In a month when the French have decided to remove the cedilla from over 2,000 French language words ( to make it easier to read or to write?) we take a somwhat tongue in cheek view of the latest industry buzzwords and decide that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery ( Thanks Sir Stelios).
We prefer to associate the phrase with our updated site and new server performance. After a few months of bedding in and tweaking the Partfindermarine.com service is now running faster than ever so loading, listing and searching has never been faster. Less than 4 seconds to login, less than 3 seconds to run a database search less than a minute to load just over 1,000 line items. We think that is something to be really proud of.
If you have already registered then login today and check it out for yourselves, and if you haven't then here is a link to the registration page so that you can do so.
Our trading Company Gatwick Distribution Services Ltd ("GDS") has just taken on a consignment of Pielstick PA6-280 spares as an ex-MOD consignment for a client.
The parts are now all listed on the Partfindermarine.com database and you can also see them here on the " News" section of our site.
GDS is now actively seeking more consignment stocks and specialises in valuing, marketing and selling surplus or overstock items from all sectors of the industry. Call +44 1293 871767 or e-mail info@lgwservices.com for more details.
One of our neat stock updating feature is the link you can see highlighted opposite to download your complete listing for an update.
Login to the system - go to -Profile - My Parts and you will see the link in the summary box at the top left of the screen.
Clicking the link will download a .CSV file of your complete listing, all you need to do is update it, save it and then reload it via the Profile- Upload Parts link.
Any problems or questions please get in touch, we are here to help. Contact us by phone on +44 1293 871767 or email info@partfindermarine.com
One point to note - as a security backup we cache the stock listing data for 20 minutes before refreshing, so don't panic if you can't see your update immediately. It WILL be there and you DON'T have to do it all again.
It's been another fascinating month here at Partfindermarine.com
We managed to source a good few pieces of " unobtanium" for our clients, and our trading Company Gatwick Distribution Services Ltd ( "GDS") shipped a good quantity of items, there are always parts that even we cannot source. The one that got away this month was a requirement for an MAN NA048 T0770 turbocharger. We managed to locate a new rotor assembly and some spares but not the complete new or recon unit that our customer was looking for.
If you have parts sitting on a shelf why not consider either listing them on our parts database or upgrading to full " supplier" status with us so that at least you will be able to see these user requirements as they filter through.
Call us on +44 1293 871767 or e-mail us for upgrade details and advice on how best to list your stock on the system.
Can dogs talk? Maybe they can text........
Is there a real life Dr Dolittle? What are our pets saying when they look at us with such knowing eyes? As a little light relief from the business pressures we all face each day - doom-gloom-disaster and Brexit- here is an excerpt from the excellent blog "textfromdog"
Enjoy the link, even if you aren't particularly dog-friendly, and thanks for reading this months Newsletter from Partfindermarine.com
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