Message from the Principal
Photo above: Year 12 Graduation.
Dear Parents and Families
Two wonderful events held last week have reinforced the achievements of our students and the taking up of opportunities. Our Year 12 Graduation and the Lower School Awards Night provided occasions to acknowledge the accomplishments of students this year and it was wonderful to share these experiences with our wider community. Congratulations to all students involved in these events.
At Graduation it was announced that several students have already been awarded early offers to Notré Dame University. Congratulations to the following graduates on their achievement:
Phoebe Dibbin Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Sally Foster Bachelor of Nursing
Prarthana Harish Bachelor of Nursing
Jordan Scanlan Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Elise Stallard Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Sport and Recreation Management
2019 Staffing
As we continue to plan for 2019, I would like to acknowledge that several staff will be leaving Kennedy at the end of this year. Firstly, Mrs Heather Merlino will be retiring from Kennedy at the end of the year after 23 years’ service to our Colleges. We will miss her experience, wisdom and passion.
The following staff will also be leaving us at the end of the year:
Mr Nicholas Markham: English
Mrs Quita Strachan: Administration
We wish them the very best with their new pursuits.
The following staff will be on extended leave in 2018:
Mr Mark Burgess: Long Service Leave for Term 1
Mr Craig Hill: Long Service Leave for Terms 1 and 2
Mrs Kelly Mayne: Maternity Leave
We also have a number of relieving staff who have completed short term replacement contracts and we thank them for their valued service throughout the year.
Mr Mark Ashby
“Language has created the word ‘loneliness’ to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word ‘solitude’ to express the glory of being alone” - Paul Tillich (1886-1965)
We live in a crazily busy world. Even when we try and close the door, there are those things which will, either figuratively or literally, try to enter.
For most of human history this was not the case. The iPhone, which did much to popularise mobile phone usage, arrived in Australia, in July 2008; and the internet did not become mainstream until late 1998. Recent research is now making the case that solitude – even boredom – can be good for both our wellbeing and our creativity. Our brains need a break, and what that looks like is as varied as we are. For my Mum it was knitting; for me it is ‘going bush’. For you it may mean a hike up a mountain, a bike ride, a road trip on a motorbike. Device free.
The Christian tradition has entwined within it the stories of many people, from the Ascetics through to the Monastic movement, who stepped away from the busyness and business of the world, to encounter God. As Believers, we should take seriously how often the Bible speaks of meditating on His word; of spending time in prayer and taking time to listen; to not hurry, but rather, to wait and to shut out all those thoughts that tell us we need to ‘be doing’.
As we enter the season leading up to Christmas, take the time to find that solitude, because it is in this space, that we can hear the gentle whisper of the God who came in human flesh.
Year 7 Report
Looking back over the year, I can see that the Year 7s have grown in many ways. Not only are they physically taller, they have grown in maturity as well as they have navigated their way through establishing new friendships, dealt with homework and assignment expectations and got used to different subjects and different teachers. It has been a good year but a hard year for many. I have appreciated the support of parents as we have worked together to make every student’s experience at Kennedy as positive as possible. Year 7 is certainly a steep learning curve for our students.
The Year 7s have enjoyed not having any exams this year as they have watched the rest of the College writing exams at this time. This will be something for them to prepare themselves for next year in Year 8.
We have had our last Community Service for the year with the Lakeside Seniors group and it was always a joy and privilege to see how well the students interacted with an older generation. On Tuesday we had the Lower School Awards Night and it was wonderful to see Year 7s receiving awards for all the hard work they had put into their studies during the year.
I have really enjoyed the last 12 months with the Year 7s and look forward to working with them again next year as they go into Year 8. I believe that teachers and parents working closely together is essential in helping young people develop into the best they can be. I would like to wish you all a blessed and safe Christmas holiday season as we remember the birth of Jesus Christ, the greatest gift of all.
Photos above: Term 4 Community Service.
Year 8 Report
I am reminded of the speed at which life moves along, simply by looking at the size of my children as they grow with such rapidity. It seems like every day they have reached a new milestone or achieved a new breakthrough. I am sure that you, as parents and guardians can remember your kids as being small, even infants, and yet now they have nearly completed their second year of high school and are on their way to becoming well-adjusted young adults. This speed at which our children seem to grow belies the reality of time – it always moves at the same pace – it just appears to be moving quicker for us. This of course then reinforces the constants in our lives, one of the most important being our relationships. The relationships we have with our children underpins Australian society and its values, with family being the basis of our
During this period of change in young people’s lives, the relationship between parents and child can become strained – particularly when kids are going through their rebellious phase – as are many Year 8 students. Whilst this can be difficult for all parties involved, there are some simple things that parents may do which can help to foster and nurture their relationship with their teen. Knowing what your children both love and hate to do enables parents to empathise and support their children through the difficult times. Always be there for your child; for a child knowing that they can come to you no matter the subject allows them to minimise relationship anxiety. Doing things with your children is important for relationships, ask them to do something they want to but never have and then share that experience with them. Those shared times help
reinforce the relationship. In the end, our relationships are the most important things in our lives; with God, our family and our friends. Taking the time to invest in our children’s lives during this period will pay dividends far into the future.
It has been my pleasure to work with you and your child, to watch them grow and reach milestones over the course of the year. I wish you all a restful and joyous Christmas and new year period and I sincerely hope your holiday break is filled with opportunities for renewing and strengthening relationships.
Photos above: Year 8 Extended Form Breakfast.
Year 9 Report
As the end of the year is upon us, it is an exciting time and I am sure we are all looking forward to the warm weather and break over the Christmas holidays.
We had our final Community Service this term when we took 14 students to St Bartholomews House and once again had a fantastic time. The way our students interacted with the homeless men was amazing and I was greatly impressed. Our students displayed empathy and respect towards these gentleman. Their efforts were very well received, and I would like to thank all the students who attended through the course of the year and had such a great time.
Congratulations to all our Year 9 students who received awards at the Year 7-9 Awards Night on Tuesday 20 November. Students are congratulated on the time and effort that they put in. I would also like to thank all our Year 9 students for putting in their best effort this year.
This was a fantastic year and I am proud of the way our Year 9 students are finishing off 2018. I would like to wish them all the best for the future. I pray that you all will have a safe and joyful holiday break.
Photos above: Year 9 final Strength & Shine breakfast and celebration of the year.
Year 10 Report
It has been an amazing year and there is an air of excitement around before our Year 10 students move to Senior School.
This year our students went on Work Experience. It was a great opportunity for them to see what it is like in the work force, many students came back with great memories and a renewed focus as to what they would like to do with their future.
We had a fun social event at Cockburn Ice Arena in Term 2 and during the year we had the opportunity to be involved with the Black Cockatoo restoration program at Bibra Lake as part of our community service program. Over the two days we planted more than 2000 trees which will provide food and nesting for the black cockatoo in the future. I really enjoyed the opportunity to see the Year 10s get involved, do a great job and have an amazing time doing something outside of what they would normally do.
Finally, we celebrated the year at our Year 10 Formal, at East Fremantle Yacht Club. It was an amazing night of dancing, socialising and celebrating coming to the end of Lower School. It was so enjoyable to see everyone get dressed in their finest and enjoy each other and the staff’s company. There were some memorable student dancers and it was fantastic to see over 100 students on the dance floor for over two hours.
I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know this year group better after following them from Year 9, in 2017. I am excited about next year and I am looking forward to supporting the students through the trials and challenges of Year 11 & 12 but also making it a memorable journey and helping them prepare for their life after Kennedy.
Photos above: Year 10 Formal.
Year 11 Report
My tear-off desktop calendar has slowly been whittled down to a few thin pages; more pages have been scrunched up and thrown in the trash than those that now remain. The stripped calendar holder no longer parallels as a seemingly-insurmountable challenge as it once did, but rather a small monument by which to remember 2018. A memento of overcoming.
For every Year 11 student, this year has had its challenges. Nevertheless, every single challenge has been an opportunity for personal growth and character development. Academically, this year was a significant step up for most students. Both ATAR and General courses came with an increased workload in comparison to Year 10. I am confident that the Year 11 cohort have developed a solid understanding of the level of effort required for success next year.
There have been many highlights too – the Year 11 River Cruise; the Rottnest Camp; community service opportunities; Extended Form activities and presentations by various guest speakers. These have been fantastic opportunities to learn about and connect with one another.
In the wider College context, the Year 11s played a substantial leadership role with students holding various official positions. Unofficially, the cohort have influenced the tone around the College – on the oval and in the Sports Centre; in the classrooms and down the breezeways; in the cafeteria and quadrangles. I have often overheard staff commenting on how the Year 11s are “such a good bunch of students”. It is that positive energy and good standing that will see this cohort leave a lasting legacy in the College at the end of 2019.
As each Year 11 student – and parent thereof – nears the end of this year, I hope you will take the time to reflect on your own momentous effort spent in getting to this point. I wish you all a restful break and an opportunity to think different thoughts for a while. When you start thinking about Year 12 early next year, I hope the following African proverb provides you with some motivation to do your best:
"Every morning in Africa, an antelope wakes up. It knows it must outrun the fastest lion, or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the slowest antelope, or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you're the lion or an antelope - when the sun comes up, you'd better be running!"
Photos above: Year 11 Social Breakfast.
Year 12 Report
I would like to extend my congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2018. I have enjoyed working with you all over the past two years; you are a vibrant group of young adults with so many wonderful talents and abilities. There have certainly been many highlights throughout your time at Kennedy. I believe you each have so much to offer as you set off on the next stop of your journey.
The Year 12 Graduation on Friday 16 November was a wonderful evening celebrating our Foundation cohort as well as their families. Mr. Ashby reminded our Year 12 students to remain focused on their goals and dreams as they start their next adventures and to never be afraid to step out of their comfort zone and most importantly to keep persevering when faced with challenges or obstacles. The atmosphere was filled with emotion and joy as we listened to our talented ATAR music students during their performances and then to see every student walk across the stage to receive their sash and certificate. Many students were recognised for their achievements. Please click here for a list of
I would like to also thank the parents and guardians for allowing us to be part of your child's journey towards adulthood. I wish you all a blessed Christmas and restful break over the new year.
Please click here for more photos.
Photos above: Year 12 Graduation.
Remembrance Day Ceremony
Remembrance Day at Kennedy Baptist College was a special few hours as students commemorated the sacrifice and service of many Australian men and women at the reflective service, 1000 handmade poppies were placed around the College, after the service to as a reminder of the lives sacrificed in war. A pop-up museum of artefacts and memorabilia from the College community was displayed for the day in the Research and Study Centre. Lest we forget.
Ms Linda Ang
Public Relations Officer
Year 7-9 Awards Night
On Tuesday 20 November we acknowledged the academic and personal achievements of our Year 7 - 9 students. Our Principal, Mr Mark Ashby spoke of the exceptional education offered by Kennedy Baptist College and the ongoing advancements that the College is undertaking. A number of special awards include:
Year 9 Dux Award - Joshua Thomas Ninan
Year 8 Dux Award - Ella Marshall
Year 7 Dux Award - Eden Pearce
Year 9 Parents and Friends Excellence Award - Y Thien Phan Le
Year 8 Parents and Friends Excellence Award - Christine Gee
Year 7 Parents and Friends Excellence Award - Bree Lewandowski
Click here for photos.
Mrs Mandy Beaurain
Public Relations Assistant
2019 Newman Tour Information Evening
Next year’s Newman Indigenous Tour will run from Monday 23 September to Wednesday 2 October 2019. Students enrolled in Year 11 in 2019 are encouraged to apply for a place on this tour which focusses on service in our unique north-west communities.
An information session for parents will be held in the Board Room on Tuesday 27 November, from 5pm - 6pm. Please meet at reception in the Administration building. The session will outline the activities included in the tour, the cost involved, and parents will have an opportunity to ask questions.
Would parents interested in attending the information session please inform the Tour Coordinator, Mr. Dunstan, by email at mdunstan@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Mr Murray Dunstan
Tour Coordinator
Volunteer Afternoon Tea - RSVP
Please join us as we celebrate and honour the volunteers of the Kennedy community and thank you for your contribution this year.
When: Tuesday 4 December at 2.00pm
Where: Staff Lounge
Please RSVP by Tuesday 27 November to Janet Hair by return email jhair@kennedy.wa.edu.au or call 93147722.
Instrumental Music Recital Week Reflection
What a fantastic week of music performances our College community enjoyed on 6, 7 and 9 November. Instruments featured included drums, guitar, bass guitar, voice, clarinet, flute, saxophone, keyboard/piano, violin and ukulele. This was a huge success and will be continued in future years to enable our instrumental students a unique performing opportunity.
Awards Night performers are also to be thanked for their recent performances at College events such as the Year 12 Graduation, Year 10-12 Awards Night and more recently Year 7-9 Awards Night. It has been a pleasure to work with you to create such high quality music performances and we look forward to more wonderful performance opportunities in the new year.
Mrs Janelle Anthony
Music Teacher
Photos above: Instrumental music recital week.
Instrumental Music Program Online Enrolment
Students who wish to start or continue in the program will need to enrol online by Friday 18 January 2019. New instrumental lessons are now available for violin and cello.
Classes are held on a rotating time schedule so students can participate in Kennedy's Instrumental Program and not miss any one particular lesson. Please check our website for more details.
The application form is now available online for 2019 Instrumental Music Program.
College Notices
Macbeth Performance
Macbeth by William Shakespeare will be performed by the Year 9 Drama students on Tuesday 27 November at 6:30pm in the Auditorium. Everyone is welcome!
Update Your Child’s Form Room
If you have children registered with QuickCliq Canteen online ordering system, please update your child’s Form room to appropriate year level in time for the start of Term 1 of 2019.
Please Delete the Kennedy College App
The providers of the Kennedy College App, Appademic, have ceased trading. Please delete the App from your device. If you need any other assistance or information please feel free to contact the College or visit the College Website.
Christmas Concert for Community Group
Kennedy Arts has accepted an invitation for a select group of music students to entertain a local group of senior citizens at their annual Christmas celebration on Wednesday 5 December from 9.00am and 11.00am. The Vocal Ensemble ‘Rhythm’ and some soloists will be presenting a short musical program then will lead the carol singing at this event. Students who have received this invitation are reminded to wear black pants or jeans (T-shirts will be provided), and to make their way to and from the location at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church between 9.00am and 11.00am. We also encourage all to join in and support our students.
The Research and Study Centre Will Be Closed
The Research and Study Centre will be closed next Monday for the remainder of the year as we undertake a major reorganisation of our fiction collection. A selection of supervised resources will be made available in the Lower Foyer at recess and lunchtime whilst the Centre is closed to allow students to continue to make use of some of our materials that are not part of the reshuffle. The IT office will still be open for students to receive help with their devices. We apologise for any inconvenience, and we are looking forward to opening next year with a new layout that will make it easier for staff and students alike.
Permission For Events
For parents and guardians,
Consent2Go gives you peace of mind for the welfare of your children attending school excursions and removes paperwork.
Consent2Go will be the only method of giving permission for events via email. We ask that you please check your junk folder for Consent2Go messages.
SEQTA Mobile App
Parents and students are enjoying easier access to SEQTA’s award-winning software, with free mobile apps for SEQTA Learn and SEQTA Engage. Please download the app, enter requested URL:
https://parent.kennedy.wa.edu.au/ and login with your password.
Students last day:
Tuesday 4 December 2018
Office closes:
12.00pm on Friday 7 December 2018
Office opens:
Monday 14 January 2019
Year 7 Pre-Start Day:
Tuesday Friday 1 February 2019
Students commence:
Monday 4 February 2019
Students are to wear full summer uniform and abide by College standards.
Uniform Shop Hours
The uniform shop will close on Thursday 29 November 2018 and re-open on Monday 14 January 2019.
Open for Orientation Day Friday 23 November 2018.
Open for Pre-Start Day Friday 1 February 2019
Holiday Hours will be 8.30am to 3.30pm
Monday to Thursday
* closed for lunch 12.30pm - 1pm
Please contact Mrs Kerry James for more information.
Celebrating Student Achievements
Aliah Rudnicki
Congratulations to Aliah Rudnicki who has been selected to take part in the National Youth Science Forum’s (NYSF) Year 12 Program in Canberra during the holidays. The NYSF Year 12 Program is a 12-day residential program designed to give students a broader understanding of the diverse study and career options available in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and to encourage continued studies in these fields. Participants also take part in sessions on entrepreneurship, critical thinking, how to work together effectively, and more. The focus is not solely on academic achievements, but on developing well-rounded individuals who have the skills and confidence to determine their futures.
Photo above: Georgia Needham.
Georgia Needham
Congratulations to Georgia Needham who has recently been selected for the Girls Indoor Hockey U/15 State Team for WA. She will head to the national tournament in Goulburn NSW in January 2019.
Photo above: Alyssa Godin.
Alyssa Godin
Alyssa Godin recently held a indoor rock climbing fundraiser for the Leukaemia Foundation as a community project and delivered a cheque for $2706.81 to the foundation. Alyssa was delighted that she was supported by the Kennedy community in this endeavour.