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So much is happening....

The Milky Way

CASSE has produced a new BOOKLET (120 pages) titled:

The Psychoanalytic Dreamtime: Life-Saving Tools.

Join us on a psychoanalytic journey - you might learn or experience something that might change your mind or save your life. Enjoy the illustrations by Rosie Santos. It is an easy read!

Purchase $35

To order your copy contact us.

For more info click here.



New Video from the Men's Tjilirra Movement

CASSE has produced a short video on THE TJILIRRA MEN’S MOVEMENT, filmed by Harry Hayes and translated by Nathan Brown. It will take you on a journey to Mt Liebig (Watiyawanu) and you will meet the Men from out west in Central Australia and see their tool making, their pride in cultural revival strengthening connections between the generations. Visit CASSEtv on our website to view the latest addition to our vido library.


Recognition - a matter of life and death in Aboriginal Australia

Coming soon! A new booklet is coming for 2016 in support of Constitutional recognition for Aboriginal people.

CASSE is producing a booklet with an essay on Recognition titled: 'Recognition - A matter of life and death in Aboriginal Australia'.

To register your interest in ordering a copy, contact us.


London calling

Pamela Nathan, Director of CASSE's Aborginal Austrlaian Relations Program, is taking the CASSE work to London. She will talk with Lord John Alderdice, a psychoanalyst and politician who visited CASSE in Australia in 2013, at Oxford University and in The House of Lords in the first week of February 2016. Watch this space!


Breakthrough Violence - Mentalising Violence Group Program


The CASSE/CAACAC Men’s Shed Research Project is beginning its first Breakthrough Violence - Mentalising Violence Group in Alice Springs on February 5th, 2016. David Dolman, John Boffa and Pamela Nathan and have met with key stakeholders including the Department of Corrections and The Magistrates in the Court of Alice Springs who are keen to begin a referral process.


What is Recognition? Sydney Ideas Event

Left - right: Professor Marcia Langton, Pamela Nathan, Professor Duncan Ivison, Professor Jonathan Lear, Noel Pearson

'What is Recognition?', an event organised by Sydney Ideas, was a very powerful emotional experience with heartfelt words from two national Aboriginal leaders: Noel Pearson and Professor Marcia Langton AM. It was a sentinel event to have Noel Pearson in conversation with Professor Jonathan Lear, whose wonderful work with the Crow Indians has influenced the thinking of Noel. His work on radical hope has inspired thinking in Australia - certainly CASSE's. You will see something of Lear’s work in CASSE's Saving Lives booklet and our new Milky Way booklet.

The audience was large, interested and supportive. Professor Duncan Ivison was on the panel along with Marcia and CASSE's Pamela Nathan. Professor Shane Houston, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Dr Michael Spence, Vice-Chancellor, and Christopher Freeland, National Managing Partner of Baker & McKenzie, all spoke to the event. Philosophic and psychoanalytic thinking coalesced and, to put these stories alongside the Aboriginal story, was profound and generative. In fact Noel Pearson broke the proceedings of closure by jumping up to respond to comments made by Pamela about radical doubt, upon which he expanded. CASSE was very proud to co-sponsor this event with other psychoanalytic organisation sponsors in Sydney and more.

A podcast of this event will be avilable soon

'What is Recognition? Noel Pearson and Jonathan Lear in Conversation

Noel Pearson

Left - right: Noel Pearson, Jonathan Lear, Anne Kantor (CASSE Deputy Chair), Pamela Nathan, Rob Springall (CASSE Chair)

From the Director

Two psychoanalytic concepts provide critical cornerstones to the thinking of CASSE work and inform the method and approach, namely radical doubt and radical hope. I think these two notions can underpin the achievement of mutual recognition in Australia. Anne Kantor and myself attended the Kenneth Myer Lecture where Professor Mick Dodson spoke on constitutional recognition. He gave an unflinching presentation and spoke about unfinished business in Australia.  I will leave you with these thoughts over the festive season.

I use Bion’s notion of caesura (Bion, 1989), defined as an event, which simultaneously unites and separates, as the mode of transformation; the caesura becomes a split when it is not tolerated (Citaverese, 2008).  Bergstein (2013) writes that Bion’s concept of caesura is therefore a model for the gap, that raging river between two banks where catastrophic change can occur, but where lies the danger of catastrophe as well. This, Bergstein states, is the almost impossible place Bion asks us to be in – the emotional turbulence – without gripping onto any banks of certainty to halt movement, and to loosen the grip on familiar anchors until the next storm.

Doubt, radical doubt, serves for the attainment of truth through emotional experiencing, which provides a sense of belonging (Citaverese, 2008). It is a type of thought that overcomes the antithesis between the past and present, providing a temporal third, if you like. Bion “asks us to be in the eye of the storm” (Bergstein, 2013).

Radical hope is the concept coined by Jonathan Lear (2007) that anticipates a good for those who have the hope but as yet lack the appropriate concepts with which to understand it, and, I would add, a future yet to be articulated.

There is a nexus with the Aboriginal world, for, like psychoanalysis, it also privileges the following – sacred, separateness within togetherness, reciprocity, myth, song and dreaming, fundamental relatedness, shifting spatially, ancestors, temporality, settling down country, the concept of place and the process of  place-making, kadaitcha of the mind, healing ngangaries, being found and growing up on country, immediacy, resilience, imagination and intimacy.

Many thanks to the CASSE team and contractors for all their hard work. Farewell and special thanks to Louise Dixon for her tremendous efforts over the past four years as CASSE's Administration Manager - we wish her all the best in her future endeavours. We are delighted to welcome Heidi Johnson onto our team as the new Administration Manager.

May you all have a festive season and a good break.

Pamela Nathan

CASSE Aboriginal Australian Relations Program


You can start working with us to change minds and save lives now!

Donations make possible:

  • A vehicle, and its running costs, for the Men's Tjilirra Movement.
  • Employment of Elders to work as cultural and tjilirra supervisors.
  • Purchasing tools for the project.

To make a donation, please contact us: phone 0450 540 366 or email enquiries@cassse.org.au.

CASSE Australia Inc (ABN: 17811 536 315) is registered in Australia as a Deductible Gift Recipient. All donations over $2 made to CASSE Australia are tax deductible and go directly towards supporting our programs.

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