Do parents have questions about the Common Core Math Standards?
Do parents ask you how they can help their children with math at home?
Let ERG help you answer these questions for parents. On January 28, ERG is hosting our first Parent Lunch and Learn event. ERG has designed a session to teach parents about the Common Core Math Standards, including:
How today's math instruction is different from what adults experienced as students.
How the Common Core Standards originated.
How parents can help at home.
What the Standards of Mathematical Practice are and how they affect students.
Let ERG help you support your students and their parents. Click on this link for registration details.
Also check out the following ERG blogs designed to help you support parents with questions about the Common Core Standards:
4 Things Parents Can Do Related to the Common Core Standards
Promoting Math Problem Solving Skills in Young Children
Working together with parents is a great way to promote student learning and growth. ERG is happy to be part of the parent-teacher partnership!