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Issue 1 - September 2013


Welcome to the first issue of 'The Measure.'

In response to your feedback and to improve communication between the Measurement and Product Safety Service (MAPSS) and Accredited Persons (APs) we intend to publish this new bi-monthly newsletter. It will highlight significant events within MAPSS and provide information on areas of interest for APs.

Please forward this newsletter to all APs or other interested parties within your organisation.  Copies of this newsletter are also available on the Consumer Affairs website.

Stephen O’Brien
MAPSS Manager

Release of Accreditation Guide 2013

The 2009 accreditation guide has been updated and the new 2013 version is now available.   If you would like a hard copy please contact your local MAPSS office or Client Manager.

The purpose of the guide is to assist companies and individuals joining the accreditation scheme and to provide reference material for current APs. The guide covers the application process; duration and renewal; revocation; suspension; amendments or extensions to accreditation; powers; stamping or issuing a certificate of accuracy; notices of non-compliance and fees.

The following is a list of the main changes: 

  1. MAPSS contacts and laboratory capabilities (page 4-5).
  2. Make weight demonstration is now required for all applicants seeking accreditation for instruments with a capacity of 250kg or greater (page 15).
  3. Duration and renewal of accreditation (page 18).
  4. A TMU 01 is to be submitted when an AP has been voluntary terminated from the accreditation system (page 19).
  5. Simplified layout for the minimum resource requirements for testing different categories of weighing and measuring equipment (page 37-45).

MAPSS Primary Laboratory

We are aware that although the MAPSS primary laboratory has been operational for over a year, there are many APs in New Zealand that are sending standards there for testing and have never had the opportunity to see inside.

Your patience has now been rewarded. The first pictures below show the inside of the M1 lab, on the left a balance for large capacity weights such as one tonne standards used for weighbridge testing.  On the right is the infamous BOMAC, which makes lifting easy turning a 20kg weight to 100g using an electric motor.

The second picture provides a view of the standard volume measures in the top left corner between the average quantity inspection room, used for quantity checks on goods and the fuel sampling section, where fuel samples are prepared for laboratory testing and sent off to determine the percentage of water in fuel. The shutter door leads to the M1 lab with the high accuracy calibration room for F1 and F2 verifications to the right of it.

Additional to this is an approvals testing lab, meeting rooms, small kitchen and of course desk space.

The inside of the M1 lab in Avondale, Auckland.

View of the standard volume measures.

Newly qualified MAPSS officer

Drew Delany recently completed the Diploma in Weights and Measures. Drew completed 14 unit standards that covered all aspects of a MAPSS officer’s work, including auditing, testing of weighing or measuring instruments, verifying standards and enforcement. Drew Delany, originally from Palmerston North, is based in the Wellington branch and is a good addition to the MAPSS team. When asked what attribute he brings to the MAPSS team, he responded “youth”.

Photo  – Drew presented with his diploma by Minister Foss.
For those who have not met Drew, he is the one on the right!!!

New trainee in Auckland

David Antunovich has become the newest addition to the MAPSS team. David is now the fifth person to commence the Diploma in Weights and Measures.

David joins us after the completion of a Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Auckland and has recently worked in the service industry.  (He is also a trained Barista which is a vitally important skill for any trainee).

David will complete his training over the next 12-18months to become a qualified MAPSS Officer.

Determination of Compatibility

Compatibility between an indicator and the load cells must be established to meet the approvals requirements for a weighing instrument.  Recent approval certificates specify the criteria and calculations that must be satisfied to show compatibility.  Older approval certificates reference compatibility requirements but do not specify criteria, for these instruments the compatibility calculations must be completed.    

We endeavour to make the compatibility calculations available on the Consumer Affairs website.  If you have any questions on compatibility contact the Type Approvals Advisor (contact details below).

Review and update of Technical Bulletins

MAPSS is aware that there are a number of inconsistencies within the testing procedures for weighing and measuring instruments between previously released ‘Technical Bulletins’ and the requirements of the Weights and Measures Act and Regulations.

MAPSS is currently reviewing all ‘Technical Bulletins’ and technical decisions released over the years and intends to release a single document that will be available for download. Once released all previous ‘Technical Bulletins’ will be revoked. More information will be provided closer to the time of release.

Improved access to Type Approval Certificates

MAPSS is currently working to provide Accredited Persons access to a downloadable file that will contain all type approval certificates. This is to be made available on the Consumer Affairs website. This will allow Accredited Persons access to type approval certificates from their laptop or other mobile electronic devices when out in the marketplace or on site.

MAPSS intends to release a new file every quarter year to ensure Accredited Persons have access to the latest approvals. It will therefore be the responsibility of the Management Representatives to ensure the Accredited Persons have been provided with the latest file. Detailed information on this new system will be given in the next issue of this newsletter.

This month's Q and As

Q.  What test load is required to conduct an eccentricity test on a weighing instrument if the load receptor is a hopper, tank or other similar receptor?
A.  Eccentricity test must be carried out by means of a test load equal to 10% of the sum of the maximum capacity of the instrument and the maximum capacity of any additive tare.
(See Regulation 60(7) of the Weights and Measures Regulation 1999).

Q.  While testing a fuel dispenser, what is the variation allowed for two successive deliveries (≥ 5 x minimum delivery) at the same flowrate? 
A.  The difference between the largest amount of error and the smallest amount of error must not exceed two-fifths of the maximum permissible error applicable for the quantity measured during testing.   
(See Regulation 73(3) of the Weights and Measures Regulation 1999).

MAPPS Trade Measurement Contacts

Auckland:      PO Box 19 543, Auckland 1746

MAPPS officers:
Agatha Cordeiro  09 970 4359 or  021 482 712
Alex Day            09 970 4354 or  021 245 7262

Trainee MAPSS Officer:
David Antunovich      09 970 4358 or  021 244 9194

Advisor Type Approvals and Technical:
Srinivas Bobbala       09 970 4352 or  021 582 055

Christchurch:    Private Bag 4714, Christchurch

MAPPS officers:
Julian Crane    03 962 6216 or  021 349 866
Ben Aitken      03 962 6218 or  021 445 857

National Operational Team Leader:
Bob Jones       03 962 6214 or  021 451 542  

Wellington:       PO Box 10729, Wellington 6011

MAPSS officers:
Drew Delany            04 901 1281 or 029 771 0085

Acting Legal Metrology Advisor:
Kevin Gudmundsson 04 939 8429 or  021 244 7313

MAPSS Manager:
Stephen O'Brien        04 460 1367 or  021 221 4830

Administrative Support:
Isabel Bennett           04 498 7447