In this week's Issue:
COVID-19 restrictions from 2 December - what do they mean for heritage?
Our summary of the Autumn 2020 Spending Review
And - helping you to get ready: our updated Heritage, Brexit and Immigration Briefing
Save the date for Heritage Day!
Getting Your Heritage News, Jobs and Events Over the Holiday Period
Please note that the next and final edition of Update for 2020 will go out on 10 December. For advertisers looking to share news, jobs or events before the end of the year, the copy deadline for the next issue is Friday 4 December 2020. We will be back with the first issue of the new year on 14 January 2021.
Save the Date for Heritage Day!
We’ll be kicking off the new year with our biggest event: Heritage Day! Heritage Day returns in February and will be taking place virtually for the first time and across two days.
Join us across the mornings of 9 and 11 February 2021 for this popular event, which offers attendees the chance to meet a wide range of colleagues from across the sector and hear eminent speakers address the latest issues affecting the future of our heritage. This time presented virtually, we look forward to using new and innovative ways to share the importance of heritage and the fantastic work our sector has done this year.
Save the date in your diaries and watch this space for further details.
The Heritage Alliance - Heritage, Brexit and Immigration Breifing
The Heritage Alliance has published a new briefing on Heritage and Immigration summarising the new points-based visa system, as well as advocating policy recommendations to address the challenges that the new immigration system poses for our sector.
You can read the briefing here.
Become a Trustee for The Heritage Alliance
The Heritage Alliance are currently looking for new Trustees to join our dynamic organisation in February 2021.
The Alliance is seeking to diversify the composition of the board in order better to reflect the varied geographical, cultural and age characteristics of the UK. We will also encourage candidates with experience in fundraising, income generation, membership development, change management and IT.
The Heritage Alliance is the largest coalition of independent heritage organisations in the UK, with over 150 members. We are a charity. We represent some very large organisations and many smaller ones; the unifying factor between them is a love of our diverse built, natural and created heritage.
For more information on the work of the Alliance, and for a full role description, please see our website here.
Heritage Debate 2020: Young People and Heritage
We were delighted to welcome over 300 attendees on Monday afternoon to this year's Heritage Debate, sponsored by Ecclesiastical Insurance. We use this annual event as a springboard for discussion on topics currently affecting the sector.
It was fitting that as we adapted to new technologies for our first ever virtual Heritage Debate, with the topic: Young People and Heritage: Creating Lifelong Supporters? We explored how young people engage with heritage, and how the sector can support and empower these young people to become advocates for heritage into the future.
Co-Chaired by The Heritage Alliance’s own Daniella Briscoe-Peaple alongside Oxford University’s Alice Purkiss, we welcomed four panellists from across the sector; Alison Bowyer (Executive Director, Kids in Museums), Ana Persinaru, (Youth Engagement Consultant), Anita Kerwin-Nye (Director of Strategy and Engagement, YHA) and Grace Connelly (SPAB Education and Training Officer).
Attendees were treated to a keynote speech from 4 of English Heritage’s Shout Out Loud Young Producers, who offered the panel provocations that kickstarted the Debate, and event sponsors Ecclesiastical offered an insight into their recent youth and heritage research study.
We will release the recordings and links mentioned throughout the Debate itself, and in the lively chat, next week – look out for the next edition of Heritage Update for a link. In the meantime, we encourage anyone interested in the topic and hearing from young people themselves to read the 12 blogs submitted from 16-24 year olds.
Rebuilding Heritage - New Support Announcement
Applications are now open for the next round of free support from the Rebuilding Heritage programme. Heritage organisations and businesses can apply for 121 support in business planning, fundraising, and communications and marketing, and for a place on group training in leadership and in managing staff wellbeing.
Full details of the support on offer and the application process are available on the Rebuilding Heritage website. The closing date for applications is Wednesday 16 December and decisions on applications from the Rebuilding Heritage team will be confirmed before Christmas.
Heritage Digital
Read on to find out what’s coming up on our National Lottery Heritage Fund supported Heritage Digital project. For regular updates on this programme, sign up to the project mailing list by clicking here.
• #HeritageDigitalNow recordings
The project is gradually releasing recordings from the popular #HeritageDigitalNow virtual event last month; visit the Events and Resources pages to explore these.
• Get involved – share your case study
We are always looking for case studies of good digital skills use, particularly relating to social media, digital technology, digital rights or marketing. Get in touch if you’d like to write a short case study for our Heritage Digital portal by emailing Carmen at heritagedigital@theheritagealliance.org.uk.
November’s twitter Heritage Chat was devoted to ‘Overlap between natural and cultural environment’, and was led in collaboration with Natural England. The topic was suggested by Ian Marshman (ALGAO, Alliance member). Participants enthusiastically discussed important topics such as the joined protection of historic and natural environment, the enhancement of biodiversity, opportunities for the ELMs, the sector’s contribution to tackling climate change, and ‘rewilding’ issues. A full summary of the chat can be found here.
The next Heritage Chat will take place on Tuesday 15th December, 1-2pm (UK time) and will focus on ‘Christmas & Heritage’. Join us to showcase your local heritage-related Christmas traditions, Christmassy pictures and initiatives.
Follow @HeritageChat to take part!
If you want to suggest a topic and/or to run one of the next chats, please get in touch with Francesca Benetti at HEFsteering@theheritagealliance.org.uk.
Welcome to the Alliance!
We are delighted to announce that Naomi Korn Associates has joined as the newest member of the Heritage Alliance!
Naomi Korn Associates is one of the UK’s leading specialists in copyright, data protection, Intellectual Property Rights and licensing. Naomi Korn Associates supports the heritage and arts sectors in a number of ways, including training, consultancy, resource development, news briefings and regular updates.
The team, headed up by Naomi Korn, Managing Director, brings together a range of world-renown specialists including Carol Tullo, OBE, who have built a high reputation of excellence particularly amongst heritage organisations and charities. Over the past 17 years, Naomi Korn Associates has helped many independent, local authority-funded as well as national heritage, arts, educational organisations and funding bodies grow more sophisticated in their management of content and data.
Naomi Korn Associates are proud to be working with Heritage Alliance, Charity Digital and Media Trust on the Heritage Digital digital skills development project funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.
If you would like to get in touch with Naomi Korn Associates, please contact Patrick Ibbotson, Head of Partnerships and Projects at patrick@naomikorn.com or +44 7931 325456.
The H Factor
The Heritage Alliance's 'Heritage, Health and Wellbeing' report was featured in a blog by Heritage Open Days [Alliance member], highlighting the benfits the Heritage can deliver - the H factor! You can read the blog, which also highlights two RSA reports, here.
Be Heard - Join The Heritage Alliance
We understand the challenging times heritage organisations are facing at the moment. If you are not yet an Alliance member, this might be the right time for you to join, as alongside a range of free support, we would:
Represent your asks, needs and concerns with DCMS and at ministerial meetings;
Connect you to other organisations across the sector through our advocacy groups and networks;
Promote your events/jobs/content through Heritage Update for free- reaching over 14k inboxes in the sector, to give you visibility at this critical time.
To find out more, please contact the Heritage Alliance's Development & Membership Manager, Delphine, at development@theheritagealliance.org.uk.
Header Image: 'All Saints Church in Wragby, Lincolnshire', National Churches Trust
This week’s header image shows All Saints church in Wragby, Lincolnshire. This Victorian church has a rare early organ, a medieval stoup, a bell tower including 15th century bells and stained glass windows that depict ‘love, hope and charity’.
The NCT is celebrating the role of maintenance volunteers this week as part of National Maintenance Week from the SPAB [Alliance Member], running from Friday 20 - Friday 27 November (take a look at the events list in this issue of Heritage Update for more details).
Image: National Churches Trust
Government COVID-19 News
New Restrictions From 2 December
This week, the Prime Minister announced new plans for the end of lockdown on 2 December. The new restrictions are set out in the COVID-19 Winter Plan.
The Government has also announced which Tiers each area will enter on 2 December. You can see a full list here and search by postcode here.
The Government has also produced new posters for each of the three tiers to reflect rule changes. These pdfs are a clear way of informing both staff and customers on the rules and restrictions that are in operation in the areas that your organisation is located.
What This Means for Heritage
The Heritage Alliance is asking DCMS questions on behalf of our members on how these updated tier restrictions impact heritage sites across the UK. Do check our COVID-19 Guidance Hub, which we continue to populate with the key updates as they come in.
For now, here's a summary of the key changes:
The tiers will be tougher than before England went into national lockdown.
The specifics of which parts of England will be in which tier were announced on Thursday.
From the morning of 2 December, heritage sites will be able to open their doors to day visitors in Tiers 1 and 2, but not in Tier 3. However, outdoor spaces and gardens can remain open in all tiers.
Large outdoor events (performances and shows) should not take place, with the exception of drive-in events, in Tier 3. In Tier 1 and 2, there are limits on events.
There is a list of exemptions from gathering limits in all tiers including for work or providing voluntary or charitable services.
And you can read a longer summary here on our website.
The latest guidance includes:
New Financial Support Guidance
On Friday, the Government gave £2.2bn to cover the cost of the Local Restrictions Support Grant and the Additional Restrictions Grant, meaning that most councils have opened up schemes this week. New guidance has also been published for the following coronavirus grant schemes:
• The Additional Restrictions Grant for local councils to support businesses that are not covered by other grant schemes or where additional funding is needed.
• The Local Restrictions Support Grant (for closed businesses) for businesses in England that were open as usual and were then required to close due to local restrictions.
• The Local Restrictions Support Grant (for open businesses) for businesses that have not had to close but which have been severely impacted due to local restrictions.
• The Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG (Closed) Addendum) for businesses in England that have been required to close due to the national restrictions between 5 November and 2 December.
• The Local Restrictions Support Grant (Entertainment Venues) for nightclubs, dance halls, discotheques, adult entertainment venues and hostess bars based in England that have been closed since 23 March 2020 because of national restrictions.
Calls for Support for the Freelance Workforce
The Creative Industries Federation (CIF), with IPSE, FSB and Prospect, has written to the Chancellor this week to call for the introduction of a Freelance Commissioner and Future Workforce Commission (see the full letter here). The Heritage Alliance sits on the Creative Industries Federation Trade Body Representative Group who have contributed to this letter.
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme Claims
The Government has updated the guidance on calculating claims to clarify the information relating to claim period deadlines and timings, including a couple of graphics to help visualise the process. Of particular note is that when making your claim:
you do not have to wait until the end date of the claim period for a previous claim before making your next claim; and
you can make your claim more than 14 days in advance of the pay date (for example, if you pay your employee in arrears).
London Community Response Fund
Sadiq Khan has announced a further £1.4m contribution to the £4m London Community Response to help community and voluntary organisations who have been badly affected by the impact of Covid-19. Arts and culture organisations are encouraged to apply for grants of up to £10,000 to help groups to support Londoners affected by Covid-19 over the winter months. Apply here.
Coronavirus Community Support Fund
DCMS has announced that the £200 million Coronavirus Support Fund has been awarded, with 8,250 charities receiving a share of the grants. This Fund is part of the Government's £750 million support package for charities, distributed by the National Lottery Community Fund.
COVID-19 Insight and Sentiment Tracking
The latest indicators from the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey covering the period from 11 to 15 November are out, as well as their latest report into the impacts of COVID-19 on the UK economy and society The latter reveals that 14% of UK businesses said they had low or no confidence that their business would survive the next three months.
And VisitBritain has shared data for Week 19 of its Coronavirus sentiment tracker (covering 9 – 13 November). The survey shows a positive shift in the nation's mood compared with the previous week.
Other Government News
Spending Review
Yesterday, the Chancellor set out details for the Spending Review 2020. His full speech is available here, the full set of documents can be found here.
Billions of pounds have been allocated to COVID-19 recovery for next year across different government departments. The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) has seen an increase to both its resource funding and capital funding. For the year 2021-22, there will be over £100 million of capital investment for DCMS-supported bodies working across culture, heritage, and sports.
Other key spending announcements for heritage are:
over £150 million on cultural and heritage infrastructure, including through the Cultural Investment Fund and Museums Infrastructure Fund, enabling the development of British Library North and continued investment in the Heritage High Streets programme
over £320 million for galleries and museums
increased core spending power for local authorities by an estimated 4.5 per cent in cash terms, along with over £3 billion of additional Covid 19 support
over £150 million in 2021-22 for upcoming major events, including the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, Festival UK and the celebrations for the Queen’s Jubilee
Click here for the Alliance’s summary of the Spending Review and headlines for the sector. We await further detail to fully understand how this will affect the heritage sector and heritage sites across the country.
National Infrastructure Strategy
Alongside this, HM Treasury has published a new National Infrastructure Strategy, setting out long-term plans to transform the UK infrastructure in line with the Governments wider agendas.
New Green Book for 2020
HM Treasury has also published its final report of the 2020 Green Book Review. This follows an action from Budget 2020 to review the Green Book to ensure that "investment spreads across the UK" to align with the Government's 'levelling up' agenda.
The document that sets out how decisions on major investment programmes are appraised in order to make sure that government investment spreads opportunity across the UK
The full updated Green Book and guidance can be found here.
Priorities for the Sector
We recently shared Backing the Bedrock, outlining five fiscal and funding priorities for the heritage sector ahead of the Spending Review. Individual organisations also set out priorities for specific parts of the sector, such as the National Trust [Alliance member] with their Six asks of the Government's Spending Review or the Creative Industries Federation, who published an abridged version of their representation.
Our CEO Lizzie Glithero-West also attended the RIBA Conservation Register Forum yesterday, where she spoke about the importance of seeing spending on heritage as 'an investment not a bailout'.
The Heritage Alliance continues to advocate on funding and investment opportunities for the heritage sector through our Funding and Investment Advocacy Group (FIAG). Join us to have your say.
The Spatial Planning Advocacy Group will soon be sending two papers on planning to Secretary of State Robert Jenrick. Become a member and join SPAG to make your voice heard.
There will be a Westminster Hall debate on 1 December at 2.30pm on the subject of Planning for the Future White Paper and proposals to designate wild belt areas in the name of Claire Coutinho MP.
The Prime Minister has unveiled the Government's 10-point plan for a £12bn ‘green industrial revolution’, which aims to create and support up to 250,000 British jobs.
The plan includes an £80 million fund for green jobs and new national parks to 'kick start' the nation's green recovery.
Here For Culture
DCMS has brought together a range of innovative arts, culture, heritage and film resources and events that can be experienced from home as part of the #HereForCulture campaign.
There are now 36 days to go until the end of the Brexit transition period. The full details can be found here on the Government website.
On Thursday 19 November, The Heritage Alliance and DCMS hosted a Webinar for heritage organisations on preparing for the End of the EU Transition. Speakers from the Home Office, BEIS and HMRC joined us to talk about the movement of goods and movement of people. A list of questions was submitted ahead of time as well as during the event, and DCMS will be returning answers to these question which we will be sharing with our members.
The latest guidance from the Government includes:
Public Procurement Policy
The Cabinet Office has updated information for public authorities, businesses and other organisations on the outcome for public procurement policy from 1 January 2021.
Potential Threat to Academic EU Partnerships
A study from The University of Manchester has predicted that culture organisations face potential ‘artistic hiatus’ in EU partnerships due to Brexit. The research suggests that a lack of clarity on insurance, visas and travel restrictions, paired with potential complications caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, could make European collaborations "too risky or difficult to organise".
Join the Alliance now to make your voice heard on Brexit related concerns.
Tailored Review of Historic England
On Tuesday, DCMS published its delayed Tailored Review of Historic England. The stakeholder and responses through public consultation that were received were overwhelmingly positive of Historic England and its functions. The report also reflects on the significant leadership role Historic England has played during the COVID-19 pandemic.
National Lottery Grants for Heritage
The National Lottery Heritage Fund has today resumed accepting small and medium project funding applications for it's Grants for Heritage programme and launched an interest-free loans pilot. The project funding – for grants between £3,000 to £100,000 – will provide financial assistance for organisations working with heritage to build their resilience.
The new interest-free loans – available for sums between from £50,000 to £250,000 – are aimed at organisations looking to restart and develop their income-generating potential.
Find out more here.
Thriving Communities Fund
Arts Council England (ACE), the National Academy for Social Prescribing (NASP) and partners have teamed up to launch a new £1.4m fund, which is open to heritage organisations. The Fund is designed to increase social connectedness, and help communities cope with the impact of COVID-19. The grants on offer range from £25,000 - £50,000 and the application deadline is 8 January 2021.
Further information is on the ACE website.
‘Steps to Sustainability’ - Open For Applications
This National Lottery Heritage Fund opportunity will provide a pathway for 60 heritage organisations across the UK to be ambitious, forward-thinking and deliver exciting new projects.
Participants will bring a business idea to the programme which they will have the opportunity to develop throughout the duration of the programme and unlock funding of up to £10,000. The deadline is Monday 21 December.
Grants from AIM
A reminder of the grants still available from AIM:
Parliamentary News
Environment Bill
The Environment Bill is scheduled to report to the House of Commons on 2 December 2020. We continue to advocate for some small changes to the legislations to include the historic environment in the provisions for the Bill. You can see our latest briefing on the Environment Bill here.
60% of UK Galleries and Museums Worried For Survival
New research from Art Fund has revealed that 60 percent of galleries and museums in the UK are worried they will never reopen after having to close earlier this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Read the full press release here).
The charity has launched 'Together for Museums': a crowdfunding appeal to help raise £1 million for institutions to 'adapt and thrive' in the face of the pandemic. So far, over £300,000 has been raised.
Seeking Support for Hostels
Hostels has been one sector of the tourism industry that has been particularly hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, due to the nature of shared accommodation and facilities.
Hostelling has also been impacted by the fall in the youth and school travel markets, with an over 75% drop in bookings. To help the sector survive, the YHA [Alliance member] and Independent Hostels are working together to lobby Government for support.
Disability History Month
The theme for United Kingdom Disability History Month (UKDHM) 2020 - running from 18 November to 18 December 2020 - is Access: How far have we come? How far have we to go?
Resources are available for this year, as well as for all previous years back to 2010. The resources for 'Access' include an accessible animation on the Social Model of Disability, guidance on Meeting UK government accessibility requirements and creating documents that meet basic accessibility requirements using SCULPT.
Landmark Trust - 50 for Free Scheme
The Landmark Trust [Alliance Member] is running its annual 50 for Free Scheme, offering 50 free stays each March in Landmark’s buildings to other charities and their beneficiaries.
These can be used for management away stays to give a chance for strategic thinking. The trust is this year particularly keen to support other charities’ work as part of the scheme. The deadline for applications is 12pm on 3 Dec.
2022 World Monuments Watch - Call for Nominations
World Monuments Fund [Alliance Member] is now accepting nominations for the 2022 World Monuments Watch. Over this two-year period, the Fund is looking for sites to be nominated that have "clear potential to respond to the global need to ensure equitable representation for all, and the pressing challenges of climate change and imbalanced tourism".
New Research and Position Statement from the FBHVC
The FBHVC (Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs) [Alliance Member] has released the results of the 2020 National Historic Vehicle Survey. The results reveal the sector's significant contribution to the UK economy. The historic movement is reportedly now worth over £7.2 billion to UK economy. The results were released at the Virtual Classic Motor Show, a session from which can be watched here.
The FBHVC is also researching the connections between historic vehicles and wellbeing. The organisation is aiming to build a body of evidence of the positive effects of historic vehicles on mental health, calling on its membership to provide case studies.
The FBHVC also published it's position on the government ban on sale of new cars with internal combustion engines from 2030, saying it will carefully consider the announcement and urging the historic vehicle community 'not to 'panic''.
Help the Society of Antiquaries stay in Burlington House
The Society of Antiquaries have launched a campaign to stay in Burlington House, which is leased to them by government. Their rents have increased by 3,100% since 2012, so the charity has found it increasingly difficult to meet these costs and continue to deliver public benefit. A PwC assessment in 2019 estimated that 78% of the £5.4M total gross value delivered each year by the Society will be at risk if they are forced to relocate.
The Society is seeking support, asking the public to use social media or write to their MP to raise the profile of the campaign. Find out more here.
Help to Future-Proof The Sanford Award
The Sandford Award is run by the Heritage Education Trust who, like the rest of our sector, has been severely affected by the pandemic. The Sandford team is now looking to future-proof delivery and assessment of the Award to enable them to continue to raise standards and advocate for heritage learning in the sector, involving a wide and diverse range of providers who deliver unique and inspiring provision.
The team is seeking views to help shape the 2021 application process via this survey.
Sussex Heritage Trust Awards 2020 - Winners Announced
The winners of the Sussex Heritage Trust Awards 2020 have just been announced. The Awards received over 70 entries this year and the winning projects showed examples of excellent architecture and design, traditional building skills and craftsmanship.
Among the winners was the West Dean College Roof Restoration, submitted by West Dean College of Art and Conservation [Alliance member].
Finding Global Links Between Nature, Culture and Heritage
PANORAMA is a new project launched by ICCROM-IUCN-ICOMOS during the marker event of the GA2020. The project promotes 'solutions' across multiple, inter-linked thematic communities. It focuses on sharing case studies where "the interlinkages between nature conservation and the safeguarding of cultural heritage are crucial for the effective management and sustainable development of heritage places".
YHA Publishes Special 90th Anniversary Edition of 'The Journey'
The YHA (Youth Hostel Association) [Alliance member] has launched a 90th Anniversary Edition of The Journey - covering YHA’s own heritage and 90 years of its work around access to nature since its beginnings in 1930.
SAVE Celebrates Landmark Victory
SAVE Britain's Heritage [Alliance member] has shared the news of its victory in the Norwich public inquiry. Following a three-year fight against contentious plans for a 12-storey tower to be built in the middle of the medieval city, the Secretary of State for local government Robert Jenrick has now decided to refuse planning permission.
Celebrating 10 Years of the Shipshape Network
Today is the 10th anniversary of the Shipshape Network. The Network is run by National Historic Ships UK [Alliance member] and brings together historic vessel owners, skilled craftsmen, businesses, heritage organisations, training bodies and all those with an interest in Britain's maritime heritage and ship preservation.
Historic Houses - New President and New Publication
Historic Houses [Alliance member] has announced their new president, Martha Lytton Cobbold. You can read an interview with her in the Times here.
Historic Houses has also published a new (free) online publication from the Paul Mellon Centre, Art and the Country House, which features articles on the collections and architecture at four of its member properties and thematic essays including from Director Ben Cowell on ‘Saving Country Houses and their Collections in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries’.
Cholera, Miasma and the Cleansing of The ‘Great Unwashed’
The team at Wessex Archaeology [Alliance member] has uncovered the remains of one of the earliest public bath houses in England, which reveals attempts to improve the health of the country’s poor during and after the Cholera pandemic of the 1830s.
This Friday, you can join a webinar (titled above) to see Senior Project Manager, Cai Mason, explore the archaeology of the notorious Bath Quays district - and uncover the surprising origins of an early Victorian public wash house.
Open Consultations
Consultations and Surveys which are currently open include:
Call for Evidence and Good Practice on In-Work Progression
The Department for Work and Pensions has launched a 'Call for Evidence and Good Practice on In-Work Progression'. The consultation asks for views on barriers to progression, the benefit of nurturing talent, the role of Jobcentres and how to embed a culture of lifelong learning.
The consultation is available here. The deadline to respond is 18th December 2020.
Future of Transport: Rural Strategy
The Department for Transport has launch a Call for Evidence on the 'Future of Transport: Rural Strategy'. The government is seeking views on their assessment of mobility trends in rural areas and the approach they could take to influence these trends to the benefit of rural areas.
You can view the consultation here. The deadline for responses is 16th February 2021.
Upcoming Events in Heritage
6-7 February: Listed Property Show, Listed Property Owner's Club
9 and 11th February: Heritage Day (Save the Date!)
4 March: From Granby Four Streets to Spitalfields: community led regeneration, SPAB online lecture
10 March: The Historic Religious Buildings Alliance Big Update
13 March: Understanding Your Old House Course, SPAB Course, London
25 March: National Federation of Builders: Heritage Conference, Wentworth Woodhouse
25 March: A Marriage of Minds: John Betjeman and John Piper, SPAB evening lecture, London
24 April: Sketching with Thread, SPAB Workshop, London
27 April: Tour of St Anne's Church, Limehouse, SPAB event, London
2 May: AoHE Extra Ordinary Motor Gathering 'OMG'
13 May: Construction Summit Conference and The Construction Awards of Excellence, Chelsea Harbour Hotel, London
YCCC - Second Tuesday Talks - ‘Sticking Point: Adhesion in Craft and Conservation’
In the first of its Winter Series of Second Tuesday Talks, taking place on the second Tuesday of every month, the York Consortium for Conservation and Craftsmanship (YCCC) [Alliance member] is bringing together craftspeople and conservators from the fields of stonemasonry, stained glass, paper and manuscript conservation to delve into the fascinating topic of adhesives. They will explain how and why adhesives are used in their different fields and discuss the technical challenges, practicalities of application and ethical considerations they encounter.
This will take place on 8th December at 7-8.15pm. For more information, please visit the YCCC website.
'A review of the year - Oxford's Changing Landscape', Oxford Preservation Trust
The Oxford Preservation Trust is hosting its annual Christmas Lecture with OPT Director, Debbie Dance. The talk will cost £5 for members and £10 for non-members.
The event will take place on Tuesday, December 1st at 5-6pm. You can book here.
National Maintenance Week
This week is National Maintenance Week, celebrated by the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB). The week, which ends with National Gutters Day, seeks to raise awareness for anyone looking after a building of the easy steps they can take to minimise the impact of winter. The Society states that 'A little time spent on a basic building ‘MOT’ can save people from having to spend a great deal of money at a later date.'
Find out more here.
'A Tale of Medieval Arms & Armour' - The Society of Antiquaries
The Society of Antiquaries presents a free public lecture on 'Wee Willie & the King’s Silver Trousers: A Tale of Medieval Arms & Armour'. This talk will explore a rare document in the Society's collection, dating from Edward III's reign, as well as objects and artworks from Glasgow Museums’ collection, to gain a better insight into the world of medieval arms and armour.
The talk will take place at 1-2pm on December 1st. Book here.
Become a Trustee for The Heritage Alliance
The Heritage Alliance is currently looking for new Trustees to join our dynamic organisation in February 2021. We are a charity, who represent some very large organisations and many smaller ones; the unifying factor between them is a love of our diverse built, natural and created heritage Like so many others, our sector has faced real challenges in recent months but the Alliance has continued to grow. We are uniquely well placed to share ideas and information between our members and with Government and other funding organisations and policy-makers.
More information about our activities, our current policy priorities, and our team can be found here.
The Alliance is seeking to diversify the composition of the board in order better to reflect the varied geographical, cultural and age characteristics of the UK. We will also encourage candidates with experience in fundraising, income generation, membership development, change management and IT.
If you are interested in having a conversation about the role, please contact the Deputy Chair Ingrid Samuel on ingrid.samuel@nationaltrust.org.uk and apply with a CV and covering letter by 1 December 2020.
For more information, and a full role description, please see our website here.
Public Policy Officer - National Trust
The National Trust is looking for a public policy officer to join their Government Affairs team.
As part of this dynamic team, you'll be responsible for developing relationships with governmental policy makers with the aim of developing the National Trust’s influence. You'll brief staff on the potential risks and opportunities that government policies will create for the Trust. Supporting the Head of Government Affairs, you'll need to build and maintain relationships with ministers and officials, helping to identify who is key to support the National Trust’s agenda. You’ll also be helping to develop the National Trust’s views on public policy, with a particular focus on planning and infrastructure. You'll be drawing evidence from the Trust’s own experiences and then putting forward practical proposals for policy change.
You’ll have experience of working on public policy issues, with good awareness of our political system, government policy making processes and how to influence policy outcomes. You’ll have exceptional communication skills (written and spoken), with experience of building internal and external relationships, and the ability to interpret complex information and then translate it into easily understandable briefs is essential. Experience and understanding of planning and infrastructure policy is desirable and broader knowledge of heritage and environmental issues would be beneficial.
For more information and to apply for this role please visit the National Trust jobs website.
Icon Internship in Care of Collections & Historic interiors
ICON is offering a new paid internship opportunity in Care of Collections and Historic interiors. This internship is hosted by the National Trust for Scotland, supported by the Trust’s Bute Memorial Fund and managed in partnership with Icon.
More information, including an application form and a role description, is available on the ICON website. The deadline for applications is 9am on 30th December.
Geoarchaeologist / Senior Geoarchaeologist / Principal Geoarchaeologist at Wessex Archaeology
Wessex Archaeology are looking to add at least two new members to their Geoarchaeology team. Geoarchaeologists at all stages of their career are encouraged to apply, from relative newcomers through to industry-leading experts.
For more information, including how to apply and what the roles will involve, click here. The deadline for applications is 14th December 2020.
Wessex Archaeology are also seeking a Terrestrial Geophysicist. Information on this role, for which applications close on 3rd December, can be found here.
Advertise your news, views, vacancies and courses in Heritage Update
The voice of the independent heritage movement, Heritage Update is a free e-bulletin produced on a fortnightly basis by The Heritage Alliance and distributed directly to subscribers’ inboxes and published online. Click here to subscribe.
Heritage Update now reaches some 14,000 inboxes and is Tweeted to over 21k Twitter followers as well as shared on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages.
Advertising vacancies in Update is free to Alliance members and costs £165 per ad per issue to non-members. We also welcome image-based advertising on our side-bar for academic courses, projects and services of interest to the sector. More information about advertising can be found on our website.
Schedule of forthcoming issues: The next and final edition of Update for 2020 will go out on 10 December. The copy deadline for the next issue is Friday 4 December 2020.
We will be back with the first issue of the new year on 14 January 2021.
If you wish to use or quote from items in Heritage Update, you should always check the accuracy and current position with the source. The Heritage Alliance cannot guarantee the accuracy of (or accept any responsibility for) the contents of Update.
Become A Sponsor for Heritage Update
As we work to improve Heritage Update as an important resource for the sector, we are currently developing sponsorship packages for the new and improved Heritage Update.
Sponsors of Heritage Update receive a package of benefits including having their name and logo displayed on our website, having their logo displayed at the top of each issue of Heritage Update, and receiving recognition for their contribution to the sector in our communications about the newsletter.
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of Heritage Update, please email development@theheritagealliance.org.uk.
Support the Heritage Alliance
A donation to The Heritage Alliance will help us to champion, inspire, catalyse and support the independent heritage sector.
Click here to support The Heritage Alliance today.
Thank you.
Heritage Alliance Contacts
Chief Executive
Lizzie Glithero-West [Mon-Thurs]
Head of Policy & Communications
Hannah Shimko 0207 233 0700
Advocacy & Communications Officer [Mon, Tues & Wed]
Daniella Briscoe-Peaple 0207 233 0800
Advocacy and Communications Officer [Mon, Thurs & Fri]
Katie Ramsey 0207 233 0800
Development & Membership Manager
Delphine Jasmin-Belisle 0207 233 0600
A full list of our staff contact information can be found on our website here.
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The Heritage Alliance is a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales Registered Company No 4577804 and a Registered Charity. Charity No 1094793. Registered Office 5-11 Lavington St, London SE1 0NZ.