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Welcome to the Autumn ICE newsletter

Dear Alumni,

Welcome to the ICE newsletter which keeps you up-to-date with news, events and opportunities, specifically tailored for alumni of the Institute of Childhood and Education (and all educational courses prior to its formation).

We planned the newsletter to go out this week as Monday 5 October marked World Teachers' Day and we wanted to wish you well for the new term as well as celebrate the impact you make in classrooms all over the world. 

Whatever stage you are at in your teaching journey, we always love hearing from you and sharing your ideas and innovative approaches to teaching. So whether you want to share your first ever week as an NQT like Jack Cooper, or tell us about how your school supports disadvantaged adult learners like May Arthurton, please get in touch (see below for further information). 

What a summer for teaching

Exam grades hit the headlines this summer. As you can imagine, our journalism graduates, including Richie Anderson, were reporting everything that was going on.

NQT support

ICE is pleased to bring you a series of events with great opportunities to explore key topics centred on the NQT journey.

All sessions are free and online. With each session taking just 45 minutes, they’ll act as miniature refreshers and pick-me-ups, with experts offering practical tips as well as giving you the chance to share experiences and ask questions with others on the NQT journey.

To book on any session, email Charlotte Wright stating your session preferences. You will then be sent joining instructions in the week before the session.

The next session, Tech that will save you time, is on Tuesday 13 October, at 7.00pm.

What are you doing now? Share your story

If you would be interested in sharing your alumni story, a podcast or a blog, please email the Alumni Office - we'd love to hear from you!

Examples of recent news stories we have shared include how 1990 Economics and Public Media alumna Tina Cooper (pictured, left) led Blackpool Sixth to BTEC College of the Year 2020 and how Psychology and Child Development student Ellie O’Donoghue launched summer holiday camp, ScapeSchool, whilst still in her final year.

Wishing you a very successful start to the teaching year.

Keep doing us proud!

From everyone at Leeds Trinity University