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Alaska's Kenai Wolves Win a (Temporary) Reprieve!

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Timber Wolf - photo (c) Johnny JohnsonThanks in no small part to the overwhelming number of comments submitted to the Alaska Board of Game, the proposals to begin aerial wolf killing on the Kenai Peninsula were postponed until January.

With only a few letters of support (notably from Safari Club International and the Alaska Professional Hunters Association) and nearly 300 comments against, the BOG voted to postpone a decision on the proposals until its statewide meeting, beginning January 13, 2012, in Anchorage.

We at the Alaska Wildlife Alliance would like to send a huge “thank you” to all of our members and supporters who took the time to submit thoughtful and direct comments to the BOG. You made a difference!

However, we cannot let our guard down as far as opposing these wildlife “mismanagement” proposals – this delay will also allow the pro-wolf-killers time to organize. We will need you to stand strong with us as we once again say “no!” to these outrageous proposals in January.

Please look for our email Alert in late December asking for comments. We will be providing more information and new talking points. Because this meeting will be in Anchorage, not far-flung Barrow, we will be asking our Southcentral Alaska members to testify in person as well.

Again, thank you to everyone who sent comments. Your voices were heard!

Happy Holidays from everyone at AWA,

John's Signature
John Toppenberg

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Alaska Wildlife Alliance
PO Box 202022
Anchorage, AK 99520-2022


"Wilderness without wildlife is just scenery." – Lois Crisler