News, views and analysis from the A/NZ tech sector No images? Click here Hi there, While primary care and saving lives continues to be the key focus of Covid-19 efforts, thoughts are increasingly turning to how to enable people to get back to work safely and mitigate the devastating economic impact. It’s an area where technology must play a key role. The use of contact tracing apps will enable governments to loosen movement restrictions while still ensuring any new cases, and those who have been in contact with them, can be quickly isolated. While specific details have not been released on exactly where developments have got to, it appears that the tech sector has finally been engaged by authorities. Urgency must be given to this crucial initiative, and the politics around unfounded privacy concerns put aside for the greater good. While it is encouraging that smartphone movement data is being analysed to track the success of isolation, the tech giants are in a unique position to do much more to apply their vast resources to solving the Covid-19 contact tracing problem. In this week’s news:
Of course, with Easter upon us, we might ordinarily be wishing a very Happy Easter to you and your family. Under lockdown conditions, however, let's up that to wishing you a very Happy, Kind, Nice, Friendly, Homely and Safe Easter, from the team here at iStart. Heather Wright ![]() iStart remains committed to delivering our news and editorial services covering the crisis during these difficult times. We empathise with those in affected sectors. We will be doing our bit to encourage the tech and business community to keep operating effectively and get everyone safely through. STOP THE SPREAD! CONTACT TRACING Contact tracing app vital for ending lockdownUrgency needed to find right tech to fight Covid spread… A Ministry of Health technical working group is understood to be looking at options for digital contact tracing as calls grow for technology to build resilience and enable countries to get back to work. “I can’t stress enough that we have got to use better technology.” MAPPING COVID19 Google taps location data for Covid lockdown mapsIt’s got our data already, so why not use it for public good?… If you have ever wondered about the quantity of data Google holds on our daily movements, wonder no more. DIGITISATION The case for digital goes stratosphericDon’t waste a ‘good’ crisis… If you thought there was already a lot pressure to go digital, wait until you see the post-Covid world. VIDEO CONFERENCING Zoom scrambles to recover security credZoom adds security enhancements to cap off its no good, very bad month… With the coronavirus sending the world into remote-work lockdown, video conferencing software company Zoom, has suddenly found itself swimming in the mainstream. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IBM Watson serving up Covid infoDr Watson on call to take strain off overloaded help lines… As health lines face a deluge of calls for Covid information, IBM is hoping its new offering will see govts and health organisations tapping AI rather than overstretched human responders. It provides an AI-powered virtual agent to help deliver information while alleviating the pressure on contact centres. PROUDLY SPONSORED BY Upcoming events and postponements: > Hack the Crisis New Zealand | April 17-19 | Online iStart is proudly supported by these leading New Zealand software providers: Latest Buyer's Guides ERP Buyer's Guide | CRM Buyer's Guide | HR/HCM Buyer's Guide | BI Buyer's Guide Privacy statement: We have sent this weekly newsletter to you at your e-mail address: [email address suppressed]. iStart will never share your e-mail address, but you may from time to time receive other event invitations or partner communications from us. You can opt out of these by managing your subscription preferences, where you can also update your e-mail address and other details. Find out more about iStart | Advertise with iStart | Subscribe |