Athlete Celebrity influence is inevitable, and kids are especially vulnerable to the messages they hear. Every day, they compare their clothing, their choices, and their values to what they see in their basketball heroes on and off the court. BCI connects kids to professional basketball players who BCI challenges to step up their game and lead by example - through character, integrity, values, and active faith.
I have been extremely fortunate to experience all that I have through the game of basketball. From playing in college, traveling internationally, to scouting and working for NBA Teams, those experiences provided me the opportunity to meet and learn to know Sharm Scheuerman.
Understanding the worldwide impact of professional basketball, Sharm and Kathy started Basketball Club International to support professional basketball players - men who are willing to hold themselves and each other accountable for their choices so that, together, they may influence the next generation.
Sharm put the ball in motion. Now it's up to BCI and all of us to move it forward.
I hope you will consider giving to BCI now, before 2012 comes to a close. I believe that it will be money well spent, and that your generosity has been well earned. To contribute now, click here.
On behalf of everyone at BCI, I wish you and your family a great 2013.