No images? Click here , we thought the best way to close out the decade is with a bit of gratitude! To that end, we’d like to thank all our colleagues worldwide who work directly with and in support of our partners. Thank you for continuing to live out CRS’ Partnership Principles and working to build the capacity of local organizations. We appreciate any efforts that you’ve made to engage with the Global Partnership & Capacity Strengthening Unit whether you’ve read our newsletter, participated in our community of practice, taken our courses, used resources from the ICS website, or requested technical assistance.While we are grateful to you all, we want to take this opportunity to highlight a few units that our team has worked more closely with in 2019. Special Thanks to: The Partnership and Capacity Strengthening Community of Practice For working with us on developing tools and resources, and for meeting and growing the impact of PCS regionally Global Fund Support Unit, Global Supply Chain Management Unit, Global Risk & Compliance Team and Finance Team For their collaboration in launching the Global Fund Strong Local Principal Recipients Initiative, through which we are jointly developing a suite of tools, resources and approaches to support our local government and civil society actors to be strong, sustainable local primes of Global Fund grants. This initiative is in alignment with and supports the CRS Vision for the Future with Global Fund strategy PIQA Social Services Team, IDEA Donor Engagement Lead for USG Global Health and the Risk Management & Compliance Team For promoting the importance of partnership and capacity strengthening as a crosscutting aspect to the 18 project management standards supporting high-quality projects that provide improved outcomes of the people we serve The Country programs of Guatemala, Uganda For working with us to pilot the PRE-HOCAI and OVC Integrated Capacity Assessment Instrument tools, for prime readiness The Country Programs of Ethiopia and Sierra Leone For allowing us to support their work to develop Partnership & Capacity Strengthening Country Level Strategies/Workplans IDEA Business Development Team For ensuring the inclusion of the Capacity Strengthening in Proposals Costing Guidance in the new Cost Application Guidance (CAG), providing proposal teams with step-by-step guidance on how to ensure capacity strengthening activities and staffing are integrated into the overall proposal budget Local Leadership Working Group & Thought Leadership Working Group For jointly advancing local leadership topics and priorities within and outside of the agency Strategic Platform leads For collaborating with us to integrate PCS in their vision, approaches and milestones for Vision 2030 Governance For continuing to work with us to share and communicate the Engaging Government Guide (EGG) more widely Human Resources, Talent Development For their encouraging and enthusiastic collaboration in planning the use of Micro-Credentialing with staff to gain mastery of partnership and capacity strengthening knowledge, skills and attitudes. Ethics Unit and Family Care Reform Platform For engaging us to support the development of Learning Framework/Competency Models for Safeguarding, Fraud, and Family Care GKIM For the initiative to develop the ICT4D Partner Capacity Scorecard and their continued support in helping us visualize and share partnership and capacity strengthening data Safeguarding and the Global Risk & Compliance Team For their dedication and expertise in developing an effective safeguarding assessment tool for partners Finance unit For working with us to include a new category for Capacity Strengthening of partners to budget and track related expenditures Global Risk and Compliance, Audit, Finance and Regional Finance Officers For their continued contributions to developing partners’ financial management capabilities Various other units and Country Programs For allowing us to serve by providing technical assistance and contributing to proposal development including KIDSS; the global grants proposals for Global Health NPI, MOMENTUM; and the DFSAs for Kenya, Malawi, Madagascar and Zimbabwe Things We're Looking Forward to in 2020Convening with colleagues from around the globe in July for Perfecting Partnership 2020, while continuing to support the regional directors and country representatives with their selection of participants. Updating and creating tools to support partners in their efforts to become ready to receive direct donor funding. Introducing micro-credentials to support staff in their development of partnership and capacity strengthening skills and practices. Developing, piloting and rolling out new OverOps KPIs that more accurately and consistently reflect our collective work in partnership and capacity strengthening in country programs and regions. Contributing to the design, review, and rollout of Gateway 2.0 to capture partner institutions, assessment and capacity strengthening data more accurately. Engaging our SCORE ECD II colleagues in support of their mid-term project evaluation. Continuing to work with all of you! Happy New Year !
From the Partnership and Capacity Strengthening Unit Looking for previous editions of the P/CS Newsletter? Click here for our newsletter archive on the ICS website. |