Editor's note

The women of Colombia’s FARC guerrilla group have spent years, even decades, fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with men. Now that the rebel group has laid down its weapons, its female former soldiers are about to return to civilian life – and they’re bringing expectations of equality with them. As Colombia prepares for peace, Camille Boutron visited FARC demilitarisation camps to report on the radical new women’s agenda budding within this newly disarmed Marxist insurgency.

Catesby Holmes

Global Commissioning Editor

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Women transitioning from the front lines to civilian life are bringing with them some pretty high expectations of equality. Federico Rios/Reuters

Colombian militants have a new plan for the country, and it's called 'insurgent feminism'

Camille Boutron, Universidad de los Andes

Demilitarised female guerrillas in Colombia are hoping to spark a new women's movement based in the FARC's revolutionary ideals.

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