Message from the Principal
Photo above: 2018 Student Executive Team.
Dear Parents,
It has been wonderful to see our Student Council leadership team grow and develop throughout the year. Last week the Student Council Executive implemented their “Kennedy Day” initiative, which involved an assembly run by students and fun lunchtime festival activities totally organised by our outstanding Student Councillors. It was great to see our student leadership team have a strong presence in the College. Both events were very well organised and extremely well supported by the student body. Congratulations to everyone involved.
Student Leadership 2018
Over the past week the College Executive has been involved in the process for selecting Year 12 student leaders for next year. It has been wonderful to have so many outstanding student applicants for these positions with a huge range of talent and leadership qualities. Congratulations to the following students and their families.
Head Boy: Callum Peterson
Head Girl: Prarthana Harish
Deputy Head Boy: Nicholas Hui
Deputy Head Girl: Kayleigh Hawke
Parent Survey
This week is the last opportunity for community members to provide feedback in our College wide survey. I would like to encourage all parents to complete the survey and contribute to the further development of Kennedy. All responses are valued and will be taken into consideration in our future planning.
Mr Mark Ashby
Lead us not into temptation
Matthew 6:13
This is one of the harder concepts, (the Lord's prayer), to get our heads around, as it raises a number of questions, primarily, if taken as read, knowing that God does not tempt us, (James 1:13), then why do we need to pray that He does not lead us to where temptation could take place?
The definition often given to the word temptation is one of being in a situation where we can choose to do what is right or what is wrong, but it can also mean, “to be put to the test,” as in, being challenged physically, emotionally or spiritually. In the New Testament, it is the second definition, which is the predominant thought. We see it with Jesus being led into the wilderness, by God the Holy Spirit, at the beginning of his public ministry (Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13) and when he was praying in the garden at Gethsemane (Matthew 26:39) towards the end of his ministry. The request in the Lords’ Prayer then becomes one of acknowledgement and reparation for the journey of every Believer, knowing that each day there will be challenges which will test us but that, at every point, God is with us (1 Corinthians 10:13). What I have discovered, even recently,
is when I am challenged by the ‘stuff’ of life that is when my faith shines (1 Peter: 6-7).
Let us not forget the first half of this phrase though, where God is shown to be actively interested in our lives. This portrayal reflects Psalm 23 where God is our Shepherd who not only leads us to places of calmness and peace (Psalm 23:1); and righteousness (v. 3) but also through the place of suffering to the other side (v 4). He is there, with our every step. He is indeed, Abba Father.
Year 7 Report
This term in Year 7 there has been a strong focus on student wellbeing, specifically a focus on student resilience when issues arise that cause them stress and positive ways to deal with that stress. Coping with difficult situations will be something that the current Year 7 students will increasingly have to deal with as they navigate adolescence. The various expectations of their family, teachers and their peers will have them questioning who they are and how they wish to approach challenges, so giving them strategies to deal with stressful situations is a positive thing. Strategies investigated this term included positive self-talk, identifying common thinking errors and using thinking strategies to examine the evidence and look at more helpful ways to think about issues. We also looked at lifestyle factors and choices including eating correctly and
getting the appropriate amount of exercise.
As we near the end of Term 3, students are beginning to look forward to their final term and beyond to their next year as Year 8 students. Subject selection sheets for 2018 have gone home and this is a timely reminder for Year 7 students to examine their current performance at the College and make firm commitments and goals for their future studies. To create positive change and implement positive study habits that will benefit them in the future, students need to make decisions now about the changes they will implement to achieve their goals.
Changes such as studying, even when you do not have to; implementing a timetable that they stick to for homework, study and play; putting down the PlayStation controller and realising that achievement does take effort. By creating and implementing changes now, students will see positive payoffs well into their future.
I hope that you have a restful and safe break during the holiday period.
Year 8 Report
This term seems to have sped by more quickly than usual and I hope that the Year 8s enjoyed our social at Lazer Tag Willetton. We will have our last social for the year at Leighton Beach next term.
Thank you to all the families who contributed to the Shoebox appeal. The support from the Year 8s was fantastic. I think we filled well over 30 boxes and raised over $50 for postage. What an absolutely fantastic response from you all. It is very healthy for the students to feel they have contributed to something good outside themselves. The money raised by our free dress day, will be used to support our Compassion child, enabling this child to get an education and some basic healthy food. Thank you again.
This term a group of Year 8 students was also involved in a fantastic Arts Showcase. It was a real privilege to be in the audience. We do have many extremely talented students who have worked hard to achieve a very high standard.
Next term lies ahead and I need to remind you that the exams are in Week 6. We will have four weeks of new work followed by a revision week. All work covered since the last exams needs to be revised. No work, which was assessed in Term 2 exams, will be assessed again.
This group of Year 8s has been very good and they are a real pleasure to work with. I would like to end with a quote from last week’s West Australian: “Children thrive in safe, loving, low conflict environments with adults who enjoy parenting and teach children social and emotional skills.”
God bless and have a safe break during the holiday period.
Photo above: Contributions to the Shoebox appeal.
Year 9 Report
It is that time of year where part of our focus moves to next year as this week our Year 9 students received their elective choices for Year 10. We offer such a great range of options for our students and it is exciting to think about next year. I hope that students choose some electives that bring enjoyment. Term 3 can often feel like long and I want to encourage the Year 9 students to continue to keep chipping away at their homework and assessments.
It has been great this year pairing with St Bartholomew’s House for our community service. Next to have this opportunity to serve is 9K2. I often get an email later that day after our Kennedy visit and the gentleman are still raving about speaking with our students and love them spending time and sharing stories with them. Next term 9S1 and 9S2 Forms will have the opportunity to participate.
I wish you all a safe and relaxing break.
Year 10 Report
What an exciting and busy end of Term 3 it has been for the Year 10s. All the nominations are in for 11/7 Mentors, Student Councillors and House Captains with the results being announced next week. I would personally like to congratulate and thank all nominees for being willing to serve their fellow students in these capacities.
We have had an action packed Wednesday Period 1 schedule this term. We have had the privilege of having a team from Nations Church come and worship with us, a team from Frame Initiatives come to speak about Protective Behaviours, and in Week 7 we were treated to an enjoyable morning organised by the Student Councillors. The student leaders cooked breakfast while we enjoyed a few games and built comradery in the year group.
On Wednesday Week 7 a small group of Year 10s attended a Social at Rockface Rock Climbing with a great time being had by all.
The biggest social event for Year 10s is the Year 10 Formal. Please save the date, Thursday 26 October (Week 3) for this event. This year payment will be made via the secure Payment Portal on the College website with instructions being on the information letter and permission slip, which will be handed to students next week. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Lastly, I encourage you all to pray for wisdom and support for all the Year 10s and their families at this time.
Photos above: Year 10s enyoing their Social at Rockface Rock Climbing.
Year 11 Report
As Term 3 draws to a close, we reflect on the great opportunities we have had throughout the term.
For Extended Form in Week 5, the Year 11 students were treated to an enjoyable morning organised by the Student Councillors. The student leaders cooked a sausage sizzle and hot drinks while we enjoyed a few games of ping pong and Jenga. It was great to have some time to relax and enjoy each other’s company before heading to classes for the day.
In Week 7, we all enjoyed the House competition run by our House Captains. There were numerous activities available, including chess, a spelling bee, dodgeball, a sci-fi quiz and a Uno competition. It was a brilliant morning, with all students able to participate in an activity of their choice. The competition was very close, but in the end, Stirling took out the top position!
Over the last few weeks, we have been going through the process of identifying next year’s Leadership Team. We had 18 applications for the Student Executive positions. The calibre of applicants was very high this year and as such, I am confident we will have a reliable, hard-working Student Executive, Student Council and House Captain team in 2018. Thank you to all applicants for their desire to contribute to the Kennedy community.
Next Tuesday, we are taking a group of students to Native Arc’s Native Animal Rehabilitation Centre in Bibra Lake to do some Community Service. I look forward to telling you all about it in the next newsletter!
Photos above: Year 11 Extended Form.
Year 12 Report
The school year is almost over for the Year 12s as we come near the end of Term 3. A letter will be emailed to all Year 12 parents and guardians this week outlining coming events and activities as well as information about the Year 12s’ Last Day at College and Graduation arrangements.
A very successful Spring Fling River Cruise was held on Friday 8 September. We boarded the Crystal Swan at Barrack Street Jetty close to Elizabeth Quay and set off on a three hour cruise on the Swan River. The students did a fantastic job with their fancy dress costumes and enjoyed the food, refreshments and dancing on board. The Year 12s are to be congratulated on their exemplary behaviour and the way they conducted themselves during the night. I was very proud of them. Voting by Staff for the Prize-winners was difficult but the following students received awards:
Best Male Costume: William Service as Pumpkin Head
Best Female Costume: Catherine Masturi as Lilo
Most Creative Costume (Male): Jason Elliott as a Barbarian
Most Creative Costume (Female): Sophie Cliff as the Phoenix from Harry Potter
Best Pair: Montelle Tuana and Mackenzie Stewart as Jellyfish
Best Dancer (Male): Ben Trezona
Best Dancer (Female): Saskia Zappia
Best Group: The Bunnings Boys (Tyler Lindorff, Connor Winter, Anthony Haddad, Jason Duryea, Sean Vettoor.
There are only two weeks left of this term and teachers are working hard to complete the syllabus in all subjects. The students have had lots of assessments and assignments that need to be completed before the end of term. The MOCK exams commence in the second week of the holidays and continue through the first week of next term. General students are not required to attend during this time. All Year 12 students will return to normal classes on Monday 16 October to go over exam results and revise for the upcoming WACE exams that commence on Wednesday 1 November. A letter going out this week will give more details.
Students who wish to apply through TISC for university courses or preparation courses are reminded that they must log on to the website and enter their course choices before Friday 29 September.
I would like to wish all students the very best as they prepare and sit for their MOCK and subsequent WACE exams and encourage all General students to make sure they have completed all parts of their courses.
Photos above: Spring Fling River Cruise.
Elective Selections
Elective Selections for 2018
Students currently in Years 7, 8 and 9 have been issued with information concerning elective courses for 2018.
Miss Lamet has also spoken with each year group. Parents are asked to read through the course information supplied with the grid selection sheet.
Please take note of extra costs, requirements and training that may apply to some courses. You can also find the course information through the following links:
Students who submit selections after Thursday 21 September are likely to miss out on their choices. For more information visit the website.
Mr Tim Jiow
Director of Studies
Kennedy Day 2017
On Wednesday 6 September 2017, we held our inaugural Kennedy Day to celebrate who we are at Kennedy. It was organized by the student leadership body with the intention to create an upbeat, fun and positive atmosphere for all to enjoy.
Congratulations to our Student Councillors on a well planned event.
Photos above: Kennedy Day 2017.
College Fees
Unknown Deposits
The following deposit have been made to the College's bank account. Details are as below:
07/06/2017 MISS SARAH MARE
If you have made this deposit please contact Mrs Michelle Willans in our Finance Department on 9314 7722 or email mwillans@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Students at Work and Excursion Updates
Political and Legal Principles
On 6 September, a group of Year 11 students experienced the practical application of the political and legal principles they have covered in class. The excursion focused on the Constitution. Students had the opportunity to attend the Western Australian Schools Constitution Convention, which this year has the focus of Indigenous Australians and the Constitution. Students had a fantastic day.
Mr Manuel Ilchuk
Politics and Law Teacher
Photography Excursion
The Year 10 Photography class visited the zoo a few weeks ago to capture animal portraits. Students captured some amazing images as evidenced by the portrait below.
Photo taken by Shannon Chandler.
Sport at Kennedy
On Wednesday 6 September our Junior basketball teams qualified for the finals for schools south of the river. Our boys team ended up finishing fourth and our girls finished fifth which was a great achievement. A big thank you to Mr Andy Stewart and Ms Jess van Schie for their time and effort in the training sessions beforehand and on the day.
Mr Scott Britza
Physical Educational Teacher
Interschool Athletics
The 2017 Interschool Athletics Carnival held last week showcased some of Kennedy’s amazing athletes who represented their College well. We had high expectations that our team would perform well, and they did, finishing second overall.
Congratulations to our Year 12 students Nathan George and Alex Fraser who competed in their final athletics competition for Kennedy Baptist College. Alex set a new record in the 400m - 56.55s and was the overall Open Female champion winner.
Nathan placed third overall in the Open Male age group. Luke Shaw placed second in the U/16 male championship and narrowly missed out on records in the 1500m, 800m and 400m.
In the final proceedings of the day, Kennedy won the aggregate shields in the following categories:
Senior Boys
Senior Girls
Overall Girls
Well done to the 2017 Athletics Team led by Daniel Kempson, Ineke Greyling, Reid Hinton and Alex Fraser. For more photos please click here.
Mr Jonathan Wood
Head of Physical Education
College Notices
The last day for students for Term 3 is Thursday 21 September. Students commence Term 4 on Monday 9 October at 8.15am.
Please note that students (with the exception of Year 12 students who will wear winter uniform) are to wear full summer uniform for Term 4. We hope that you have a restful and safe break during the holiday period.
Term 4 Uniform Shop Hours
Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 3.45pm
* Closed on Friday
Please note that the Uniform Shop will be closed for the first week of holidays and will re-open again on Monday 2 October.
Please contact Mrs Jo Van Der Merwe in the Uniform Shop by either phoning the College (phone 9314 7722) or by email: kjames@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Please click here for more details about our Uniform Shop.
Administration Office Hours over the Holiday Period
The Administration office will be closed during the first week of the school holidays and will re-open again on Monday 2 October.
Kennedy App
Download our app and keep up to date with all College activities, events and news, newsletters, school documents and notification alerts.
You can also contact the College directly through the app, with the absentee and contact forms. For more information go to our website.
Celebrating Student Achievements
Kennedy Baptist College commend our students for their hard work and commitment. Kennedy is proud of their achievements and we wish them all the best.
Cameron Holmes
Congratulations to Cameron Holmes who has been assessed and is now ready to commence an Electrotechnical Apprenticeship.
Jorja Elsbury
Congratulations to Jorja Elsbury who made the State Team for Basketball.
Zoe Grice & Alesha Foster
Congratulations to Zoe Grice and Alesha Foster who have been selected to represent WA in the 2017 Touch Football Team. This team will be competing at the Schools Sports Australia National Championships in Adelaide in December.
Ethan Cook
Congratulations to Ethan and his team. They returned home from the Bruce Cup with a Bronze medal. It is a fantastic result for WA Tennis - WA has only medalled once before, a bronze, in 2009.
Aron Attiwell
Congratulations to Aron who entered into a local film competition. Aron attended the final presentation earlier this month worked hard and made it into the top ten!
Photo above: Ethan Cook with his team.
Photo above: Aron Attiwell along with his parents.
Parents & Friends Association
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle
The Kennedy P&F is looking for parent volunteers for their annual Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Fund Raiser on Saturday 16 September at O'Connor Bunnings on South Street. We have the following times slots:
7:30am - 10:30am
10:30am - 12:30am
12:30am - 2:30pm
2:30pm - 4:30pm
If you are able to help then please contact Sharon by email.
Stay Connected
Apart from reading about us in the newsletter the best ways to find out about what is happening with the P&F are:
To come along to a meeting. Our next meeting is in Term 4 on Tuesday 10 October at 7.00pm. We have one meeting a term and this is a good opportunity to hear about what is happening in the College. Please email the P&F for more information.
Join our facebook community – Kennedy P&F. This is also a really good way to find/sell second hand items such as uniforms, text books etc.
The holidays are almost here and we hope that you have a good, restful and safe break.
Entertainment Book
The Kennedy P&F do a wonderful job raising money for the College. Please support them by ordering your Entertainment Book here
Community Events
Relationships Australia is a leading provider of relationship support services for individuals, families and communities. We aim to support all people in Australia to achieve positive and respectful relationships.
Parenting Courses September 2017 are now available. Please click here for more information.
Our qualified and experienced teachers want to help! Boost student confidence and marks. For current courses please click here.
Year 12 ATAR Exam Boost Seminars
Target your exam preparation with a one day seminar for $200. Click here for more information.
Term 3 Intensive holiday revision classes at Rossmoyne Senior High School. Monday to Friday, 25 September – 29 September & 2 October – 6 October.
Year 4 - 10 Maths & English (Week 1 only). Please click here for more information.
Get summer ready now! Lakeside Fitness Centre has something for everyone! Our Gym has a large range of high quality, user-friendly equipment. A variety of fun and effective Group Fitness Classes are available each week. For more information please click here.
Topic: Taming the Stress Monster in Adolescence. Suitable for adolescents 14+ attending with their parents - $20 per ticket. Wednesday 18 October 2017, 7.00 - 9.00pm at Kennedy Baptist College, Farrington Road, Murdoch.
John Curtin Undergraduate Scholarship 2018
Nominations close: 4.30pm 22 September 2017
The John Curtin Undergraduate Scholarship 2018 is now open for nominations. The scholarship is for academically gifted students who have excelled in a wide range of endeavours and have lent their talents and energies to the community around them. Candidates must demonstrate John Curtin’s qualities of vision, leadership, and community service. Please click here for more information.
WAAPA Arts Management and Live Production Information Evening. To find out more about these exciting courses, come along to our WAAPA Arts Management and Live Production Information Evening. At ECU Mount Lawley Campus on Thursday, 14 September at 6.00pm Please register here.
For future students important dates please click here.
Apply direct - Undergraduate applications due 29 September. For more information please viist our website.
A day in the life of a Murdoch University student for Year 9 & 10 students!
If you are currently in Year 9 or 10, we have the perfect opportunity for you! Join us for the day as you create your own customised university timetable of activities, and meet new friends while you explore the campus and take part in hands-on workshops in areas that interest you.
Spots are limited, so register today! There are two dates available:
Date option 1: Wednesday 27 September 2017
Date option 2: Thursday 28 September 2017
Cost is Free! You only need to bring money for your lunch. At Murdoch University, Perth campus from 8.00am - 3.45pm. Register here.
Creative Media at Murdoch
Are you a considering submitting a media portfolio for a Creative Media or Communications degree?
Come join us on Friday 29 September from 9:30am - 2:00pm for the Media Portfolio Prep Day and participate in creative workshops conducted by our academics, get feedback on your work and learn how to compile it all into a stunning portfolio for submission. For more information please click here.