May 12, 2023

PH Kindergarten eNews

We wish all the moms a Happy Mother’s Day this Sunday! Thank you for all you do for your families!

Next Week

  • Unit Study: End of School/Summer Activities
  • Show and Tell:  None
  • Bible: Daniel
  • Bible Verse: None
  • Reading: Short and long vowel review
  • Sight Words: house, when, my, me, we, like, you, just, said, good, will, play, have, day, went, made, all, could, would, should, what, some, how, do, where, their
  • Math: Review of previously learned concepts

Important Dates

  • Monday, May 22nd - Field Day. More info to come!
  • Tuesday, May 23rd - Awards Assembly and Last Day of School. More info to come!

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