Auction 20 Cancelled: Direct Allocation process is being undertaken, Auction of FM sound broadcasting spectrum licence. No images? Click here In this issue:
Auction 20 CancelledDirect Allocation process is being undertaken. In May 2020, the Auction for short-term, early access rights in the 3.5 GHz band for 5G services (Auction 20) was cancelled. This was due to the constraints imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, a direct allocation process will be undertaken. Offers of spectrum will be made to Dense Air (40 MHz), Spark (60 MHz), and 2degrees (60 MHz). See Preparing for 5G in New Zealand for more information.
Auction of FM sound broadcasting spectrum licence.Radio Spectrum Management has announced details for the auction of one FM sound broadcasting spectrum licence following an expression of interest process:
Auction 21 will be managed by Skylarc with the licence sold on the Trade Me website. The auction will start on 15 July 2020 and run for seven days until 22 July 2020. The term of each licence is valid until 2 April 2031 provided the successful party meets the implementation criteria. |