1. 938 people now infected in backyard poultry outbreak29.07.2020. USA. SalmonellaCDC and public health officials in 48 states are investigating multiple outbreaks of Salmonella infections linked to contact with poultry in backyard flocks, such as chicks and ducklings, with more illnesses so far this year than in previous similar outbreaks.Source: Center for Disease Control2. Courgettes linked to rare food poisonings in England25.07.2020. UK. Toxic Squash SyndromeAt least one person has fallen ill from home-grown courgettes and commercial seeds have been recalled due to elevated levels of curcurbitacins which can cause 'toxic squash syndrome'. Source: Food Safety News 3. Avian influenza strains may be more harmful than earlier thought29.07.2020. SE Asia/Africa. Avian InfluenzaOutbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) have been confirmed in poultry and other commercial birds in the Philippines, South Africa, and Vietnam. Source: WattAgNet 4. Food fraud - on the rise during the COVID pandemic28.07.2020. Global. Food FraudLast week's Opson 2020 report, spanning December 2019 to June 2020 (the pandemic period), revealed that 19 organised crime groups were dismantled and over 400 arrests made. Does this just scratch the surface of criminal activity in supply chains?Source: New Food Magazine 5. Listeriosis outbreak in New Zealand prompts a warning by Authorities24.07.2020. New Zealand. ListeriaAuthorities in New Zealand are investigating three recent cases of listeriosis in the Bay of Plenty region to see if they are linked and to find a source of the infections. Source: Food Safety News 6. More than 800 hospitalised in food poisoning outbreak near Amman30.07.2020. Jordan. Food PoisoningA food poisoning outbreak in Jordan has sickened more than 800 people and killed a child, all of whom ate cut-price shawarma from a restaurant outside Amman, the health ministry has said. Source: The Guardian 7. Increase in Hepatitis A cases in China linked to seafood28.07.2020. China. Hepatitis AAn increase in Hepatitis A infections in the coastal cities of Dalian and Dongang earlier this year has been attributed to eating raw or under cooked seafood. Source: Food Safety News 8. How do you clean your peppercorns of Salmonella?23.07.2020. South Korea. SalmonellaA nonthermal process that applies ultraviolet (UV)–C and helium cold plasma (CP) simultaneously (UV-CP) is proposed as a technology to inactivate Salmonella on black peppercorns. Source: Barf Blog 9. Human Parasitic Diseases: A Diagnostic Atlas26.07.2020. Global. PathogensFor the disease detectives this week, Barf Blog reports on the publication of a 'beautifully illustrated' and invaluable resource for parasitologists, microbiologists, pathologists, and infectious disease practitioners. Source: Barf Blog At Dawn Farms we offer a full product solution for cooked, dried and fermented meat ingredients across pizza, sandwich and prepared meal sectors. We are proud to be the preferred supplier to the world's leading food brands and are considered to be the industry leaders in food safety, sustainability and insight-led product innovation. We put the customer at the heart of everything we do, which is why for your convenience all our products are fully cooked and ready-to-eat. Visit our website to discover the ingredients that set us apart. ![]()
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