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Merry Christmas from the WineWorks Australia Team

Please see below for a friendly reminder of our Christmas and New Year closings times and procedures:

Cut off for last orders is 2pm Friday 20th of December

We close at 12pm on Monday 23rd of December

Taking orders on Friday 3rd of January

Reopen on Friday 3rd of January at 7am



From the GM - Kent Brown

Pour more wine and drink your beer, Christmas comes but once a year.
Well its almost that time of year and I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable holidays
Hopefully by the time you read this we are 2-0 up in the Ashes and if not its only 3 months til the footy starts.

On the work front the last three months have kept us all on our toes as despite all the gloom and doom there is still a lot of wine moving out there (and probably more so if we are down 2-0 in the cricket) Between myself and Kayla we have tried to get out and see everyone prior to the end of the year (be warned if you haven't seen me yet you will).

I certainly enjoyed catching up with those that were at the 2013 Bushing lunch and by all accounts a great day was had by all (and a few headaches on Saturday morning)
We will be upgrading our online system in the next few weeks to ensure that you are able to deliver your wine with the greatest of ease, the new upgrades will provide improved visibility to your orders status as well as enable you to directly upload invoices to the web and have these delivered with your stock amongst other improvements (for more information please contact myself or Kayla to set you up online).

We will also be issuing our new pricing schedules for 2014 shortly which will come into effect from January 2014. Whilst we have had to introduce some slight cost recoveries in some areas we have tried to keep this to a minimum to ensure you are able to retain a competitive advantage in both your storage and transport.

Once again thank you for your support in 2013 and we are looking forward to another great year continuing to provide the best possible service to the SA Wine Industry.

As always please keep the feedback coming in and if there is anything we can do try and improve your logistics package please let us know





Department Updates


It’s that time of year again!! The Christmas rush has begun and already we are testing our resources to keep up. Now more so than ever it will be important to give us as much notice as you can about any significant sized bottlings, orders or stock movements you know of prior to Christmas. Our schedule fills quickly and the more we can plan for, the better our ability is to accommodate the short notice and emergency orders that are notorious with the festive season. The New Year usually gives us time to catch up on a few housekeeping a duty in the warehouse and it’s a great opportunity to look at tidying up loose end inventory or dry goods. A great new year’s resolution is to start saving on storage costs by clearing out any superseded or unwanted dry goods and transfer those last few cartons back to your cellar door.


Often the most cost effective thing to do is 'think ahead' when you have an order for a FCL or Full Container Load. How many cartons required can usually be the deciding factor to what Pack Method is best. Once you know that, you should be able to work out how to configure the pallets prior to delivery to reduce those unwanted handling charges (that often don't get added in the sales of the product) Remember, you can always give Ashley a call (08) 8382 8882


Rework is often the best option to get you out of a tough spot, especially when needing wine re-labelled and repacked quickly before Christmas! As December is now upon us, NOW is the time to call to per-book in a time slot, for upcoming jobs - as there is only limited time left!(A helpful tip for a quicker turnaround times is to have over-stickers printed on a roll and be applied by machine - for help with the finer details please call Ashley on (08) 8382 8882)


With the festive season upon us and the New Year fast approaching, transport is now at its most critical point. We have now extended our reach into outer metro and rural deliveries, with the introduction of specialised carriers for these zones. All clients can expect service levels to continue to strengthen, now, and into the New Year for these areas.

We look forward to assisting you all in fulfilling your Pre-Christmas orders nation-wide. In order to help us do so effectively, please note that the final date for dispatch to the west coast to guarantee delivery before the Christmas break will be Tuesday 17th of December, which will also be applicable for returning freight. All orders for this location will need to be received by 2pm Monday 16th of December.

If you have any questions in relation to transport through the holiday period please contact Kayla, Joanne or Simon in the office.