Helping to enhance the safety of Juno Beach

August 1, 2023 Volume 6 Number 9.

Juno Beach Police Foundation Expands ALPR Camera Funding

In a significant stride towards enhancing public safety and bolstering local law enforcement efforts, the Juno Beach Police Foundation has announced an increase in the funding and deployment of Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) cameras.

The Foundation has agreed to fund two additional state-of-the-art ALPR cameras, bringing the total to five cameras, one at each entryway to the Town of Juno Beach. The Foundation will fund all five cameras for the initial three years and the Town will budget for the cameras in the two final years of the five year contract.

The move comes as a result of the success the Police Department is having with the initial cameras funded by the Foundation and in response to the growing need for advanced security measures in the community. ALPR cameras are cutting-edge technology that can automatically capture and analyze license plate data of passing vehicles, aiding law enforcement in various aspects of their work. These cameras have proven to be invaluable tools in combating crime, locating stolen vehicles, and apprehending individuals associated with criminal activities.

The Police Foundation's decision to expand the deployment of ALPR cameras reflects a commitment to ensuring that our Police Department stays at the forefront of law enforcement technology. With these two additional cameras strategically positioned throughout the town, law enforcement officers will gain enhanced situational awareness and investigative capabilities, resulting in a safer environment for residents and visitors alike.

Additionally, the five-year period of camera operation ensures a sustained, cost effective, and long-term impact on community safety. This extended duration allows the Police Department to conduct comprehensive analyses of the camera's effectiveness in various scenarios, fine-tuning their approach to meet the town's unique security needs.

Chief of Police, Brian Smith, expressed his enthusiasm for the ALPR camera expansion, stating, "Our primary goal has always been to protect and serve our community diligently. The acquisition of these cutting-edge ALPR cameras signifies a monumental step towards achieving that objective. We are confident that this initiative will significantly bolster our ability to combat crime and provide a safer living environment for our residents."

The Juno Beach Police Foundation has been actively collaborating with residents and local businesses to fund this endeavor. Their ongoing support demonstrates the unity and dedication within the town to invest in state-of-the-art technology and community safety.

As the five-year period commences, residents can rest assured knowing that the Juno Beach Police Department is taking concrete measures to safeguard their well-being. The ALPR cameras represent a collaborative effort to fortify the already exemplary work carried out by the men and women of the Juno Beach Police Department.

The Juno Beach Police Foundation's decision to increase the funding of ALPR cameras in town is a progressive move towards creating a safer environment. This advanced technology will undoubtedly aid law enforcement efforts, deter criminal activities, and strengthen the bond between the community and its protectors. With a united front, Juno Beach is poised to set new standards in public safety and community policing.

Remember to stay vigilant, report any suspicious activities, and continue to support the Juno Beach Police Foundation in their mission to enhance the safety of Juno Beach.

Coffee with a Cop - August 2nd, 9:30 a.m.

Sponsored by the Juno Beach Police Foundation

Join us on Wednesday, August 2nd at 9:30 a.m. for our monthly Coffee With A Cop event inside the Juno Beach Town Center. Come meet local law enforcement officers, Foundation board members, ask questions, and enjoy a cup of coffee and breakfast treats from th Juno Beach Café. It's a great opportunity to strengthen community connections and discuss important issues. We look forward to seeing you there!

Honoring the Fallen: Juno Beach Police Foundation to Sponsor Annual September 11th Memorial Event

We are proud to announce that the Juno Beach Police Foundation is once again working with the Juno Beach Police Department to organize the solemn September 11th Memorial event. This special occasion will be held at the Memorial monument at the Juno Beach Town Center on Monday, September 11th, starting at 9:30 a.m.

The annual commemoration serves as a poignant reminder of the tragic events that occurred on that fateful day, and it allows us to honor and pay tribute to the brave souls who lost their lives. The Juno Beach Memorial stands as a symbol of resilience, unity, and the indomitable spirit of humanity.

We invite the entire community to join us in coming together to remember the heroes and victims of that fateful day. The event promises to be a touching tribute, featuring speeches, moments of silence, and wreath-laying ceremonies to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

In the spirit of fostering solidarity and support for our dedicated first responders, the Juno Beach Police Foundation invites you to attend this meaningful event. Together, we can ensure that the memory of the fallen remains alive and that their legacy continues to inspire generations to come.

Mark your calendars for Monday, September 11th, at 9:30 a.m., as we gather at the Juno Beach Memorial to honor and remember the lives lost and the heroes who emerged on that tragic day. Let us stand together in unity and strength as we pay tribute to the indelible mark left by September 11th, forever etched in our hearts.

Jennifer Cote moves to new career in northern Florida

Juno Beach Police Department’s Police Services Specialist, Jennifer Cote, has announced her resignation from the Department effective August 3, 2023.

Jennifer has accepted a new position in Jacksonville, Florida with an international security company.

Ms. Cote has been a tremendous asset to the Juno Beach Police Department and has been involved in many different facets of administration and records management. She was a key player on the team responsible for the department’s certification and audit processes with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

Jennifer will be missed by all at the Juno Beach Town Center, especially the men and women of the Juno Beach Police Department.

The Police Foundation joins the Juno Beach Police Department in wishing her all the best in her new role and career in northern Florida.


The Annual Campaign of the Juno Beach Police Foundation began in December 2022 and continues well into 2023.

Incorporated in 2018, the Police Foundation has, with the support of the community, funded the purchase of numerous important items for the Juno Beach Police Department to help improve both their efficiency and community safety.

Grants from the Foundation to the Juno Beach Police Department well exceed $300,000. With your support and that of the overall Juno Beach community the Juno Beach Police Foundation will continue in its efforts in "Helping to enhance the safety of Juno Beach."

Upcoming Police Related Events:

Date Time Event
August 1 9:30 AM Coffee With A Cop
August 4 5:00 PM Retirement Celebration
August 23 5:30 PM Town Council Meeting

Tom Murphy, Editor

The aim of our monthly newsletter is to provide you with accurate information, resources, and updates about the Juno Beach Police Foundation and the Juno Beach Police Department. Our goal is to ensure that we address your concerns and queries, so we can together enhance the safety of Juno Beach. Please share this newsletter with your neighbors who may not have received it. To subscribe to these newsletters, please visit the following link:

Juno Beach Police Foundation
Thomas F. Murphy, President
For a full list of Board Members, click here.

340 Ocean Drive
Juno Beach, FL 33408
Tel (561) 719-5547

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