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Welcome to 2015 with GAA (Vic)!

Welcome to the New Year from Vic Division.

We hope that all our members, old and new, have enjoyed a pleasant 'summer' so far, and that all is in readiness for a great 2015.

Welcome to all the new members of the GAA, many of whom are enrolling in the diploma course, and a big 'thank you' to all the existing members that have already paid for the year ahead. Membership kits will be sent out shortly, with thanks to the fabulous staff in the office.

Your hardworking committee and staff have been back on deck for a  few weeks already, and, with the help of some well paid tradesman, have spruced up GAA House somewhat.

Our hardworking carpets have been cleaned, gutters have been repaired, flood water has been mopped up, and new airconditioning is in the final stage of installation in lecture rooms one and two upstairs.

Future works planned for 2015 include painting, and final installation of new cabinets in lecture room two, installation of assorted wall and pedestal showcases around the building, and re-invigoration of all the gem and mineral displays once the showcase work is complete.

Several working bees are planned and dates will be announced in the weeks prior during the remainder of this year. Once the major work is complete, we will look with keen anticipation towards progressive replacement of the 15-year-old carpets throughout the building.

We may even give the old carpets a good send off with a few social nights during the year too. Classic Movie Nights are again planned for the first Friday evening of the month, where all are welcome. Details of all events will be on the news page of the website, as well as listed on the GAA online calendar for all to access.

Best wishes for the year ahead,

Ian Dun, President

MS Ride - April 2015

The GAA Gems will be cruising their way through the 30km and 50km courses, but to do that we need to have a little bit of practice. The team will be having a 'training' ride together on the morning of Sunday 8th February. Click on the pic and have a look at our online page and seriously think about joining us for a bit of fresh air, fun, and the opportunity to support the good MS people who do such a valuable job.

The Sunday practice ride will be not much more than 20km, as flat as possible, and with a coffee stop at the end of the ride. You'll need to bring a sense of adventure, as the exact route may not have been tried and tested, we're just going to do it.

If you'd like to join the GAA Gems team for the big ride in April, you can do it online through that link above on the pic. If you'd just like to join us for a pleasant Sunday ride and have a think about it, then please email us at the office so that we can give you details of where to meet on 8th February. It will most likely be a bayside or riverside ride.
Click here to email us.

Hope you can join us! It'll be fun!