5 Key Questions for Your Builder
You've finally decided to build that dream house. Now what?
As a professional homebuilder, we are prepared to answer any questions you have as you make a purchasing decision, arguably one of the most important financial choices in your life.
We encourage and welcome this dialogue, but we often find that homebuyers aren't typically prepared for that opportunity. In many cases, the questions we get are limited to how much does a new house cost (or cost per square foot), what are the carpet or cabinet choices, and whether or not we can cut a deal.
While those are valid questions, we think they only scratch the surface of what homebuyers need to know to help ensure a satisfying experience with our company or any professional builder.
So here are the top five questions we think homebuyers should ask when they are on the cusp of building a new home with us:
Who will run the job?
We will assign a Project Manager to be your main point of contact from ground breaking through the final walk-through. It will be the responsibility of the Project Manager to work with you - the owner, the project Architect, and the project Designer to keep the project moving on track and on schedule.
Will workers be there all day, every day?
Understanding how we work and the pacing of a typical new home process is critical to having a positive experience. The project will progress in phases in which the crew of workers required for each phase changes almost on a daily basis from many to only a few. Efficiency is the key. We keep a tight schedule, but there are occaisional lulls in the process while we wait for an inspection or delivery of materials. We will go over the building schedule with you prior to ground breaking.
How often should I stop by the jobsite?
Your Project Manager will set up a regular schedule for you to visit the site, ask any questions, and discuss the project and its progress, usually at key points in the process. The different phases of the project have different requirements. For example, during the foundation phase no visit may be scheduled, but during the rough-in phase you may need to visit at least weekly. In addition, some of the scheduled visits will be at your descretion, but most will be required to keep the project on track and you, the owner, informed about the progress of the project.
What should I ask your references?
Any professional builder should have references at the ready. We are happy to provide you with a list of people who have recently built homes with us, our trade partners, and financial partners. It is important to ask our clients about their experience and level of satisfaction and confirm from our trade references that we are professional and have a positive track record of performance.
What is the procedure for changes?
We work diligently with you to create a detailed list of specifications for your house before we break ground, but we also have change order policies and procedures in place -- which we share with you up front and in the construction contract. Make sure you understand the procedure, how to account for the costs associated with the change, and the payment procedure for the change.
Armed with the answers to this handful of questions, we think you'll be more confident in your decisions and more likely to be satisfied with the end result.
Warm Regards,

John P. Caulfield, Jr.
Landmark Builders
4120 Douglas Blvd., #306-215
Granite Bay, CA 95746
(916)783-0356 Phone
(916)783-1837 Fax
Copyright 2012. All rights reserved.
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