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Aarhus Universitet

INside Health

14 JUNE 2018


DKK 100,000 in midwife help for an ERC grant
Health is establishing a funding pool totalling DKK 1.5 million for distribution among 15 researchers who wish to position themselves for an ERC grant. The DKK 100,000 can be used for anything that helps researchers write a good application and the offer is open to everyone – including researchers who do not already have a long CV.

Who is this year's research talent?
Two years ago, Health established a new award targeting junior research talents. Trine Hyrup Mogensen was the first to receive the award named after Nobel Prize winner Jens Christian Skou. Last year Simon Glerup received the award. Now it is time to nominate candidates for this year's award.

More ReAP will benefit everyone
VIDEO: The faculty management team is intensifying its efforts in the fight for external research funding. This means that all applications from DKK 100,000 and above must now be entered in ReAP, the faculty's system for the registration of applications for funding. The goals are an overview of search patterns and to provide better help for those who need it.

Increased follow-up does not benefit colorectal cancer patients
It makes no difference whether colorectal cancer patients are CT-scanned twice or five times in the first three years after surgery. The survival rate after five years is the same – and also better than expected. This is shown by a large Danish/Swedish randomised controlled trial which has been published in the scientific journal JAMA.

From Science to Sales

Over the course of the summer, INside Health will be focusing on some of the entrepreneurial doctors and researchers at Health who might also add ‘developer’ or ‘inventor’ to their business cards. In every newsletter, we offer you a fresh take on how to go from ‘Science to Sales’.

Electric shocks stop people grinding their teeth
An engineer and a pain and muscle researcher pooled their knowledge to create a product that helps bruxism (teeth grinding) and provides a restful night's sleep.

Internal focus

New healthcare collaboration for 35,000 employees and 1.2 million citizens
Aarhus University, the Central Denmark Region and VIA University College are launching a new healthcare collaboration. The ambitious initiative – which goes under the title "Human First" – not only aims to optimise and coordinate research, education and treatment. Its goal is to make the region well-known for healthcare by putting people first.

Medical cannabis and heartfelt stories; Health is ready for Denmark's Political Festival 2018
What carries most weight: Gripping anecdotes or evidence? Health invites you to a political debate about medical cannabis on prescription.

upcoming events

PhD defence: Steven Brantlov
PhD defence: Mia Steengaard Olesen
PhD defence: Christina Demuth

You can find further PhD defences, inaugural lectures and other events in Health's calendar

the editors

INside Health is the internal newsletter for all employees at Aarhus University, Health. The newsletter is published every second Thursday.

News articles under the headings 'Research' and 'Staff news' are usually also sent as press releases to the media.

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