Message from the Principal
Photo above: Students performing at the Music Night.
As we approach the end of Term 2 I would like to congratulate all students on their hard work and thank them for contributing to the many aspects of the life of the College. Kennedy offers many opportunities for students and it has been very pleasing to see so many embrace the extra-curricular activities that have been made available to them including:
A range of Interschool sport competitions including the SAS program.
Arts Cup. It was fantastic to see so many students audition for the Arts Cup. This is an important component of the House competition and it was very impressive to see everyone treat our performers with such respect and support.
Cross Country, which was another great event and it was wonderful to see so many students attempting to do their best on the run. Our Interschool team represented the College with excellence and produced some outstanding results.
Ongoing academic tutoring for all students with additional support for the examinations.
Numerous Arts based performances and excursions, including our special music night with a guest performance from internationally acclaimed concert pianist Jovanni–Rey de Pedro.
Tours. This week 37 Year 10 students will spend the first week of the holidays skiing in Queenstown and then touring New Zealand with a range of adventure activities. We also have 16 Year 11 students travelling to Cambodia with three staff members to work with Transform Cambodia in Phnom Penh. It will be my pleasure and privilege to officially open the Kennedy Baptist Centre with our students next week. We look forward to a long relationship with Transform Cambodia as contribute to the lives of people living in poverty.
It is this wide range of activities that make Kennedy a vibrant and dynamic organisation and so pleasing to see families welcome and accept the opportunities available. On behalf of the Kennedy Staff I wish everyone a safe and relaxing semester break. As I will be on Long Service Leave for Term 3, I trust everyone has an industrious and successful term and I look forward to returning in Term 4.
Mr Mark Ashby
In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) we have a new form of the Torah (teachings, instructions) which are both Messianic in nature and the Constitution of the Kingdom of Heaven. In doing this, Jesus not only provides his followers with a blueprint that the original listeners would have recognised as being “an upgrade” to the 10 Commandments given by Moses (Exodus 20), he also establishes himself as being superior to Moses. We are given more than a series of instructions though; we are given the promise of power to fulfill all that is asked of us and a life which is transformed from the inside out and fully surrendered to the Messiah.
What is most striking about Matthew 5:1-14 is that the word translated as “Blessed” has such a depth of meaning. The Greek word makarios initially was about the gods, who had, by their nature, achieved the ultimate carefree and debt free and death free, lifestyle. It was also used to describe those who were wealthy, as they enjoyed the riches and authority which placed them above many of the worries of the world. If we apply the nuances of makarios to this passage (using the Passion Translation) we find terms such as ‘delight’ (v4), ‘enriched’ (v6), ‘satisfied’ (v7), ‘bliss’ (v8), ‘ecstatic’ (v 11) and ‘leap for joy’ (v12). Terms synonymous with great happiness, (Godly) prosperity (c.f. 2 Peter 1:3), abundant goodness. It is about the capacity to enjoy union and communion with
God. These are not abstract concepts either because they are spoken directly to the disciples of Jesus and to all those who would be included in His Kingdom.
These holidays, remember, that wherever you are, whatever you are doing, you are living in and under the protection and authority of the One who wants to see you flourish. Enjoy!
Deputy Principal Curriculum Report
Reporting for all students will be completed by the close of business Friday 29 June.
Grading for semester reports is referred to as an indicative grade. This means the grade provides an indication of the level of understanding of the concepts covered to date. As the year progresses, concepts increase in difficulty so it is not unusual for grades at the end of the year to differ from the semester grade.
Year 7-10 Grading
Students in Year 7-10 are taught and assessed on concepts described by the Western Australian Curriculum. This curriculum is provided by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority. The Western Australian Curriculum is not applicable to French; Indonesian; Christian Education, Creative Writing and Year 9 & 10 sport electives.
The report states a WAC grade which describes the level of understanding a student has demonstrated on the prescribed Western Australian Curriculum. The curriculum and grade are age specific; therefore a Year 7 student attaining a C grade in a course has achieved a satisfactory level of understanding for the Year 7 curriculum. The grade does not and cannot provide information for a different year level.
The College has streaming in some subjects. The semester grade provides a statement of student achievement within a stream, therefore a student who attains a C grade in Year 10 Advanced Mathematics has maintained satisfactory progress on the curriculum presented to the students in the Advanced class(es). The semester grade is applicable within a stream and cannot be used as a comparison outside of the stream in which it is allocated. In courses which are not streamed the Semester and WAC grades are usually the same.
A Certificate of Excellence is awarded in every course completed in a semester. The Certificate is presented to the student who has completed the teaching and assessment program and achieved the highest course mark.
The Certificate of Achievement is based on the number of ‘A’ grades a student achieves. The ‘A’ grades are calculated from the Semester or Year grade, not the WAC grade.
Deputy Principal Pastoral Care Report
Recently members of the Pastoral Care team attended the Generation Next Conference, ”The Mental Health and Wellbeing of Young People” held at the University of Western Australia.
A number of keynote speakers discussing common issues impacting the wellbeing of young people included:
Alpha Cheng- 2017 Young Australian of the Year and Advocate for Social Cohesion Matt X-Counter Violent Extremist Consultant. Choosing not to hate
Dr Sally Gainsbury- Clinical Psychologist Sydney University. Gambling and Young People
Greg Gebhart, Senior Education Trainer, Office of the eSafety Commissioner. What’s Shaping the World of ESafety in 2018
Prof Susan Paxton- Psychologist La Trobe University. Positive Body Image
Fiona McCallum- General Manager of Good Grief. Change, Loss, Grief and Trauma
Dr Justin Coulson- Parenting Wellbeing and Positive Psychology Expert. Four Steps to Emotional Intelligence
Paul Dillon- Director of Drug and Alcohol Research Training Australia (DARTA). Alcohol and Consent
Andrew Fuller- Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychologist. Rewiring your brain for better mental health
Our staff will be bringing the valuable information from the Conference back to present to student groups in Term 3 as well as booking a number of the speakers to come and address students directly. As Term 2 concludes I wish you a safe and relaxing holiday break.
College Board Says Thank You
The Board of Kennedy Baptist College would like to express its thanks to all parents who completed their online survey by answering the question, “What do you want Kennedy Baptist College to be famous for?” Your feedback has significantly assisted us as we put together the College’s Strategic Plan for 2019 - 2021. I am sure that you will begin to see the benefits for the College and your children over the next three years.
Mr Philip Bryant
Board Chairman
Annual Music Night
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Thank you to all the students and supportive families for a great night of music performances on Tuesday 26 June. What a variety of musical talent we have here at Kennedy Baptist College – from percussion groups to rock bands to solo pianists, and the list goes on. Congratulations in particular to the students who performed solos, duets or trios – this is a brave step for our young performers. Our next major Music event will be the performances at Open Day on Saturday 25 August. Details about ensembles and solo performances will be released in the first few weeks of Term 3. Please click here for photos of the music night.
Instrumental Music Program
Enrolments for Term 3 Instrumental lessons are now closed. We are excited to announce that we now have over 90 students per week taking lessons on the following instruments at Kennedy: Drumkit/Percussion, Guitar/Bass, Piano/Keyboard, Trumpet, Violin, Vocal and Woodwind (Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone). Enrolment Forms can still be submitted to Mrs Janelle Anthony at janthony@kennedy.wa.edu.au and will be put on a waiting list for Term 4.
Mrs Janelle Anthony
Music Teacher
Research and Study Centre
Book Club – Quidditch!
The Book Club meets every Tuesday from 3.20pm to 4.00pm and we have had a great year so far! Several weeks ago we had a special guest – someone who loves War stories and has travelled extensively to places of significance in the Second World War. Mr Burton was highly entertaining as he spoke to us of favourite childhood novels, what he is reading now and great War stories – we all thoroughly enjoyed his visit and had ANZAC biscuits to enhance the experience!
A couple of weeks ago as fans of Harry Potter, we had a game of Quidditch – what a lovely thing to do – running around on Broomsticks chasing the Quaffle while the Golden Snitch rode around on a bike trying to keep away from the Chasers! We got a bit wet – as you can see from the photo, but it was great fun – a shout out to Crystal, Charlotte, Xavier and Ella who were a big help packing up.
Plagiarism and Academic Honesty
It is not always easy for students to understand when they are plagiarising, and we want them to use all the excellent information that is available to them both on the internet and in other resources, ethically. So this term we have worked with all our Year 7s through English to teach a unit on plagiarism. The basics are that if you use information from a source, you must acknowledge that in both the paragraph which uses the information, and then in the bibliography at the end. This was very successful, and next term we will be doing something similar with our Year 10 students. More information can be found here.
Mrs Virginia Yurisich
Head of Research and Study
Literary Book Club
This year we have begun a Literary Book Club for students in Years 10,11 and 12, reading and discussing literature on the ATAR recommended reading list. We meet twice a term at Friday lunch to discuss the book read by all of us.
So far we have read/discussed The Book Thief, The Secret River, All the Light You Cannot See and The Light Between Oceans. It is a lovely time where we share a love of reading, and discuss some great literature accompanied by food (as you can see in the photo above)! Miss Dalziel and Mr Errey are a great source of inspiration at this meeting too!
I encourage students who love reading and would like to expand their knowledge to come along - they can pop in to the RASC and let myself, Mrs Yurisich know if they are interested.
Students At Work
Drama Excursion
On 18 June the Year 10 Drama Specialist students attended the performance of A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams. Streetcar is a classic story of love, passion and power which was performed with integrity by WAAPA’s 3rd year students.
Blanche Dubois, raised in the elegant world of a Southern plantation, comes to stay with her younger sister, Stella Kowalski and husband, Stanley, in a crowded New Orleans’ apartment. Stanley’s brutish and tormenting behaviour threatens to shatter Blanche’s fragile sense of self and to destroy her last chance of happiness.
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Drama and the New York Drama Critics’ Circle Best Play in 1948, A Streetcar Named Desire is one of the most celebrated plays of the 20th century. What a wonderful opportunity it was to see a live performance!
Mrs Liezl Breytenbach
Drama Teacher
KEEP Student Market Day
As part of the Year 7 HASS KEEP program students showed an interest in developing their entrepreneurial skills in the Economics and Business topic of the course. We then decided to hold a market day where different products could be sold. The businesses the students developed included: Kookies@Kennedy, Bliss Bath Bombs, Sweet Little Tastes, MMJ’s mini festival and Joothies. With some trepidation and lots of excitement - we set up our stalls during lunch time to sell to the student population. Kookies@Kennedy sold out in 10mins! MMJ’s Mini Festival organised for the Principal and Deputy to bring in their dogs as mascots and are donating their proceeds to the RSPCA. The rest of the stalls voted to direct their proceeds to Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation. It was a wonderful lunch which the students really enjoyed and were able to, in a safe place, develop their confidence and understanding of business.
Mrs Amy Austen
Humanities Teacher
Photo above: Drama students.
Photo above: Keep Students stall the Sweet Little Tastes.
Year 10 Photography Excursion
In Week 8 the Year 10 Photography students went on an excursion, to take examples of ‘street photography’ in Perth City. Using their camera and composition skills, the students explored the Cultural Centre and Forrest Chase to find interesting images, such as buskers, skateboarders, builders and a lady carrying a massive toy giraffe! Back at school, the students were able to manipulate their photographs in Photoshop to enhance the photos they had taken, and submit them for assessment. Thank you to Mrs Ashby and Mr Wilkins who accompanied the students on the excursion.
Mr Simon James
Media and Photography Teacher
Gravity Discovery Centre
The Year 12 students travelled to the Gravity Discovery Centre on Tuesday 26 June to learn about the discovery and detection of gravity waves. The first task was to reenact Galileo's experiment with balloons filled with different amounts of water to demonstrate that they take the same time to reach the ground when dropped from the 44m high leaning tower of Gingin. The second task was to determine the mass of the Earth using the giant conical pendulum. Hayden, our instructor shared his Physics knowledge and showed us the exhibits which covered telescopes, Skylab remnants, early Universe and gravity wells.
Mrs Brenda Richter
Science Teacher
Photo above: 'Lanter the city is unique' taken by a Year 10 student.
Photo above: Year 12 students travelled to the Gravity Discovery Centre
Year 12 Politics and Law
On Thursday 21 June, Year 12 Politics and Law students had the privilege of attending the Politics and Law Humanities and Social Sciences Symposium at Notre Dame University. Over 350 students and teachers from a range of different high schools attended this event. The purpose of the Symposium was to provide useful insights into various WACE Political and Legal topics. The seminars were delivered by staff from Notre Dame.
The Topics covered included: The tyranny of the majority vs the tyranny of the judiciary: What do we do when a judge “goes rogue”?, Fines, incarceration for fine default and the impact on Aboriginal people in Western Australia, and what do human rights have to do with counter-terrorism laws?
Following the Symposium, the students also had the privilege of looking at a copy of the handwritten illuminated “Saint John’s Bible” that is currently on display at the University’s library. Students were also provided with an amazing morning tea and lunch that was provided by the University.
Mr Manuel Ilchuk
Politics and Law Teacher
Mock Trial
On the evening of Monday 25 June, the Kennedy Baptist College legal teams once again spent the night in the Supreme Court of Western Australia. Both mock trial teams demonstrated excellent advocacy and performance skills, as they battled against Lake Joondalup Baptist College in a Criminal Case. It was an alleged ‘assault causing bodily harm’ case which is said to have occurred during a Rugby game. Both Kennedy legal teams presented the case for the Defence. Kennedy 1 won the case, but lost the round by only half a point. Kennedy 2 lost the case, and lost on points by a relatively small margin.
The Kennedy students gave an amazing performance, demonstrating finely developed skills of an effective legal team. The result of much hard work and preparation.
With one team having 2 wins and 1 loss, whether or not we make it to the next round depends on the results of the other teams in the competition. A little bit like the Australian Socceroos in the FIFA World Cup.
Mr Manuel Ilchuk
Politics and Law Teacher
Photo above: Year 12 Politics and Law students.
Photo above: Mock Trail team round three.
Sport at Kennedy
SSWA Squash
15 students represented Kennedy at the Senior Division of the SSWA Squash championships on 27 June. With a number of state representative players competing for their respective schools, competition was intense and it was an outstanding result for our teams to emerge as champions in both the Boys and Girls tournaments. Congratulations to all players on their excellent efforts.
Mr Mark Ashby
SSWA Girls Basketball
The Kennedy Baptist College Senior Girls Basketball team competed in the SSWA Girls Basketball grand final at Bendat Basketball Stadium against Willetton SHS on Tuesday 26 June. The game was a closely fought contest with the girls coming out winners 61-48.
The girls played extremely well as a team and special mention to Claire Jacobs who was named game MVP with a game high 30 points.
Mr Ben Pether
Physical Education Teacher
The Kennedy Baptist College Senior SAS Boys AFL team competed in the SAS AFL grand final at Kennedy Sports Oval against Ursula Frayne Catholic College on Tuesday 26th of June. The Kennedy players’ were dominant in their performance coming away comfortable winners 53 to 9. Special mention to the midfield group of Eric Botha, Travis Parker and Ben Garbin who led from the front all day and put the result beyond doubt.
Mr Ben Pether
Physical Education Teacher
Photo above: SSWA Girls Basketball.
Photo above: SAS AFL Boys.
Back to School Information
Term 2 concludes for students on Thursday 28 June 2018. Term 3 will commence on Tuesday 17 July 2018 at 8.15am.
The Administration office will re-open on Monday 9 July. We hope that you have a restful and safe semester break.
College Notices
Kennedy Community Open Day
Community Open Day will be held on Saturday 25 August from 10.00am - 2.00pm. If you would like to volunteer and help on the day, please contact the P&F Association here.
Do you have a voice for radio?
We are looking for three students to take part in a radio campaign to advertise our upcoming Open Day. It will involve recording a 15 second advertisement.
If you think that you have a good voice for radio and would like to take part in this event can you please send expressions of interest to mbeaurain@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Please discuss with your parents and gain their permission before applying. Applications close Term 3 on Friday 20 July.
Unknown Deposits
The following deposit has been made to the College's bank account.
If you have made this deposit please contact Mrs Michelle Willans in our Finance Department on 9314 7722 or email her here. Details below:
Holiday Opening Hours
The Uniform Shop will be open during the holidays on the following dates: Wednesday 11 July & Thursday 12 July from 8.30am to 12.30pm and 1.00pm to 3.30pm.
Please contact Mrs Kerry James kjames@kennedy.wa.edu.au for any enquiries or information.
Lost Property Cupboard
Lost Property cupboard is full of unnamed uniform items, please visit the lost property cupboard in Student Services if you are missing items.
Upcoming Events For Term 3
Year 10-12 Awards Assembly
Wednesday July 18 at 8.45am in our Auditorium.
P&F Meeting
Tuesday 24 July at 6.30pm in the Staff Lounge.
Year 7-9 Awards Assembly
Wednesday 25 July at 8.45am in our Auditorium.
Arts Showcase
Dance Showcase is coming up in Term 3 on Friday 10 August.
Interhouse Athletics Carnival
Thursday 16 August
Community Open Day
Saturday 25 August from 10.00am - 2.00pm
Celebrating Students Achievements
We wish all our students all the best as they compete at these events.
Ethan Cook
Last week Ethan qualified for the main draw of the Junior International Tennis Federation (ITF) and then won his first round match in the main draw to earn himself his first junior world ranking points. Ethan earned his first doubles junior world ranking points by making the quarterfinal of the doubles on 19 June.
Millie Jones
Millie has been selected to represent Western Australia in the 2018 AFL U/15 girls team. This Team will be competing at the School Sports Australia National Championships in Adelaide during July.
Kate Wallington
Kate has been selected to represent Western Australia in the 2018 Swimming Team. This Team will be competing at the School Sports Australia National Championships in Hobart, Tasmania in July.
Taj Varga
Taj Varga, one of our students is part of the Western Meteors team and had a great time competing at the 2018 Australian Senior League Baseball Championships held in Lismore, NSW. Taj’s team finished 7th overall, from a strong contingency of 11 teams in total. The Western Meteors made it into the local paper here. Well done Taj.
Beth Mather
Beth was selected to sing her way across the country with the Australian Girls Choir. Kennedy wish her all the best.
Zander Greyling & Livan Du Toit
Zander and Livan both have been selected to represent Western Australia in the 2018 State Ice Hockey Championships in Melbourne this year.
Community Events
Term 2 holiday revision classes from Monday 2 July to Friday 6 July. Year 11 - 12 ATAR Maths, Physics & Chemistry and Year 4 - 10 Maths and English.
Please click here for more information.
Curtin Open Day 2018. Explore the Curtin campus, learn about courses, speak to lecturers and current students, participate in activities and have lots of fun. On Sunday 29 July 2018 at 10.00am to 4.00pm at the Curtin University, Bentley Campus. Please click here for more information.
Join us for a guided tour around our Perth campus on 13 July. Please click here for more information.
Year 12 Individual Advisory Sessions will also be held on 10-12 July. We will be discussing UWA courses, admission requirements and more. Please click here for more information.
Information Technology Information Evening will be held on Wednesday 18 July 2018 at 5:00pm - 7:30pm. Please click here for more information.
Murdoch Open Day 2018 will be held on Saturday 28 July from 10.00am - 4.00pm. Invite a friend and join us! Click here for more information.
A Day in the Life of a Uni Student on Friday 6 July. Bring your friends, enjoy delicious eats and plan your own schedule for the day based on your areas of interest. More information here.
Plus a 1-on-1 Advice Sessions from 9-13 July. Register here.
WAAPA at ECU is offering an exciting performing arts program for young people this July school holidays. For the first time, we are including courses for students from Years 1 to 12. The Winter School includes classes in drama, acting, screen acting, dance, musical theatre and RAP.
For information about the many courses on offer please click here, visit Winter School or contact Gabrielle Metcalf at g.metcalf@ecu.edu.au or 9370 6775.
Designed to develop athletics' skills and techniques for boys and girls aged 8 to 16 Years.
On Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 July from 9:00am to 3:00pm. Cost: 1 Day $90. Includes Hat or Shoe Bag.
For more information or to register please click here.
Study at UNSW Canberra! UNSW Canberra has international recognition as a successful, research-intensive university - generating new knowledge for the benefit of present and future generations which has had an impact around the globe. Click here for more information.
ATARextra will be conducting Revision and Exam Preparation classes for Year 11 and 12 students at Wesley College the first week of the July holidays, commencing Monday 2 July to Friday 6 July. Please click here for more information.
Join Dr Patricia Weerakoon on a talk about sex, sexuality, gender and identity are major issues facing Christians today. This talk is to help parents and staff understand these issues from a Christian perspective.
18 July from 7:00pm - 8:30pm at Rehoboth Christian College. Please note that this is strictly an “adults only” event. Please click here to buy tickets.
Struggling to know how to support your teenager with tricky issues like bullying, anxiety and relationships? Whatever the issue, you’re not alone. An opportunity for parent coaching. Please click here for more information.