Editor's note

The death of former Zimbabwean strongman Robert Mugabe provides a moment to reflect on leadership succession in the last three countries to achieve independence and black majority rule in southern Africa: Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa. Henning Melber sets out how in all three countries – which remain led by liberation struggle heroes decades after the end of white minority rule – young people and women have hardly made significant inroads into the male-dominated core structures of power.

Dams are an important way to ensure that more people across sub-Saharan Africa have consistent access to clean water. But if they’re not properly planned, dams may bring an unintended consequence: a rise in cases of malaria. Solomon Kibret explains how factors like altitude, rainfall and the slope of a dam can contribute to malaria cases.

Thabo Leshilo

Politics + Society Editor

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Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa at the funeral of his predecessor, Robert Mugabe. EPA-EFE/Aaron Ufumeli

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