Surgery Research Conference Recap:Division of Congenital Heart Surgery Research Updates
The Clinician Scientist Development Grant (CSDG) fosters the development of clinicians to clinician scientists. Applicants must be full-time and within the first 6 years of their initial faculty appointment. They pursue research questions across the cancer research continuum of relevance to improving health.
Faculty pursuing small, short-term studies in women's health in basic, clinical, or epidemiological lines of inquiry in an FWW Priority Area: - Cardiovascular disease
- Leading female cancers
- Hormones' role in disease and stage-of-life health concerns
- Diseases or health concerns that disproportionately afflict women
- Exploration of gender
differences related to the above
The mission of the We Care Fund is to use contributions made available by the philanthropic community to support Department of Surgery faculty who are creating innovative therapies and clinical programs that benefit patients in Wisconsin and throughout the world. Proposals should demonstrate the importance of innovation and discovery to advance science and clinical care of patients. Any level of science is eligible for funding; preference will be given to those proposals that effectively articulate a translational theme even if the bedside application may be in the future. Proposals may include innovative basic science or clinical research projects. Potential for extramural funding will
be a consideration for these applications as the goal is to conduct a pilot project that can result in preliminary data for a larger grant proposal.
This award is intended for surgical faculty members in the United States or Canada in any of the surgical disciplines to support their research in the basic, clinical/outcomes, or translational surgical sciences. Eligible applicants include those who are currently within their first three years of a full-time, permanent faculty appointment within a department of surgery at the assistant professor or equivalent level. Applicants should NOT be an instructor or hold another type of annual or temporary appointment.
The purpose of the American Surgical Association Foundation Fellowship is to support and encourage gifted young surgeons who choose careers in investigation and academic surgery. Fellows will be supported in an initial year; the Fellowship can be renewed by review of the Fellowship Committee for a succeeding one-year period. During the Fellowship years, the Awardee should have a primary role in research and teaching. It is expected that the Fellow will have a faculty position following the Fellowship in the department of surgery of the sponsoring institution.
The Society of Asian Academic Surgeons (SAAS) was founded to focus on the personal and professional development of Asian academic surgeons with the belief that the best way to increase Asian representation in the leadership of academic surgery is to prepare future generations to succeed.
2019 MCW External Review Schedule
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