No images? Click here ![]() 7 September 2021 Kia ora koutou katoa, Although COVID-19 is still the issue dominating our lives I must start by acknowledging the terrible event that took place in Auckland on Friday. First and foremost, my thoughts are with the victims and, thankfully we hear they are recovering. It is dreadful to think of this country again being marked by a terror attack. Although we know to our cost what can happen, events like these are rare and all the more shocking as a result. We are all affected in some way and one of the results of Friday's attack has been a rise in abuse directed at some of our communities. We have been in close touch with Muslim and Sri Lankan community groups since Friday and we have heard how they have been targeted, both online and in person. This is wrong on every level and I encourage anyone experiencing racial abuse to contact the Police. Thankfully most New Zealanders are kind and reach out to help others in need. It is one of the things I like best about this country. Please be kind. At midnight tonight New Zealand outside of Auckland will move to COVID-19 Alert Level 2. Auckland remains at Alert Level 4 for the moment. So it is good news and bad news. Case numbers are coming down so let us hope Auckland can drop alert levels before too long. Personally I cannot wait to get back to the office and meet with people face to face. But not everyone feels that way and I have colleagues who could happily work from home permanently. Either way, we all still face rules we need to follow to help keep New Zealand safe. Alert Level 2 A lot more can happen at Alert Level 2:
However, this time around, Alert Level 2 will be a bit different to how it worked in the past. This is because of the Delta Variant of COVID-19 and the fact that it spreads more easily than variants we have faced before. The main differences between Alert Level 2 now and previously are:
There are also rules for businesses to be able to operate safely including, face coverings, social distancing and dealing with customers face to face. Vaccination continues Earlier today the Prime Minister spoke about securing extra vaccine supplies to help meet demand. Vaccination rates have shot up in the last few weeks which is great news. Anyone who hasn't booked their vaccination yet can book an appointment online or by calling 0800 28 29 26. This phone line has interpreters. Vaccination is now open for everyone aged 12 and over. Where to get more information The website remains the central source of information and updates on COVID-19. It includes comprehensive information translated into multiple languages. We are here to help Our regional teams are here to help. If you need to get in touch with us, here is a list of our Regional Managers. We would be delighted to talk with you. Northern Region (upper North Island) Central (central and lower-North Island) Southern Region (South Island) If you prefer, you can reach us by email at Please keep sharing key information with your communities, take care of yourselves, your families and loved ones, and be kind. Ngā mihi nui, Mervin Singham |