funding from College income acquired through tuition fees or government grants
would be used for this project.
Secondly, our parent afternoons were a great opportunity for parents to discuss student progress with our staff. These were extremely well attended and hopefully useful in providing feedback to families.
Our planning for Term 2 is now complete and one focus will be preparing Year 10 families for the selection of courses and units for 2019. Throughout Term 2 a comprehensive program of parent evenings and individual counselling is planned to help families make the best informed decisions. This is particularly important as the structure for Year 11 and the WACE is very different to the Lower School curriculum. I encourage all Year 10 families to attend all information nights and be proactive during this important phase of schooling for students.
Swimming Success
Congratulations to our Interschool Swimming team who performed wonderfully as a team to provide worthy competition in the A.C.C. Division C Swimming Carnival last week. It was fantastic to see Kennedy students support each other so well and produce outstanding results.
Mr Mark Ashby
Photos above: Students and parents sponsoring a child.
The true story of Easter just does not fit within our cultural mindset, as it gives an account of betrayal, brutality, death, and political scandal. It’s about the darkness of the human heart and the bad news that we are all implicated in that darkness. So, let us replace it with those things we can handle, such as bunnies, hot cross buns, and chocolate eggs. While I enjoy those things as much as the next person, any initial relevance they had to the true story of Easter has been lost in commercialism and advertising.
“The Christian view of human nature,” writes theologian David Bentley Hart, “is wise precisely because it is so very extreme: it sees humanity, at once, as an image of the divine, fashioned for infinite love and imperishable glory, and as an almost inexhaustible wellspring of vindictiveness, cupidity, and brutality.”
According to Christian teaching, we are all alienated; from ourselves, from each other, from creation and, ultimately, from God. But the central event of Christianity – the cross and resurrection – brings together in perfect unity the tragedy of that brokenness with the infinite love of God. Jesus’ death represents the most emphatic measure of the value of each person, because it implies that despite our frailties and brokenness, we are worth the huge lengths to which God goes in finding a solution.
For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Year 7 Report
The Year 7s have settled in well and it is great to go around the Form classes in the morning and see the way the students are interacting with each other and their Form teachers.
Year 7 Camp, which will be held at Fairbridge Village, Pinjarra, from Monday 9 April until Wednesday 11 April is the topic of many excited conversations. The students will be accommodated in houses on the property with a Staff member allocated to each house. We have planned 10 different adventure activities for the students which will help them grow in their own self-confidence as well as learn how to work cooperatively in groups. The activity groups will have a trained leader from Fairbridge with them as well as a teacher from Kennedy. The Year 7 Foundation Camp is the first of three camps that students will experience during their time at Kennedy Baptist College. As the students embark on their Kennedy journey together they are encouraged to build strong relationships with both their
peers and their Form Teachers. This camp will provide the foundation for such opportunities. We will resend the original documentation this week that includes the Packing List. We look forward to an enjoyable time and the opportunity for the students to get to know each other and the teachers better.
We have also started Community Service with the Year 7s. This involves a group of 11 students from each form throughout the year going over to Lakeside Baptist Church and interacting with a group of Seniors over morning tea. This has proven very popular with the two forms that have gone so far as they have shared stories of what life was like fifty or sixty years ago when the Seniors were growing up. I have been very impressed by how well-behaved and well-mannered our students have been on these outings.
Term 1 has been a busy time and the Year 7 students have been on a steep learning curve as they have settled into High School. I would like to wish you all a restful and refreshing Easter break and a safe and enjoyable holiday period.
Photo above: Students at Lakeside Baptist Church.
Year 8 Report
Recently the Year 8 leadership team comprising the Councilors and House captains were able to attend the GRIP Leadership conference at the Perth Convention Centre where leaders from over 70 schools in Perth come together to learn new things, discuss ideas and work out how to better run their tasks or area of activities within the College. This was an excellent opportunity for students and not only allowed them to meet with like-minded students but also is a great example of the opportunities afforded to students within Kennedy Baptist College.
The Year 8 social is only a week away and there are just a few more spaces available for students to attend. The social is at Bounce in Cannington and is on Friday 6 April from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. Socials are a great way for students to interact with each other in a non-structured atmosphere and allows for deeper engagement with friends. Our student council has committed to running at least three socials this year and we would encourage maximum participation from all students.
With Term 2 rapidly approaching the prospect of exams looms large in the minds of numerous students. Correct preparation for exams is vital to guarantee that students reach their potential and are as successful as they can be. Part of this is preparation done here at the College by the teachers and the pastoral staff, however steps taken by students now will also allow them to be as prepared as possible. Steps include having a set study routine with at least one and a half hours each week night for homework, getting a good night’s sleep free from distractions of mobile phones or electronic devices, good communication with your teachers - asking them questions if they don’t know something and attending tutoring whenever possible. Correct preparation now will pay huge dividends later when it comes time for exams.
Photo above: Councillors and House captains attended the GRIP Leadership conference.
Photo above: Students enjoying their Extended Form on Wednesday mornings.
Year 9 Report
Last week we celebrated Harmony Day and the Year 9s were treated to a wonderful demonstration of the Chinese Lion Dance with an explanation of the cultural and spiritual beliefs associated with this tradition. It was a wonderful opportunity to gain a greater understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture.
This week our Easter services were very well attended by parents and students. Thank you to those who supported the College and hope they found the experience enlightening and positive. We had the opportunity to meet two members of Transform Cambodia who currently work at the new Kennedy Transform Cambodia Centre. They shared about the amazing work they do and the enormous changes that have been brought, thanks to many people’s generous support. Pastor Ken Lee provided an inspirational and informative talk about sacrifice and transformation which encouraged many to support this worthy cause.
Students are now looking forward to taking a break from the books when we head off on our Year 9 Adventure Camp in Week 11. The camp at Forest Edge, Waroona will be a time of reflection, challenge and stepping out of their comfort zones. A range of activities such as 20m Abseil tower, Target Shooting, Big fox (Flying fox) and Ski Biscuiting will provide students with plenty of opportunities for adventure and encourage teamwork to achieve goals. Just a reminder that the drop off and pick up for camp is at Lakeside Baptist Church, cnr Farrington and Bibra Drive, Bibra Lake. Please remember that students are not permitted to bring phones to camp.
I am looking forward to our students making the most of the Adventure activities and returning with a greater understanding of themselves. After the term break students will wear full winter uniform when they return for Term 2.
Photos above: Chinese Lion Dance for Harmony Day.
Year 10 Report
As a busy term comes to an end there is still so much that the Year 10 students have to look forward to before the holiday break. On Thursday 5 April all Year 10s will be going to Perth Arena in the city for the RAC Bstreetsmart event which is a very informative day on the dangers and consequences of distracted driving, speeding and drink and drug driving. The focus is on informing our students and giving them practical options to reduce risk taking behaviours. It is a great precursor to our Keys For Life program that we run through our Health Studies course in Term 2.
In Week 11 our Year 10s will be off on their work placements for the week as part of our work experience program. What a great opportunity for our students to have a look at what it is like to be in the workforce. Our goal for the experience is that students will come back with a renewed focus of what they like to do in the future what career path they would like to follow. It will then help when considering what subjects are on offer for Senior School and they can start thinking about those subject selections, which take place at the end of Term 2.
I wish all our students the best and I look forward to being able to visit some of them at their work placement. I also hope they have a great Easter break and come back refreshed to finish off the term.
Photos above: Year 10 students enjoying their Extended Form on Wednesdays.
Year 11 Report
Term 1 is almost over and it is great to see how the Year 11 students are settling into life as Senior School students. Now that interim reports and parent teacher interviews are over I would like to remind you that our wonderful staff and myself are always happy to answer any queries you may have regarding your student's ongoing education. We have other facilities at the College such as Study Skills tutoring at the Research and Study Centre and tutoring by Learning Area which I have also been encouraging the students to take advantage of.
With all that in mind I would strongly encourage the Year 11s to start their cyclic exam revision now. It is an excellent practice as part of your revision programe to be looking at what you did last week, three weeks ago, five weeks ago etc. This will stand you in good stead for exams in Weeks 5 & 6 of Term 2.
Week 11 and hence Year 11 Transition Camp is also fast approaching. This year it will be held for the first time at Rottnest Island with less adventure and more of a wellness, personal growth focus. If you have any questions in regards to camp or for any other reason please do not hesitate to contact me at the College, by direct message or email gtyrie@kennedy.wa.edu.au.
Photos above: Work experience talk in the Auditorium.
Year 12 Report
Our Year 12 students participated in the Interhouse Swimming Carnival on Monday of Week 4 with such enthusiasm and skill, setting a fine example for the younger students in their willingness to be involved and cheer on their House. I hope that all future whole College events continue to be met with this same level of energy and presence from our wonderful College leaders.
As assessments are now underway, and homework increases, I would like to remind our Year 12 students and their families of the importance of balance. Students are encouraged to maintain consistent revision whilst ensuring they have a nutritious diet and adequate sleep. Establishing these aspects this early in the year will help with staying focused and productive in their classes. Students can register with http://www.studentbox.com.au, an online community of Year 10-12 students which contains study tips, past WACE papers and health advice. Otherwise we have a wonderful support network with our Pastoral Care team who are readily accessible. The opportunity to make course changes are now closed and all information has
now been passed on to SCSA. Continue to read the notices or look at the notice board in the Common Room for information regarding external tutoring programs, University and TAFE information evenings.
Term 1 has also been a time where our teacher mentoring program has been in full swing. For many Year 12 students this is the time to get serious about their studies and future careers, however, this can often be a period of pressure and confusion. Therefore, our College has a support network of teachers who can offer our students guidance and support to help them achieve their best results. The program runs over the course of the year with a small group of students and their selected mentor meeting regularly to act as a sounding board as well as provide structure for time management skills and ongoing encouragement to stay motivated. It is wonderful to see the difference this program makes in the lives of students as they know there is always another point of contact and how important their final year is to our school community.
May the upcoming Easter break be a special time for our Year 12s to relax, enjoy special family time and re-energise for the final weeks of Term 1.
Photos above: Year 12 Mentor lunch.
Kennedy students at Westfield Matildas’ Perth Training Session
Kennedy recently received an exclusive invitation to attend the Westfield Matildas’ first training session in Perth. This private training session was held on 22 March in the lead up to their farewell friendly match against Thailand on Monday 26 March 2018.
Students had the chance to meet a former ex-student of the College (Somerville) and Young Australian of the Year, Samantha Kerr. Alexis Townsend, a current state reserve player commented, ‘It’s a privilege to be here to witness the training and meet them in person.’
Students at Kennedy have the opportunity to play soccer as part of the Physical Education program. Year 7-9 boys and girls can also try out for the College teams that play in the winter SASJ program on Wednesday afternoons in Term 2. Featured in The Western Australian on 23 March. Click here to read more about it.
Mrs Linda Ang
Public Relations
Instrumental Music Program
Is your child interested in learning the Violin or Trombone?
If you are interested in enrolling your child in these particular instruments, please notify Mrs Anthony of your interest through the email address below. New enrolments for Term 2 Woodwind (Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone), Voice, Guitar/Bass, Piano/Keyboard, Drums/ Percussion and Trumpet are also now open and need to be received by Friday 6 April to make the necessary timetable changes. For all enquiries regarding instrumental lessons, please email Janelle Anthony on janthony@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Students at Work
Teams Win First Round of Mock Trials
Run by the Law Society of Western Australia, ‘A mock trial is a simulated court case in which teams contest a fictitious legal matter presented in the Western Australia court system. The cases are presented by two teams, a prosecution/plaintiff team and a defence/defendant team, made up of students playing the roles of barristers, solicitors, witnesses and court officials.’
Since the beginning of the year, a selection of Politics and Law students in both year 11 and 12, were assembled into two legal teams, to compete in Mock Trials. With the help of Mr Ilchuk and Simon Steenhof (Partner at Steenhof Brothers Barrister & Solicitors), Students had been meeting every week preparing for their case. The case was a criminal case involving stealing. Both Kennedy teams took on the role of the Prosecution.
On the night of Wednesday 21 March, both teams competed at the Supreme Court of Western Australia. As well as judging the case, Judges award points based on: understanding of the case, knowledge of court procedure and presentation. Both teams performed exceptionally well and won both their court case and their round. These students will be working hard in preparation for their next trial date on 14 May. Congratulations to the following students:
Kennedy 1 Team: Gage Gibbens, Xavier So, Jerrica Chiam, Joseph Gan, Jacqueline Gray, Benjamin Moore, Naomi Perera, John Porretta.
Kennedy 2 Team: Will Anthony, Jennifer Jones, Lilly McDonald, Monika Silich, Zandre Smith, Cassidy Thomas-Batten, Brendon Watson, Taehwan Youm, Amber Ferris.
Mr Manuel Ilchuk
Humanities Teacher
Photos above: Politics and Law students.
Year 11 Outdoor Education Snorkelling Expedition
After weeks of snorkel skill development and surf and safety awareness the Year 11 Outdoor Education classes embarked on their first expedition of the year in Week 6 of this term.
Starting with an early morning departure from the B-shed in Fremantle the students impressed with early arrivals, thorough packing and excited to begin their adventure. Once on the island we headed straight into our snorkel site rotations enjoying well known locations including ‘The Shark’, ‘Little Armstrong’, and ‘The Basin’ and enjoyed the biodiversity at each.
Student highlights:
“Seeing a stingray at The Basin, it was so beautiful, sunny, clear and we did some swim throughs” Ellen Zwitser
“When I was snorkelling the boys showed me how to catch cray fish and where they tend to be found” Nik Tesevic
“I also found a huge school of fish just off the reef that looked like a scene out of “Finding Nemo” (Buffalo Brim) Damon Simpson
Thank you to the Outdoor Education teachers, Mr Rory Najjar, Miss Katie Hair and Miss Podmore, along with our assistants, Miss Amy Salmond, Mr Kane La Fontaine-Roberts and Mr Calvin Willans for your help and support for this camp.
Ms Karina Podmore
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Drawing Workshop
On Wednesday 7 March enthusiastic Year 11 and 12 students participated in a pastel drawing workshop with local artist Daniela Dlugocz. Daniela, originally from Frankfurt, Germany arrived in Australia in 2007 to complete her Masters of Fine Art at Edith Cowan University. Daniela’s art practice focuses on a sophisticated knowledge of drawing and often centres around the forms of the human body.
Daniela discussed her work, ideas development and some of the techniques she uses in pastel drawing. She created a friendly, focused environment for the students to learn a little history of the post-Impressionist artist Seurat and the process of creating tone with soft pastels on paper. The students were immersed in their creative and technical exploration throughout the afternoon. Photographs and work samples from this workshop can be viewed in the Visual Arts walkway. Well done to all students who participated and thank you again Daniela, a most enjoyable afternoon.
Daniela’s beautiful work is on view at: SKINDEEP 2018, an exhibition of 15 West Australian Artists who will show their most recent portraiture works. The exhibition is open 10-4pm daily from Saturday 10-14 March at the Moores Gallery, Henry St, Fremantle. Alternatively, view her work on her website at www.danieladlugocz.com. More visual art workshops are planned for a variety of year groups throughout the year.
Ms Carolyn Macdonald
Head of Learning Area: Arts
Photo above: Year 11 Outdoor Education classes.
Photo above: Year 12 Art students with Artist Daniela Dlugocz.
Sport At Kennedy
Interschool Swimming Carnival
Last Monday, 66 Kennedy Baptist College students travelled to HBF Stadium to compete in the 2018 ACC ‘C’ Division Interschool Swimming Carnival.
Throughout the day there were many highlights, including the final events for the day, the open 4x50m Freestyle relay. Our team of Ethan Tan, Alexander Zottl, Rhys Holmes and Lachlan Belke swam brilliantly to win by a narrow 0.03 seconds. Kennedy was awarded Overall Boys Aggregate and Senior Boys Champions. Congratulations to Benjamin Wai who was champion U/16 Boy and all other swimmers who contributed on the day.
For further information on individual and team results please go to www.accsport.asn.au.
We would like to thank all parents who supported the early morning swim trainings, all competitors for their exceptional effort in representing Kennedy Baptist College and finally Mr Ray Utting for his continuous support of the Kennedy Baptist College swimming program.
Miss Jessica Kennedy
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Photos above: Students at the Interschool Swimming Carnival.
College Notices
Winter Uniform
Winter Uniforms are now available and can be collected from the Uniform Shop. If you have not yet ordered, come in for a fitting to ensure that your child is ready to start Term 2 in full Winter Uniform. For more information please contact Mrs Kerry James via email. The Uniform Shop will be closed the first week of the school holidays and re-open on Monday 23 April. Open hours during the holidays will be Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 8.30am to 3.30pm.
Cake and Book Covering
If you are free the occasional Tuesday morning from 8.15am to 10.15am in an even week, you would be welcome to come and cover some new books in the Research and Study Centre.
It is a real help to us, you get to meet new people, see the latest books we have bought, learn new skills and eat one of Mrs Batley's delicious cakes! It is a win-win! We look forward to meeting you - our next session is on the 8 May.
Arts Cup Audition
During Week 1 of Term 2, students will have an opportunity to audition for the Arts Cup final. In addition to singers, musicians and bands, we would like to see more dance acts, drama performances and even comedy sketches.
Auditions for Eyre is lunch time Tuesday 1 May
Auditions for Forrest is lunch time Wednesday 2 May
Auditions for King is lunch time Thursday 3 May
Auditions for Stirling is lunch time Friday 4 May
Please sign-up to audition using the sign up sheet outside the Arts Learning Area.
Getting Your Child Ready for Camp
Reminder that the Year 7 Foundation Camp, Year 9 Adventure Camp and Year 11 Transition Camp will be held in Week 11. These are compulsory events not to be missed by students except for medical reasons. A medical certificate will be required in the occurrence of an absent student. If you would like any further information, please contact your child's Head of Year.
Kennedy Parent's Connect
The Kennedy P&F now have their own newsletter. Please find their newsletter from 27 March 2018 here. If you need any other information or would like to receive these emails please contact the P&F Committee via email.
Celebrating Students Achievements
Isabella Leech and Kayla Jerez
Congratulations to Isabella Leech and Kayla Jarez recently represented Western Australia as part of the Dragon Boats Western Australia (DBWA) State Dragon Boat Team as well as for their club Fremantle Swans Dragon Boat Club at the AusDBF Australian Dragon Boat Championships held at Kawana Waters, Sunshine Coast, Queensland. The teams did well and won a silver in the Girls U/18 500m 10's (State vs State) plus they also received medals for the club events.
Douwtjie Hoogenboezem
Congratulations to young opener Douwtjie Hoogenboezem who showed his future potential with a solid defensive technique accompanied with some neat strokes at the Combined Government Schools, Representative XI VS Associated and Catholic Colleges, Representative XI on Monday 19 March. It was a fantastic game of cricket and the boys should be extremely proud in the way they represented their school and the ACC.
Abbie Teasdale
Western Australia’s brightest young star, Abbie Teasdale shone during round two of the WA Amateur Championships breaking the WAGC course record. Abbie Teasdale have secured dream victories in the Amateur Championships of Western Australia on 18 March at The Western Australian Golf Club. Kennedy is proud of her achievements and wish her all the best.
Elizabeth Mather
Elizabeth Mather has been selected to undertake the Australian Girl’s Choir National Tour. Beth has been a member of the Choir for over five years and we are thrilled she has been selected for this representative opportunity. Elizabeth has worked extremely hard as a member of the choir. Kennedy wishes her all the best.
Luke Shaw
Congratulations to Luke Shaw who came second in the 800m National Junior Athletics Championship in Sydney over the weekend of 16 March. A great achievement!
Community Events
Baptist Church Services in our Community for Easter
Term 1 Intensive Holiday Revision Classes with Naplan & Semester One Exam Preparation at Rossmoyne Senior High School from Monday 16 April - Friday 20 April. For more information, please contact 9455 6808 / 0410 121 509 or our website here.
For more upcoming seminars and courses for Parents please click here.
April 2018 Middle School, Study Skills & NAPLAN Preparation Programs. For students in Years 7, 8 and 9 on Monday 16 April To Friday 20 April. For more information please click here. For students in Years 10, 11 and 12 on Monday 16 April To Friday 20 April. Please click here for more information.
April 2018 Revision Program - Senior School. For students in years 10, 11 and 12, 2018 on Monday 23 April to Friday 27 April. Click here for more information and price.