No images? Click here ![]() 22 February 2021 Kia ora koutou katoa, Earlier today the Prime Minister announced the good news that Auckland will join the rest of the country at COVID-19 Alert Level 1 at midnight tonight. Let us hope we can avoid having to change Alert Levels again - unless it's to zero! Helping keeping ourselves, each other and the country safe To help us stay at Alert Level 1 there are some things every Kiwi should be doing:
If you have COVID-19 like symptoms please stay home and call your GP or Healthline on 0800 611 116 for advice about getting tested. Wearing face masks/coverings is now mandatory on public transport The Government also announced today that face masks/coverings will remain mandatory on public transport across all of New Zealand under Alert Level 1. Public transport includes buses, trains, ferries (excluding Cook Strait ferries) and domestic flights. Taxi and Uber drivers are required to wear face coverings. While it's not mandatory for passengers, it is encouraged. There are some exemptions and face masks/coverings do not need to be worn:
The official COVID-19 website remains the place to get the latest information. You'll also find material in multiple languages. We're here to help As ever our regional teams are here to help. If you need to get in touch with us here is a list of our Regional Managers. We would be delighted to talk with you. Northern Region (upper North Island) Central (central and lower-North Island) Southern Region (South Island) If you prefer, you can reach us by email at The first vaccinations in Aotearoa New Zealand took place on Saturday. There's a long way to go as vaccination is rolled out but it's nice to think that we're on the way. Take care of yourselves, your families, loved ones, and wider communities. We'll keep you up to date if things change. Ngā mihi nui |