Editor's note

Numerous theories have been put forward to explain the rise of extreme religious views among some Kenyan Muslims. These range from Kenyan students returning from the Middle East, to the influence of al-Shabaab. For his part, Hassan Juma Ndzovu argues that the influence of extreme views can be traced back to Sheikh Abdulaziz Rimo, a Saudi-educated preacher, who promoted the idea that religion could be used to solve political problems.

The point of having a World Toilet Day is to highlight the fact that safe sanitation remains a luxury. Billions of people don’t have access to a toilet. Part of the reason is that toilets are badly designed for regions like sub-Saharan Africa that are water scarce and have only limited plumbing and sewage facilities. But there are solutions. Mooyoung Han and Shervin Hashemi describe innovative designs that use no water and can transform waste into a valuable resource.

Julius Maina

Regional Editor East Africa

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