1. ASF takes heavy toll on herds in Bulgaria, Vietnam; as China bans imports of Indonesian pork03.01.2020. Global. African Swine FeverAlthough China is getting all the attention, the African Swine Fever (ASF) outbreak is taking a devastating toll on other countries’ swine herds, as well. The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) reports the disease has been detected in 50 countries and territories globally. Source 1: Meating Place 2. Outbreak-related hard boiled egg recall now includes consumer products30.12.2019. USA. ListeriaAlmark Foods is expanding its recall of hard boiled eggs to include products sold directly to consumers, but the company continues to downplay whether its contaminated plant is behind a Listeria outbreak.Source: Food Safety News 3. High pathogenic bird flu in Poland02.01.2020. Poland. Avian InfluenzaOn New Year’s Eve, authorities in Poland reported an infection of H5N8 highly pathogenic avian influenza in the eastern part of the country. Source: Poultry World 4. Coming in 2020: Europe and Asia03.01.2020. Global. Food SafetyWhile people reading this may not be able to agree whether 2020 is the start of a new decade or end of the last one like many on social media, I am sure we can agree to focus on food safety. Source: Food Safety News 5. Shigella sickens eight in Norway; link to peas from Kenya28.12.2019. Norway. ShigellaNorwegian officials are investigating a national outbreak of Shigella linked to sugar peas, also referred to as sugar snaps, from Kenya. Source: Food Safety News 6. Italy taps blockchain to combat Sicilian blood orange food fraud20.12.2019. Italy. Food Fraud Italy is affixing high-tech tags to crates of PGI Sicilian blood oranges in an effort to boost transparency and protect against food fraud. Source: Food Navigator 7. Raw milk risks, Salmonella and Listeria discussed in EU; high contamination levels revealed03.01.2020. Europe. Raw MilkPathogens in raw milk, Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes were discussed at the annual meeting of a European microbial risk assessment network. Source: Food Safety News 8. The year ahead for the EU feed sector: Environmental footprinting, feed fraud controls, soy sourcing, and myth debunking23.12.2019. Eurpoe. Regulationthis year is almost behind us. It was one where the issue of climate change dominated the discourse and one where a lot of questions were asked of feed and livestock production in terms of their environmental impact.Source: Feed Navigator 9. Virulent Newcastle disease back on the radar in California27.12.2019. USA. Newcastle DiseaseAfter a quiet start to the fourth quarter, virulent Newcastle disease (vND) is back and spreading quickly among backyard chicken flocks in Southern California, according to USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Source: Meating Place At Dawn Farms we offer a full product solution for cooked, dried and fermented meat ingredients across pizza, sandwich and prepared meal sectors. We are proud to be the preferred supplier to the world's leading food brands and are considered to be the industry leaders in food safety, sustainability and insight-led product innovation. We put the customer at the heart of everything we do, which is why for your convenience all our products are fully cooked and ready-to-eat. Visit our website to discover the ingredients that set us apart. ![]()
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