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Perfect Pressies!

You have either got it – or you have not! You can either buy great gifts for people or you cannot but it is easier if you just follow a few simple tips.


After all you do not want to be that family member who has the knack for always giving the most inappropriate, tacky or pointless gift. We have all been there. You get one of those gifts and you do not want to open it in front of them in case you show your disappointment.


So how do you avoid this? Well I do have a few pointers.


1. Keep a page in your diary to jot down ideas whenever they come to mind. Look for gifts all year round and you will see many more suitable items. Panic buying always leads to trouble. Put your purchases away in a present drawer ready for when you need them.


2. Ask mutual friends and family for advice. Obviously you want to avoid asking the individual as it is always impossible for people to let you know. For a start we never really know how much someone wants to spend.


3. Keep your ears open for hints. People often tell you things they like, hobbies they have or passions they indulge in. They probably do not even realise they are dropping hints at all.


4. Do be careful with jewellery as it is so very personal, especially for ladies. I collect cufflinks and often I am given a pair by friends but they can miss the mark!


5. Careful of the budget. It is a good idea to decide how much to spend in a year and only blow it for killer presents!!


So it is not impossible to get the perfect present – but take care.

Perfect Pressies!

The Goring

For reservations, please call Oliver and his team on +44 20 7396 9000 or email
The Goring, Beeston Place, London SW1W 0JW

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