Editor's note

Nigeria’s national airline collapsed in 2003. It therefore took everyone by surprise when the government announced earlier this year that the country was planning to resuscitate the moribund national carrier. But a few months later it did an about turn and said the project had been called off. Steve Onyeiwu says he was a sceptic from the get-go. This is because the problems that led to the collapse of Nigeria Airways in 2003 – including nepotism and corruption – remain in place.

Pik Botha, who died last week at the age of 86, was among the most recognised faces of South Africa’s apartheid era thanks to his career in politics and diplomacy that spanned almost four decades. Chris Saunders remembers him as a man of contradictions, as shown by the role he played on the issue of occupied Namibia.

Julius Maina

Regional Editor East Africa

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