STOURBRIDGE OLD EDWARDIAN CLUB ED-Words Newsletter President's ForewordPresident Robin Morrison This is my first newsletter as President and time seems to have flown by since Brian Arch rang me out of the blue and asked me whether I would consider being the President. I’ve been a member of the club since 1974 but due to work commitments, which took me all over the country, I haven’t been a regular attendee but have kept in touch with longstanding friends who are members and decided to accept the honour of being your President. My year as Vice President preparing to become President has been interesting to say the least. Who would have thought the whole country being put into lockdown for long periods causing the club to close and creating a new normal for us all. I can remember people being banned for wearing a mask in a shop, particularly a bank and now it is all part of our daily routine. Last year’s President Rob Hill has had a challenging term of office and has unfortunately had to cancel regularly held functions and was obliged to chair our general committee on Zoom. We have had an excellent attendance and robust debate not least over the contents of the business plan I produced for the club, outlining various ideas of how we can return to a sustainable position as a trading business. I pay tribute to Past President Rob for supporting me writing the plan and timetabling sufficient time to hold meaningful discussions. Given the circumstances Rob has had a unique year and I thank him on behalf of the Club for leading us through interesting times. I have indicated that some of the cancelled functions that he would have been guest of honour at, such as President’s evening, will be organised in my year so that Rob can enjoy belatedly what he was denied in his year due to the pandemic. Looking forward to my year, I hope we can return to having the club open again with members and guests able to enjoy our facilities and the regular functions. I’m sure the vaccination programme will enable us to do this and hopefully let us all to return to some form of normality similar to pre-pandemic days without a mask in sight except in a clinical setting. EDITOR's NOTE: Due to these exceptional times, our seasonal newsletter can not be packed with our usual array of past and future events. However, to brighten the mood, some Christmas Cracker Jokes are interspersed (if you can put up with them!) courtesy of Mike Aston, the Chairman of the Newsletter Committee. KEVI College NewsThe College has, of course, been hit by the consequences of the pandemic which drastically affects the activities we normally report. The College website is: Click HERE for details of the Academy initiative and HERE for wider details of the College operations including COVID-19 situation, Online learning and much more. XMAS Carol Service: for those in need of seasonal uplift, I have found the "virtual" carol service from the College on their website. Click HERE. Q: What do snowmen wear on their heads? A: Ice Caps. Upcoming EventsSadly, and due to the COVID-19 pandemic we have no imminent scheduled events. Hopefully our events programme will re-emerge when we are allowed to re-open and will be made visible on our Events Calendar. Q: Why was the turkey in the pop group? A: He was the only one with the drumsticks. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGOur Annual General Meeting was held on Monday 7th December in line with the provisions of our bylaws.For the very first time and due to COVID-19 restrictions , this was conducted electronically, remotely and successfully using ZOOM - the internationally established method of conducting conference meetings. Our new President masterminded the process - in addition to attending to his Presidential duties on the night! As agreed, only those who had offered to receive AGM packs and future membership renewal packs electronically (some 104 of you) were invited to attend this electronic ZOOM meeting. For others who may also wish to be included in such processes in the future, please click HERE and follow the instructions. 27 people in total joined the meeting including some from many miles away who otherwise would not have been able to attend at the Club in person due to distance or health reasons. Following the very favourable feedback, we are seriously considering using this mechanism of including those who wish to join remotely whether or not we hold the meetings at the Club in future. Robin Morrison was appointed as the 2020-2021 President. Robert Hill (now the immediate Past President) was also appointed as the new Vice President. He will again take up the position of President in 2021-2022 from next Year's AGM. This unusual action was authorised in view of the fact that Rob, although steering many important decisions this year, has been unable to take part in any social functions as these have needed to be cancelled. A vote of thanks to the Committee was proposed by Graham Wood who did a magnificent job in outlining the various actions and achievements during the year. The Annual Report with financial statements was duly accepted and may be viewed HERE. The Minutes of the meeting have been prepared in draft mode pending sign off at next year's AGM and may be accessed HERE. Q How can you tell if you are in a Brexit Party? A: Everyone wants to leave. 50-Club Lottery50-Club Lottery Monthly WinnersThere are a few lottery numbers still available for allocation. Click for more on this initiative which could be good for you and helps the Club funds. With less than 100 numbers, and 4 wins per month the chance of winning is probably the best of any regular lottery. November Winners£100 - G.Bellfield Our thanks go to the indefatigable Clive Bowen-Davies for the considerable effort in managing the process and reimbursing the winners. Q: What do snowmen eat for lunch? A:Icebergers. Club UpdateCOVID-19 PositionThe Clubhouse is currently closed due to Goverment restrictions, but rest assured we will advise any change in this situation immediately. Meanwhile,In common with other establishments, the Club has needed to provide a "COVID secure" environment for both visitors and staff. This has already included the provision of sanitising equipment, a screen between the bar and serving area, socially distanced seating, entrance checks (using heat-testing equipment and taking contact details) and much more. Very recently, we replaced 4 of our fixed windows with others offering ventilation facilities across the Memorial Room, Main Bar and Snooker Hall. Thanks go to David Trewin and the House Committee for making this happen. So, as and when we are allowed to re-open, members may be assured that the Club has taken all necessary steps to ensure we comply with the recommendations. Annual Membership Renewals, cards and car park fobs.Please bear with us until the club reopens to collect your membership cards. We only send out the cards to those who have provided an SAE but the others will be kept safe behind the bar. If any of you have requested and paid for a first or extra fob this year, please contact John Brown so he can arrange to forward it to you to enable use of the car park even in the closedown period. Those who already have fobs do not need another and can continue to use them (unless they have not renewed membership in which case those codes will eventually be blocked). Wine StoreMembers may be aware that the late Alan Cutler held offsite our valuable collection of select wines, ports etc. That has now been recovered and secured elsewhere. It is our intention to assess it, value it as appropriate and offer particular items to members before we approach organisations in the alcohol trade. We will alert you when we know more. Q: What do you call an old snowman? A:Water. Jem NorrisIt is with great regret that we announce that Jem Norris is retiring from the Committee after some 30 years of exceptional service. Throughout that time, in his roles as Chairman of the Bar and Social Committee and in organising and contributing to the many functions of the Club, he has been a mainstay of the moral and physical fibre of the Club. Jem, we offer you our gratitude and you will be an almost impossible "act to follow". Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? A: Frostbite. To all our readers: "A very Merry Christmas and a healthy and fulfilling New Year - full of the things which you would wish for yourself and your families - and looking forward to when we can all "meet again at the Club". Meanwhile, stay safe..... Editor Chairman Q: How will Brexit affect Christmas lunch? A: No Brussels