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Draft FMC Regulations – some key points

The near-final draft of the proposed Financial Markets Conduct Regulations 2014 which was released last Friday (for more details and a link, click here) contains a considerable amount of required reading for KiwiSaver and superannuation scheme providers.

One significant running theme though which we thought we could usefully highlight is that (in response to submissions):

  • the timing requirements for certain reports and disclosures have been relaxed,
  • there are improved provisions for on-line reporting, and
  • there is some improved provision for restricted schemes generally.

Some issues remain of course.

We have produced a ‘nuts and bolts’ focussed outline (click here) of some of the more noteworthy features of the Draft Regulations.

We trust this is useful and timely for our members.


Bruce Kerr
Executive Director, Workplace Savings NZ