A five-year longitudinal study shows the empowering effect of a new approach to youth homelessness. The Brotherhood of St Laurence and Launch Housing developed the distinctive concept of Education First Youth Foyers, which challenges a persistent crisis narrative.
The foyers are co-located on TAFE campuses in Broadmeadows, Glen Waverley and Shepparton in regional Victoria. Each houses 40 young people in studio accommodation with communal areas, supported by trained staff. In a reciprocal ‘Deal’, the young people commit to participate in education and five other service offers, and foyer staff agree to provide them with accommodation, opportunities and inclusion in a learning community for up to two years.
Read the report by Marion Coddou, Joseph Borlagdan and Shelley Mallett, Starting a future that means something to you: outcomes from a longitudinal study of Education First Youth Foyers. (PDF, 1.3 MB) or summary (PDF, 65 KB)
The Brotherhood of St Laurence commissioned KPMG to conduct an evidence-based analysis of the value for money offered by the Education First Youth Foyer model.
Read the report by KPMG, Education First Youth Foyers: economic evaluation (PDF, 386 KB)