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Trimming Time

It seems like I’m spending a lot of time trimming these days. If it’s not my husband or one of my sons needing a haircut, it’s the dog or the bushes and trees in our yard.

But one thing I know I can’t afford to trim is my time with my Savior.  My personal and living relationship with the glorious Creator of the Universe is what gives purpose and joy to each of my days, along with the wisdom and strength I need to face whatever the day holds. Bob Sorge said, “The great secret of Christianity is in an abiding connection with Jesus Christ.” Are you experiencing that abiding connection with Jesus deep in your soul?

This weekend as we reflect on all that Jesus Christ has done for us, I encourage you to pray and ask Jesus what your next step is in your relationship with Him. Is He asking you to deepen your relationship by spending more time with Him or is He asking you to begin a relationship with Him? The Bible tells us, “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9) If you have not made that confession yet, I beg you not to wait another day. Your loving Father knows, understands, and loves you perfectly, and desires for you to walk with Him each day.

Will you trust Him with your time and your life today? As you see flowers and trees bud and grow these next few weeks, I pray you will be reminded of new life and growth in Christ and lean into the One who loves you beyond measure.

Bless you,

The Stull Family wishes you and yours a very Happy Easter!

Stull Family in 2014

What happened in 2014 with the Stull family? They settled in on a move to Arizona, planted a church, and added two members to their family (basically, a low-stress ho-hum year…). To hear about experiences with running on the “Chariots of Fire” beach in Scotland, smelly sardines, and why “Beauty and the Beast” was so magical, see Brenna’s blog post, Stull Family 2014 Snapshots.

For a peek at the Stull family’s last year overview in photos, check out this Smilebox greeting.

April Cross Bracelet Giveaway

Win a beautiful cross bracelet!

Simply forward this newsletter to at least one friend, then email brenna.stull@gmail.com with "bracelet giveaway" in the subject line to be entered into the April 9 drawing to win.