Message from the Principal
Photo above: Unveiled Patch artwork with Artist Ross Potter and Mrs Caroline Kiely.
Dear Parents and Families,
Thank you to our wonderful Parents and Friends Association and all our families who supported the College at Open Day. It was extremely pleasing to have so many community members come along and enjoy the Kennedy experience. Open Day provides a great opportunity for the College to show what a dynamic community we have at Kennedy and it was so pleasing to see everyone sharing their experiences with so many of our visitors. Thank you to our Parents and Friends Executive who worked so hard to co-ordinate the range of activities available on the day. Please click here for photos.
Arts Performances
It has been fantastic to see our Arts community shine over the past weeks. Our Music Night and Dance Showcase were outstanding events involving many students and their performances were much appreciated by our community. Students were provided with opportunities to display their exceptional talents and the continued development of their skills and abilities. The audience enjoyed the performances and the very high standard presented is testament to the commitment of both our students and staff. Congratulations to our Arts staff for their hard work and commitment to the planning and development of these complex productions. Please click here for Dance Showcase photos.
Community Engagement Survey
Recently we launched a comprehensive questionnaire to all community members to gain feedback about Kennedy. We value the input of parents and the information we receive will be used in planning for the College. Thank you to all parents and students who completed the survey to ensure that future strategic directions consider the comments of all members of our community.
Mr Mark Ashby
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5 (NIV)
I had one of ‘those’ moments during my first year at University when I came across the work of Robert Raikes (1735-1811), a journalist and evangelical Anglican layman he would become the founder of an education system that did not discriminate based on social status. At a time when young children were working 12-hour days, 6 days a week, Raikes set up a “Sunday School” system in 1780, which was free of charge and where literacy, numeracy and social sciences were taught to the children who populated the slums of London. By 1831 over 1,250,000 children, both male and female, were being taught within the Sunday School system and it is these schools which became the pre-cursor to the free education that we enjoy today. Raikes did not stride down the street, placard held high to demonstrate the unfairness of a system that saw children treated as little more than
slaves; nor did he hide behind his own standing within the community and see it as someone else’s problem. Raikes used the power he had as a newspaper owner and journalist and influenced with "gentle force", to change the community in which he lived. This is the gentleness that is referred to in Galatians 5:23.
After I graduated, my first ministry position was in Parkes, NSW. Pastor Fred Lancaster was the Senior Pastor of the church and I learned so much from him. He was kind, generous and incredibly patient. There was one day though when he had to correct me. 30 years later, I still remember that meeting. He never raised his voice; he did not shame me; nor was there any anger; but he spoke to me with incredible gentleness, and I walked out of his office, promising to myself that I would never disappoint him again.
These two simple illustrations depict the glory that is gentleness – the ability to change lives and bring correction where needed, without causing more conflict or escalating the situation is an incredible attribute to possess and it is ours because of the Holy Spirit present in our lives.
Deputy Principal Curriculum Report
Year 12 students have effectively three weeks left of their schooling. Students should be very busy completing assignments and practical tasks in order to ensure their final marks reflect their ability. ATAR students have examinations to prepare for with the final College written examinations occurring the second week of the upcoming term break and the first three days of Term 4. Year 12 students with practical examinations have College practical examinations in the coming weeks with many completing their WACE practical examinations in the first week of the term break. Term 4 begins for Year 12 students on Thursday 17 October. This last week of College provides students with the opportunity to ensure they receive feedback on their work and confirm marks and grades for
their courses.
At Kennedy we endeavor to provide students with as much support and advice as we can when it comes to choosing pathways for Senior School options. A recent report from the Grattan Institute explored the outcomes of students’ post-secondary education. The report “Risks and rewards: when is vocational education a good alternative to higher education?” compared outcomes for students who pursued VET/TAFE courses and those who studied at University. It certainly makes for interesting reading for those unsure about which pathway to undertake when choosing options for Years 11 and 12.
All subject selections for Years 7 to 11 have now been submitted for 2020. Thank you to all parents and students for the timely completion of this task. Course selections are used in the construction of the College timetable for 2020. Our goal is to provide classes for all students according to their chosen courses, however, the timetable is also limited by our resources, both physical and staffing. There will be some courses that are not timetabled because either the number of students choosing a course is insufficient or staffing resources prevent an increase in the number of classes able to be offered.
Deputy Principal Pastoral Care Report
Student leadership is a vital part of Kennedy culture. Our Student Leadership Program provides opportunities for students to actively participate in decision-making processes and contribute significantly to the life of the College.
One of the major events organised by student leaders is the annual Kennedy Day held in Term 3. This is a student-led day developed by the students, who created it with a range of underlying themes in mind including: creating an upbeat and positive atmosphere, uplifting the student body and encouraging them, a day of recharging and to celebrate who we are as a College.
This year's Kennedy day was held on Wednesday 4 September and was very well received. The day began with an Assembly which was led by our Student Executive Leadership team and involved an outstanding dance performance, feedback on what the Student Leadership have achieved during 2019, a fun quiz with prizes, and an encouraging devotion by the College Head Girl, Eleesha Popkiss.
The next part of the day was at lunchtime with fun events involving a range of activities, such as a Boost Van, Waffle Factory, Mr Whippy, live music by our talented Music students, Minute to Win It games and Spike Ball. The most popular item was a petting zoo which was loved by all. Kennedy Day was also a Free Dress Day with all funds contributing to our Kennedy Centre in Cambodia.
This year’s Kennedy Day was very successful and is an example of student leaders positively influencing the college as well as further developing their leadership skills. Please click here for Kennedy Day photos.
Photos above: Students enjoying Kennedy Day.
Father's Day Breakfast
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On Thursday 29 August 80 fathers and staff from the College community enjoyed our annual Father’s Day breakfast.
They were treated to a fun ice-breaker lead by our College Chaplain, a scrumptious breakfast from our Beedawong Cafeteria and wise words from our guest speaker. The WA Commissioner of Police, Mr Chris Dawson shared some stories and insight into his life as a member of the law enforcement community. His stories all illustrated the ways our values drive our actions. He mentioned that when difficult decisions are to be made, it is our core values that that drive us, our values impact what we do and how we respond. He offered a couple of good reads including A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership by James Comey, the former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and exhorted the audience to be encouragers of young people. The words of encouragement given by a father or father figure, might be just the thing that changes their path for the
The College is grateful for the time Mr Dawson made in his busy schedule to come and share with us. Please click here for photos.
Photos above: Father's Day breakfast.
Positive Fathering Adventures
You are invited to Positive Fathering Adventures! Mr Kevin O’Brien, former member of staff will be presenting: The Methodology of Fatherhood, looking at the reality of dads in the 21st century. There will be an opportunity for dads and their children to spend time together over some fun activities and sausage sizzle.
Saturday 21 September, from 10.00am to 2.00pm in the Staff Lounge.
Please click here to book your place.
USA International Cultural Tour Information Evening
During the Term 1 holidays in 2021, the College will be undertaking a 17 day cultural tour to the USA. This trip is aimed at students who will be in Years 10 and 11 in 2021 and will visit the cities of New York, Washington D.C. and Orlando.
If you are interested and would like to hear more, please attend the information evening that will be held in the Staff Lounge on Thursday 19 September from 6:00pm – 7:00pm.
If you are interested in attending please rsvp to Mr Rick Cricelli who will be leading this exciting venture. Alternatively, if you would like to know more but are unable to attend the information evening, please email Mr Cricelli for more information.
Annual Music Night
What a fabulous night! Our recent Music Night was a culmination of student talent and Music staff collaboration. The evening included performances by tutor selected instrumental music students, all Kennedy ensembles, including the newest additions of the String and Percussion Ensembles, as well as a feature item by one of our vocal tutors Mia Matthiessen.
This wonderful night began in the Lower Foyer and progressed to the Auditorium. The Finale item was a moving song performed by a combination of the Vocal and String Ensembles along with the Instrumental Music Tutors and featured soloists. A huge congratulations to all 90 music students ranging from Years 7 to 12, you were all amazing! Thanks also to the 13 Instrumental Music Tutors and members of the Arts Learning Area for their work and contributions. Click here for photos and click here to find out more about our Instrumental Music Program.
Mrs Janelle Anthony
Coordinator Instrumental Music Program
Our Vocal Ensemble will be performing a lunchtime concert at Cockburn Gateway Shopping Centre on Tuesday 10 September at 12 noon. This will be a great opportunity for our Vocal students to gain performance confidence and to promote the College to our local community. Please come and support them next Tuesday!
Students At Work
Arts Students Attended The Wizard of Oz
On Friday 30 August, 50 Year 10 Performing Arts students attended the fabulous production of The Wizard of Oz in the Regal Theatre. The story of The Wizard Of Oz has been re-told thousands of times, but its messages are still as relevant to audiences of all ages today. Friendship in the most unlikely places, persistence and facing your fears are among the enduring values of the story. Exceptional performances brought a wide range of performance skills in song, dance and acting to the show. Students were inspired and entertained. It was a fabulous excursion.
Photo: Year 10 students with Mia Matthiessen who played the role of Glinda in APAN’s production of The Wizard of Oz.
Waste Wise Tips and Facts
We have replaced the rubbish bins around the College campus with new bins to encourage waste separation and recycling. Recycling is a simple way that everyone can help the environment.
There are instructions on the bins to help students decide where to place their rubbish. As a Waste Wise School we practice responsible waste management, we choose to keep our campus clean and help the environment around us. For further information regarding which bin to use, please click here.
Volunteering Opportunities
We value the support of our volunteers who contribute to the College community! Co-ordination of all our volunteers is managed through the easy to use automated online system SIGNUP.com. Current volunteer opportunities are available with:
Two volunteers needed for uniform fitting appointments
Book Covering Term 3
Term 3 Beedawong volunteering
Kennedy Prayer Group
Please click here to sign up and volunteer.
Celebrating Student Achievements
Kayden Malseed
Was selected in the SSA All Australian 18/U basketball team. Kaden is recognised for his skill and understanding of the game.
Owen Gregory
Owen won the Year 10 division at the 2019 Secondary Schools Championships Golf with the Royal Fremantle Club in August. Owen wants to continue working towards a lower handicap and possibly work towards playing in National and International competitions like fellow Royal Fremantle player Min Woo Lee.