No images? Click here ![]() University Updates Welcome to your regular update This week in University Updates...There's information on The Online Module Fair and International Women's Day activities! COVID-19 updates:Get regular tests to stop the spread of COVID-19Thank you to those of you who have engaged with regular testing for COVID-19. Following government guidance we expect everyone who is taking part in in-person activities, or using facilities on our campuses to book free twice-weekly rapid tests, to protect those around us and to ensure that we can continue to offer in-person activities. If you are coming onto the campus irregularly, please get a test each time you come. Booking is simple and the tests are free. Schedule your slots and book in advance: Book your tests - Penryn Campus For students currently on placements, please continue to use the testing facilities available to you through your placement and utilise the campus testing facilities when on campus. Further information about our rapid twice weekly COVID-19 tests can be found on our dedicated student COVID-19 testing webpages. If you receive a positive test result, we ask you inform the University via the form here. IF YOU HAVE SYMPTOMS OF COVID-19 THE TEST YOU NEED IS DIFFERENT Remember if you develop COVID-19 symptoms, such as a high temperature, new continuous cough or a loss of taste/smell, you must self-isolate and request a HALO PCR test through our Rapid Response Hub. ![]() Need a chat? – Reach OutGot something on your mind, or just need a friendly chat? Why not get in touch with our Reach Out team and a member of the University community will give you a call. Reach Out is available to all students, wherever you’re based at the moment and is a way of helping you to connect and share what’s on your mind. Whatever your reason, you can easily request a call by letting us know your name and phone number here. Please remember we’re keen to help – so please do Reach Out! ![]() Exam timetable releaseLook out for your May 2021 exam timetable which can be accessed via MyTimetable from Wednesday 10 March. We will be releasing the timetables throughout the day, so you may have to wait until up to 4pm for your personal schedule to show. If any of your exams are missing from your timetable, or you see one listed that you are not due to take, please contact your local Hub info point . For more information on your May examinations, please visit the webpages here and read the Student Handbook for Online Exams. Get involved in the development of our new University strategyFollowing this morning’s email from our Vice Chancellor, Professor Lisa Roberts, you can find out more about our plans to create a bold new strategy for the University by looking at the website. We’re inviting everyone in our community, our colleagues, our students and our key stakeholders, to contribute to the creation of our new 10-year strategy through a series of Big Conversation events, the first of which will take place from Monday 15 March – Friday 26 March. You will have also received a calendar invite (including the Microsoft Teams Link) to join Lisa for the launch of the first Big Conversation on Monday 15 March – we hope you can attend. All the conversations will take place online and will enable you to anonymously share your thoughts, give your feedback, and build on each other’s ideas. Please do take the time to get involved and help shape our future together. ![]() The search for our new ChancellorThe University is looking for a new Chancellor – our ceremonial head who presides over graduation ceremonies. Our current Chancellor, Lord Myners of Truro CBE, will retire in December 2021. As part of this search, we are inviting suggestions from students of outstanding individuals with a proven commitment to education and research and its ability to change lives. Our webpage has full details and a nomination form. Please make your suggestion by Friday 26 March. Census 2021Sunday 21 March 2021 is the UK's Census Day. If you live in England or Wales, you're required by law to fill out the census survey; the information you provide informs funding decisions on things like University campus bus links and bike lanes, jobs and training, and local infrastructure projects. Every household will receive an access code in the post; this will contain instructions on how to complete the census online. You should complete the census for your University address even if you're not currently living there because of COVID-19; this will make sure our University community gets the services it needs now and in the future. If this applies to you, request an access code for your University address here. International students should fill it out if they’ve been in the UK for three months prior to Census Day or intend to be here for the following three months. Check out our Frequently Asked Questions here. The census is free to fill out and you won’t be asked for information such as your bank details. If someone asks you for money or bank details claiming they’re from the census, end the conversation immediately. You can visit the official census website at ![]() Call for Anti-Racism Education InnovatorsThe Exeter Education Incubator is looking for project teams of up to three students who want to join the work to make our University anti-racist. You will need to have identified a clear challenge or problem that you are willing to explore and look to find responses to or solutions for. To apply, you will also need to be available for at least four hours per week from 4 May to 9 July. Each project will benefit from a supported and structured approach to designing and implementing a solution to address racism affecting students. In addition to paying you for your 4 hours per week on the project, we will also fund up to 30 days of work on your project (7 hours days, paid at £10.65), which can be distributed flexibly across weeks and the three applicants. We can also fund up to £750 project costs (which must be spent by 31 July 2021). Deadline for applications: Midday on 31 March 2020. To find out more, visit our webpage. If you have any questions, please contact New episode of Exeplore - celebrating International Women’s Day!In this episode of Exeplore, we celebrate International Women’s Day! Colleagues across the University have been nominating inspirational women that they work with for recognition. We couldn't speak to everyone (unfortunately), so we caught up with three women with different recent experiences - Shades Chaudhary who has been a student, Guild President and now works in our Equality Diversity and Inclusion team, Associate Professor Victoria Tischler who’s new to the University and Cath Ashenden who works in IT for our Cornwall campus and has changed roles during lockdown. You can listen here on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. ![]() Still time to apply for an Alumni Annual Fund grantDo you have a project that is looking for funding? Thanks to the generosity of thousands of alumni and donors we have funds available to support a wide range of student projects - from supporting student-led events and theatre productions to providing new equipment for sports clubs or societies. To be awarded funding, projects must demonstrate that they will enhance the experience across the student community, benefiting current and future generations and making Exeter an even better place to study. Find out more about how to apply online. But be quick! The deadline for applications is Sunday 14 March 2021. Finalists - submit a profile for the 2021 Yearbook!The class of 2021 Yearbook is starting to look brilliant – please keep the photos and profiles coming! Visit GradFinale here to complete your entry and ensure you are included. The deadline is Friday 19 March and there’s no charge to have your entry added. The Yearbooks will be professionally printed in full colour and bound. If you would like a copy of the Yearbook, you can order it now here. If you have any queries, please email: Looking back to look forward - celebrating 10 years of research and impactThe European Centre for Environment and Human Health (ECEHH) is celebrating 10 years of conducting world-class research. Throughout 2021 we are bringing businesses, communities and the academic world together to reflect on the breadth of issues the Centre has been exploring and to network and discuss the opportunities for future collaboration and discovery. Our first event is taking place on 16 March 2021 10am-12pm. Themes for the first session include: combating against global antimicrobial resistance and reflecting on a decade of environment and human health research. You can book your place now via Eventbrite. ![]() University of Exeter Online Postgraduate Open Day - Wednesday 24 March 9:00am – 11:30am & 4:00pm – 6:30pmIf you're still deciding what you want to do next, you might want to consider a postgraduate degree here with us. We offer a wide range of Masters programmes, many of which can be studied without a background in the subject, giving you the chance to change direction. Our research expertise is vast and we offer over 100 funded PhD studentships annually in addition to advertised PhD projects and the opportunity to create a PhD thesis of your choosing. If you’re currently studying with us your application will be fast tracked and you’ll get fee reductions Book your place to the open day and find out more information about all levels of postgraduate study on our website. Study abroad scholarships - apply today!Thinking of studying abroad for 2021-22 and looking for funding? The Mrs Bessie Rook Memorial Travel Scholarships are awarded to students studying abroad in German and/or French speaking countries. Six scholarships are available, each worth £1,000. The Languages for World Peace and Understanding Scholarship is worth £600 and is awarded to one student who will be undertaking a study abroad year in a Spanish and/or French speaking country. Deadline for applications is Friday 21 May 2021. Online Module Fair – Now Open!Are you interested in taking a module outside of your chosen degree? The Online Module Fair launches today and is your chance to see all of the modules available for you to select outside of your degree programme. Selecting up to 30 credits outside of your discipline can enhance your employability prospects, broaden your student experience, and widen your research skills, so do check the website and see if you can benefit from the Online Module Fair. ![]() Celebrating International Women's DayThe Career Zone are supporting International Women’s Day with a week of activities with a wider Equality and Diversity focus designed to support you to develop your employability, raise career aspirations and celebrate success. Watch our videos, listen to our podcasts on Women in Leadership, read the profiles of current students and alumni and contribute to our Mural celebrating the women who have influenced, supported and mentored you in your career decision making. #ChoosetoChallenge ![]() All of the following events will be held online: Monday 8 March, 6 - 7:15pm, Written on the Body: A narrative history of indentured women, to join the event via Zoom use this link. Monday 8 March, 6- 9pm, Women in Conservation Conference 2021, An annual conference hosted by Women in Conservation showcasing the achievement of women in conservation, to book online, please visit this website. Wednesday 10 March, 4:30 - 6:00pm, Marking International Women's Day: minority and indigenous women activists from five countries discuss challenges to fighting discrimination, bookable via Eventbrite. Thursday 11 March, 6 - 7pm, In Conversation with Lord Jay: The Diplomatic Service and British Foreign Policy Post-Brexit, book your place now. It's another busy week at the Students' Union - check out their events here Tell us what you think of this newsletter:Get in touch with your feedback or news stories at: |