Brian Wagner is one of HFI’s newest staff members and is on the ground in Louisiana. Here is a typical day in a HFI disaster responder’s day, seen from Brian’s perspective:
“…A prayer we always pray when deploying is for God to lead us directly to those He wants us to serve. With sights set to serve a neighborhood that was severely damaged…we began providing emotional and spiritual care at what we thought was the start of the identified neighborhood. Turns out, we were a few clicks off — yet exactly where God wanted us. From a perspective of most good for the most people, these homes have been slowing us down. Though they are small, older homes, their ridgelines necessitate greater time spent securing valleys and ridges. But what we have "lost" in the eyes of human effort and productivity, we have gained in divine perspective and Kingdom reality. We will be tarping roughly 25% of this neighborhood, or about 10 homes, which could be three-fold if we were to do the easier homes.
…We could be doing more in the realm of good works, but it is here on Ike's and Kingsley Streets that we see the good and patient love of God. Tucked away in this small neighborhood, hidden from the main sightlines of the city, are lives that will forever be remembered and relationships cherished. Had we not miscalculated, we would have missed the stories of people trying to catch their breath after this storm, and in turn, would have missed the opportunity to come alongside them.… These past couple of days, our team was willing to have our plans redirected and disrupted in order to allow God to connect us with the plan He had all along.”