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September 2017 / Forms and links

Lunch menu

Magazine sale website


Teacher emails

Annual calendar 2017-2018


Option C (grades)


Sports Online Registration 


School website

Notes from the Office

Welcome back to a wonderful new school year! We are always willing to assist you and your family with your questions and concerns.

Forms in Monthly Envelope
The following forms will be in your family envelope this month:

Family Information Update - Required by each family to confirm contact information for emergencies and general communication. Note September 13th due date. Please return these forms on time. The information is used to generate the Family Directory. Your timeliness helps us move forward with this project.

Option C Log-ins - New parents will receive their log-ins for the online grading and parent communication system. These log-ins remain yours throughput your child’s enrollment here, so keep them handy. Parents of re-enrolling students should have their log-ins from previous years.

Outstanding Forms - Some parents are receiving requests for missing documentation, such as Parent Lunch and Pastor Verification forms, or items still needed for their child’s registration. Please respond promptly if applicable.

New Landscaping
Our maintenance staff was busy over the summer rebuilding the front wall and planting grass on the Emerson Street side. To keep this look fresh and attractive, students are asked to play on the street and sidewalk and use the wall for sitting only. This means no running on the wall or grass. Lunch monitors will be reinforcing this during outdoor recess.

Other Notes:

One-sided scrap paper
As always, if you have a source of reusable one-sided paper, we welcome your contribution.

Lost and Found
By labeling your child’s belongings, the lost and found bins may become extinct. ALWAYS LABEL EVERYTHING! Lost and Found bins are located in the cafeteria.

Parent Lunch
Please read the Guidelines pamphlet in the family envelope before you come to serve. All families are required to participate. Please try to come in to serve your seven times. Paying the yearly fee is optional, but your presence is priceless.

Family Survey

Please make it a priority to return the family survey that was sent home with your child last week.  This survey is required by each family to determine support needed from the State for supplemental learning materials and services. Program funding for Title I Reading instruction, Speech Program, English Second Language services, Government Lunch Program, Standarized Testing, etc. for Sacred Heart is dependent on your participation in that survey.  It is highly confidential as Sister Lynn is the only person who collects those forms.  The form is due September 13.

Standardized testing

IOWA Achievement Tests will be administered to Grades 2-8 in the mornings during the weeks of September 12th and 18th. Do not schedule appointments for your child during these mornings.  There is no required preparation, but your child should be well rested with a good breakfast. Results will be available in a few months. Teachers will be made aware of student performance, and you as a parent will receive a report explaining your child’s assessment results. Having this information early in the school year should prove very beneficial for teaching and learning this year.

September 11th service

On September 11 at 9:10 a.m., the school community will gather at the five flags around our school for a prayer of peace and in remembrance of 9/11/2001. While the children are much too young to recall that day, it is important that they are taught to honor those whose lives were effected by it. You are most welcome to join the chldren. Here is a list of the classrooms and flags where they will assemble.

The prayer of remembrance and peace will take place simultaneously in these places:

(1) School Flag (North Door of School) Rms. 111, 110, 201, 212

(2) DePaul School Flag (Corner of DPS property & the SH Church property) Rms. 112, 104, 203, 208

(3) Hunt Armory Flag (Emerson St. across from SHES) Rms. 107, 106, 207, 210

(4) McCabe Flag (Walnut St. across from school ramp) Rms. 109, 101, 209

(5) Episcopal Church Flag (Shady Ave. across from SH Church) Rms. 108, 103, 211

The Boy and Girls Scouts may wear their uniforms on 9/11.

It is very difficult to hear the teachers who lead the prayer. If anyone has a karaoke machine that could be used for the gathering, please email Sister Lynn or call the office if you can help.

2017 magazine sale

The Magazine Sale launched on Wednesday, August 30th and continues through Friday, September 22nd. The assemblies last week were a lot of fun and the importance of supporting this fundraiser was impressed upon the children by "Waldo" as in "Where's Waldo?". The proceeds from the sale raise funds for our school's endowment fund, a tuition assistance program for Sacred Heart families.  

Help us reach our goal by either:

Making a direct contribution to the SHES Endowment Fund.  100% of the proceeds from a direct contribution go to the endowment fund.  Simply send in a check to the front office. 

Ordering magazines or other products for yourself or asking family, friends, or neighbors.  40% of the proceeds from each order go to the endowment fund.  Simply go to www.gaschoolstore.com and enter our school code 2591899.  The link is also available on the Sacred Heart website. 

For additional details about the sale including prize rewards, please reference the yellow flyer that was sent home with your children.

Please contact Melissa Mlecko at mlecko@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Thank you for your support!

PTG Corner

Happy September Sacred Heart families! Allow me to introduce myself.  My name is Elisa Brienza and I am the current PTG President. I would like to invite anyone who is interested to our first PTG Meeting of the school year on September 12th at 7 pm in the  Elizabeth Seton Room. You should enter through the preschool door. Join us as we discuss upcoming events such as Open House (September 21 and 28) and the Book Fair (October 23-26) and begin planning the 2018 Cash Bash! Please come and share your fresh ideas! 

Altar Servers

Sacred Heart parish students are encouraged to consider serving the parish as Altar Servers at Masses on the weekends. Parishioners in grades 4-8 will have an opportunity for training in September. Dates of training will be forthcoming. Please call Fr. Grecco for further information.

3rd and 8th grade Eucharist Day

3rd grade children who made their First Holy Communion this past spring are asked to attend our parish Eucharist Day closing liturgy at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 14. This day is set aside to come worship Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament as the children learned about and participated in during their First Communion Retreat Day. The children are asked to wear their First Holy Communion attire (if able).

8th grade students are also to attend as a pre-requisite in their Confirmation preparation to grow in devotion to Jesus. Don’t miss this opportunity to come worship Christ as a family and nurture your personal relationship with him! Contact Sharon Smoller for more information at sacredheartparishreled@gmail.com.

First Reconciliation family service

A First Reconciliation Family Service will be conducted on Wednesday, September 20  at 6:30 p.m. in church for all parents/guardians and children enrolled in second grade at Sacred Heart or the religious education program. Family participation is a prerequisite for your child to receive the sacrament. For information, contact Sharon Smoller in the Religious Education Office at sacredheartparishreled@gmail.com.

First Communion class blessing

Children who are preparing for First Holy Communion next spring in both Sacred Heart Elementary School and Sunday Religious Education will participate in a special rite of blessing during 9:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, October 1. Families are to sit up front as the children will be called forward with one parent to receive a Mass book. If you have any questions, please contact Sharon Smoller at sacredheartparishreled@gmail.com.

Catechetical Sunday

This year the Church will celebrate Catechetical Sunday on September 17. Parishes across the country will celebrate those who catechize (echo the word of God) to lead others to Jesus Christ. Children’s Faith Formation Catechists,Catholic school teachers, RCIA team members, Baptismal Preparation leaders, adult education facilitators,scripture study facilitators, and young adult facilitators are asked to attend 9:30 a.m. Mass to participate in the commissioning of your service. Contact Sharon Smoller for more information at sacredheartparishreled@gmail.com.


Are you someone or do you know someone who:

  • Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic?
  • Has a child over the age of seven who has not been baptized?
  • Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist?

We offer an opportunity to come together in a small group to learn more about our faith. Sessions focus on the teachings and experience of Church and prepare individuals to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist during the Easter season. There are separate sessions for youth and adults. If you have questions, contact Sharon Smoller at sacredheartparishreled@gmail.com.

Logo Wear Sale

Sacred Heart Athletic Association is sponsoring a logo wear sale. All orders can be turned into the school in an envelope marked "SHAA LOGO WEAR".  Checks should be made payble to the Sacred Heart Athletic Association.  Orders are due by September 7th.

Logo wear pick up will be September 25th from 3:00-5:00 p.m. in the Activities Buidling.  If you would like your items sent home with your child, please note as such on your order.

Order forms and catalog can be found on the school website and by clicking here.

September food: Rice-a-Roni

In conjunction with Sacred Heart Parish, the school will collect Rice-A-Roni to be contributed to the food bank run by the East End Cooperative Ministry.

Each month, the Christian Leadership Team members encourage all of us to contribute a different featured food to share with our neighbors in need. Thank you for your support.