BuildingLink |
Newsletter Issue 9
November 12, 2012

BuildingLink Awarded U.S. Patent for Its Innovative Real Estate Management Software

We’re very happy to announce that it’s official: you’re in good hands! On September 18, 2012, the United States Patent & Trademark Office granted U.S. Patent No. 8,271,321. The patent confers exclusive rights to BuildingLink for its unique techniques in providing collaborative real estate management systems and methods.

“While BuildingLink has been known in the industry as a leading innovator of building management solutions for more than a decade, it is still nice to get the official credit for our inventions,” said Jerry Kestenbaum, BuildingLink’s CEO and founder. “This ‘321 patent, whose filing dates back to June 2000, is recognition of some of the pioneering innovations that have been integral to our company since its founding.”

Learn More About Our Patent

NEW FEATURE: What’s your (occupant) type?

Our development team has been hard at work building one of this year’s most asked for functionalities. As per usual - they delivered. That’s why we’re happy to announce that “Occupant Types” is now live on your management portal.

This extremely useful feature helps your staff identify the status of each resident in the building, based on the building type (rental, condo, co-op etc.). Why did everyone want it so badly? Glad you asked.

find out

PRODUCT UPDATE: GEO version 1.3 for managers and staff

More than 900 GEO users have already downloaded version 1.3 for managers and staff, so if you know someone who’s looking for an upgrade, do them a favor and tell them version 1.3 has arrived.

We've included functionality which a number of clients have been waiting for; the ability to assign maintenance requests to a specific employee, and the option of choosing to view and work with requests for one or more specific employee(s).

GEO version 1.3 is available to download from the App Store.

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Looking back: Hurricane Sandy

Our thoughts are with those many communities and client properties who were so greatly affected by the storm that caused such great devastation to the East Coast, leaving people with flooded homes and massive power outages.  We hope that those still suffering will quickly regain their momentum, and wish to remind all clients that the BuildingLink Emergency Voice Broadcast function was designed to be used for just these types of circumstances. (During the course of this storm, over 150 properties sent out broadcasts and more than 108,000 voice and phone messages were delivered to residents.)

We’re strongly encouraging those who are yet not familiar with this function, or who need training, to get in touch with our support team at

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