College affordability is getting considerable attention in the 2020 presidential election, as top Democratic candidates have put forth proposals to offer tuition-free college. In a national survey, Elizabeth Bell, a scholar of political science, took a closer look at how the American public views plans to offer college for free. She found that Americans broadly support the concept in general, but people’s views vary when it comes to academic requirements and whether free college should be made available to everyone or just people who are poor or middle class.

And today, The Conversation’s collaboration with WBUR and NPR’s live national talk show “On Point” continues, with philosophy professor Adrian Bardon speaking on denialism and why people are hardwired to dismiss facts that don’t fit their worldview.

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Americans support free community college more when students are seen as ‘deserving,’ new research suggests. Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Images

What Americans think about who deserves tuition-free college

Elizabeth Bell, Miami University

As tuition-free college plans gain momentum, a researcher examines public views about whether free college should be extended to everyone or just those who have earned it.

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