Challenge... No images? Click here Challenge...#38 Meee Moments (August 2022) A very Happy August lovely people! We hope you had a wonderful July and managed to enjoy the sunshine whilst avoiding the excesses of the heatwave! We do love the warm weather, but not being toasted ;) We're dedicating August to the wonderful word 'Challenge', and all it offers and brings. Absolutely, life is not easy and does challenge us all a lot of the time. But, it doesn't have to leave us challenged. And, if you managed to watch any of the Commonwealth Games or the UEFA European Women's Championship then you'll realise how wonderful sport and challenge can be. Well done to the amazing England football team and to all those who embrace all that sport enables them to do. So here goes...
Coast to Coast...I (Sid) recently completed the Coast to Coast bike challenge from Seascale in Cumbria to Whitby in Yorkshire. A wonderful challenge of 150 miles in a day with 4500 metres of climb. It's a challenge I've wanted to do for a few years, and due to Covid-19 was only able to do in July just gone. It was hugely challenging, but massively rewarding. Amazing scenery, fantastic volunteers, great feeding stations and great company. For me it taught me to trust and believe in myself more. And that once you've done the training to trust the process. Even when climbing up Hardknot Pass, England's hardest climb of over 1000 feet over 1.4 miles, I kept reassuring myself I could do it. Whatever challenge you face, or sign up for, trust and back yourself. You'll be amazed at how resilient and resourceful you truly are. Btw, I've now signed up to do 'The Yorkshire Beast' in June 2023...203 miles in a day and over 5,500 metres of climb...! (The training has begun!)
There is no i in team...But there is tea, as in tea and cake. We loves to say this, as it encourages us all to find the joy in everything we do. Not easy we know but a great way to see things differently. The world of work usually involves being part of a team and yet at the same time, we are all individuals. We all have our unique stories that led us to where we are today and we all have very different paths ahead of us. What we can do is learn from one another, we are certainly #BetterTogether. By sharing our stories and the benefit of our learning, we can enable others to overcome their challenges and thrive. Watch these short clips where some of the Meee team share their own stories.
The AMAZING Lizzie Acker!Talking about tea and cake...I (Sid) love The Great British Bake Off, I really do. I love all its eccentricities, the dialogue and all the wonderful characters that make this show one of the most entertaining. In 2021 Lizzie Acker won her place in the quarter finals and into the hearts of us here at Meee. Her brilliant neurodiversity cake was true genius. Lizzie is wonderfully open about having ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia and keen to work to raise awareness of the conditions. We had the great fortune recently to have her as a guest on our 'Just Meee' podcast, and she really is even more amazing in conversation. She is such a true beacon to what 'being human' truly means and if you get the chance please do have a listen. It's a great way to spend 30 minutes...
You gotta have HOPE...Sid recently presented at the Fundraising Convention held at the Barbican in London. This community has been through many challenges over the past few years especially as a result of the pandemic. Sid developed a talk and workshop on 'HOPE - Being at your best, more of the time' especially for this event. He spoke about how despite it not being easy for them to be at their best, it didn't have to leave them deflated, defenceless and feeling dejected. He encouraged them to develop an optimistic mindset, to create positive, spiritual and emotional environments for themselves and others and to be purpose led. Take a moment to think about your own mindset and what tools and resources you need to be at your best, more of the time. Have a read of our article 5 Characteristics of Resourceful People.
Never, Ever Give Up!No really don't! Often when we desire something so much in life or when we encounter something that seems difficult, we become overwhelmed and frustrated. We start to overthink and our emotions take over. If there is something that you desire, or if you have a difficulty to overcome, take a moment to pause and reflect. Take the time to visualise what is really happening and start writing it all down, perhaps using a mindmap or draw pictures. When your mind is clearer you will gain more focus giving you the chance to start making a change. From chapter 46, 'Never Ever Give Up', Meee In A Minute, “Ask yourself, what is your effort level, in terms of percentage, in everything you do? If it's not 100 per cent, ask yourself why. What are you doing with the remaining difference? Commit to 100 per cent and never, ever give up.” And if you don't believe us, there is even a 'Never Give Up Day' on 18 August each year. How fabulous is that... |