Elections, resources, myfuture + upcoming events

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Dear colleague,

On July 2 this year Australia goes to the polls. Hot on its heels will be the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum (July 23), followed by the US Presidential election on November 8. In 2016, over 100 major elections will be run all around the world by state and national governments.

How much do your students know and understand about our form of democracy? How many think that Australia has a president? Do they know that most Australians won’t vote directly for our next Prime Minister? And do they understand that a double dissolution of parliament means that in this election every seat in the Parliament is vacant?

Events like elections provide an opportunity to explore the civics and citizenship curriculum. To consider how our government runs, and to engage students in real life democratic fact checking!

Image Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/calliope/5140456350

Image Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/calliope/5140456350


Follow the news

The Conversation is collecting all of its articles related to the federal election, including explainers and fact checks, at one click. Articles are free to access and reuse, and are suitable for secondary classrooms.

For primary classrooms, Behind the News is keeping up-to-date with stories including a very engaging explanation of the three levels of government.

Scootle has a large collection of resources linked to the Australian Curriculum civics and citizenship; or try these search terms: voting, elections, Discovering Democracy, suffrage, and referenda.


Suggested Resources

Take a Vote

Early Years

Take a Vote
Help students select a school captain by creating some rules to make the voting system fair to everyone.

Get Voting

Middle Years

Get Voting
Need a student leader for your school or class? This site will take you step-by-step through the process of running an election.

Election Time

Upper Years

Election Time
Learn about the many differences between Australia’s and the United States of America’s political systems.

Learning Path - June 2016

Learning Path

What's New in Scootle?
This month find a new Science by Doing module for secondary schools; a series of units on the Great Barrier Reef; a resource on voting; and more.

Closest election in Australia's history

Watch This

Closest election in Australia's history
In the 2010 election, after all the votes were counted, neither of the two candidates were immediately selected as prime minter – discover why.

Governing Australia App

Mobile App

Governing Australia
This interactive iTunes app will help students understand the Australian government system using simple language, illustrations, videos, animations, and photos.


Have you visited the myfuture website lately?

There’s lots of new content in the Career insight section including 6 new feature pages on the topics of Entrepreneurship, Work Integrated Learning, Apprenticeships, Leadership, Volunteering and Graduate programs.

We’ve recently added a short Entrepreneurship quiz to the popular My career profile tool, which results in some suggested articles to read for those who are thinking about creating their own startup.


Career exploration  for young people can begin with the new digital versions of the well-loved Career Bullseyes, which now link directly to the full occupation profiles. Find out what level of education is required to attain your dream job.

The Adventures of You is a series of 3 short executive function animations (suitable for all ages) which will provide a starting point for a conversation. It comes with some support guides and worksheets that you might also find useful.

Log in or Sign up to myfuture today. You’ll be glad you did.


Upcoming Events

ESA Facebook Events

Conferences ESA is attending

Mark these dates in your calendar

  • 6 June-30 July: Matariki - Maori New Year
  • 6June-5 July: Ramadan
  • 13 June: Queen's Birthday Public Holiday
  • 19-25 June: Refugee Week
  • 20 June: World Refugee Day
  • 5-12 July: NAIDOC Week