No images? Click here ![]() University Updates Welcome to your regular update This week in University Updates...This week there's a handy guide to wellbeing resources, a new Mind Over Natter event, updates from The Career Zone and more... Living in lockdownWe realise that lockdown is hard and that rules have changed, making it very complicated. However the new variant of COVID-19 spreads far more easily and so it is more crucial than ever to do what you can to protect yourself and others. Please remember these points particularly:
You can read more on the UK government’s website. Registrar's email - important updatesYou should’ve received an email on Friday from the Registrar asking you to fill out a short form if you are at your term-time address so that we can best support you, our commitment to protecting the value of your University of Exeter degree, both in this year and for the longer term and further important updates. If you’ve not read it please check your inbox and if you’ve not received it, you can find it here. Booking your COVID-19 TestsTesting is critical to reduce the risk of introducing infection to our community following the winter break. All students who are already in Exeter should arrange to get two tests as a matter of urgency, regardless of whether they are taking part in any on-campus teaching or study. If you do not take a test when you return to University, Government guidance is that you should self-isolate for ten days from the point you return to University. Tests can be booked via the links below and we will keep our testing facilities open for all students who are in Exeter. Students who have not yet arrived but who will shortly be beginning in-person teaching or placements for future critical workers, or those who cannot work at home and plan to travel should book tests urgently to help us to assess the demand for testing in the coming weeks. We are also providing tests for staff who are required to work on our campuses. Remember if you do test negative for COVID-19 the result is only valid at that time, so it's crucial you continue to follow Hands - Face - Space to minimise the chances of catching it. Tests for students and staff can be booked here: Got COVID-19 symptoms or tested positive? Let housemates knowIf you develop COVID-19 symptoms, have been advised by test and trace to isolate, have taken a COVID-19 test because you have symptoms and are awaiting the results, or have tested positive for the virus, please let those you live with know. There are steps you can take to try to minimise the chances of others in your home also contracting it and there are legal requirements surrounding isolation which they will also need to follow. You can find out the latest government guidance here. Supporting youWe understand that the current situation is challenging for everyone, so please be aware that we are still here to support you – wherever you are. The wellbeing webpages contain useful resources which you can access at any time from home. Here are a few:
Want to know what help is best for you? Please check out this summary leaflet. Fika positivity masterclassTo help us through this third national lockdown, our Mental Fitness partners at Fika will be releasing a Positivity Masterclass - available to view in the app from the morning of Tuesday 12 January. Fika are experimenting with a new, shorter format than previous masterclasses - a 20-minute video, with content from Fika’s scientists and experts as well as students across the UK. Do take a look and discover valuable science-based techniques to get you through January, through lockdown - and to help you think more positively in general! You can access the session from Tuesday 12 January via the Fika app - see instructions below. ![]() Mind Over Natter: Let's Get PhysicalKick away the January blues by signing up for Mind Over Natter on Wednesday 13 January for a talk on the perks of getting physical this winter. Led by Exeter Alumnus and director of Athletes Inspire, Martin Corck, the short talk and Q&A will be held on Microsoft Teams from 12.45 – 1.30. Register now for your free ticket. Student Health CentreThe Student Health Centre is open offering remote consultations for students working from home or halls of residence. If a face-to-face appointment is clinically necessary, you will be seen onsite at the practice. If the initial call the doctor feels you should be seen, but you aren’t currently living in Exeter, they will be able to advise you as to how to access support local to where you are. Please ensure you have had your lateral flow tests before attending the practice. In an emergency all acute patients will be dealt with by their Duty team. Please do not contact the practice regarding COVID-19 vaccinations, they will contact you. All medication can be ordered online and sent to your preferred pharmacy. Police registration – for international studentsDevon & Cornwall Police has advised that international students who need to complete police registration should not travel to their office during lockdown. The usual 7-day deadline for police registration does not currently apply. If your visa requires you to register with the police you should therefore not travel to the police enquiry office at this time but await further announcements by checking the information on our website. If you are an Exeter based student, we are hoping that the police will come onto campus later in the term – please continue to check our updates webpage for further information on this. Stephen Fry to speak at the next 'Creative Dialogues' eventStephen Fry, the much loved actor, writer, director, historian and broadcaster, has been announced as the guest speaker at our next ‘Creative Dialogues’ online event. The prodigious star will join Hon DLitt, Honorary Professor, Don Boyd on Tuesday 19 January from 6.30 -8pm to talk about the ‘creative experience, performance and much, much more besides.’ To get your free virtual seat at a talk which Stephen expects ‘to range free like a wild mustang of the plains’, register on the Eventbrite page. ![]() Sports activities and facilitiesAlthough all our sports facilities and services are now closed, online fitness classes and virtual club activity will continue. Bookings can be made for free for the online classes on our fixr page and further links can be found under ‘Fitness classes’ on our website Due to the new restrictions, the Students' Guild and Students’ Union will be switching to online-only during this period. Cleaning routinesIn order to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 it is really vital that we all strive to keep areas where we live and study clean, particularly touch-points. Touch-points include surfaces like fridge/freezer doors, cooker and microwave handles, kitchen sides, taps, kettle handles, switches, remotes and other appliances which are used frequently by multiple people. New to cleaning? Here’s a helpful guide. Eat and Shop outlets opening hoursDuring the latest lockdown many of our outlets are remaining open for takeaway. Our Market Place shops are all open, with the Forum offering a click and collect or delivery service. iSCA Eats is open for food collection and delivery. See our website for opening hours, and to order online. You can also download our 'Eat & Shop Exeter' app. Updates from your Students' GuildGet Connected x Refreshers We know how hard it has been for you to meet new people this academic year, but you can still get involved with your Students’ Guild events and community. They’re running some great online events from 18-31 January – find out more on their website. Keep Talking to your Reps Reps are an essential part of making sure your views, opinions and experiences are shared with the lecturers, faculties and colleges. This is how change happens and the Students’ Guild continues to represent your academic interests throughout the pandemic. Find out who your Rep on our website. Term 2 SSLCsAlthough it is a different start to the term, your reps are still here to pass on your feedback. SSLCs (Student Staff Liaison Committees) are still working throughout the term, to make sure that student feedback is heard and acted upon. Do stay in contact with your reps, and report any problems you may experience through the term, as well as positive experiences and examples of teaching that you think deserve to be highlighted. Remember that you can always see what happens with your feedback by looking at your course’s action plan on the SSLC website. ![]() Postgraduate students - book on to our special eventJoin us on Thursday 14 January for our special online event for the postgraduate community. Hosted by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Lisa Roberts, with senior colleagues from the University and your Students' Guild this online event is free, but please book your place here. Don’t forget to check out our New Students’ Guide which will give you lots of helpful information and check your inbox for other updates from the University. Exeplore – The University of Exeter PodcastHave you checked out our new University of Exeter podcast yet? We have episodes about the amazing fundraising work for Movember and an interview with the President of the Students’ Guild, Sunday Blake, where she shares advice for anyone thinking of running in the Students’ Guild elections and explains why she loves working with students. Coming up this month is a ‘virtual’ tour of our beautiful grounds and analysis of current US politics. You can find all the episodes here. If you have any ideas for future podcasts please get in touch via Make your Pledge for the PlanetThis month on Green Rewards, the University’s scheme which rewards you for your sustainable actions, you’ll be able to earn 300 additional Green Points for making a New Year’s resolution with sustainability or wellbeing in mind. We’ve set a target of 90 pledges to reach – can you help us exceed this? You could pledge to go plastic free, eat less meat or get cycling – it’s up to you. Earning Green Points leads to prizes, with 4 x £20 vouchers awarded to top Green Points earners each month and lots of ways to get involved. Register for free now. ![]() Last chance to exhibit your research and win prizes!Final call! Only 2 days left until submissions close on 13 January for your research posters and abstracts to be displayed in an online exhibition later this month. You could win an invitation to present your research in full at the British Conference of Undergraduate Research in April 2021 or a host of other prizes. Participation counts towards the Exeter Award and is great to add to any CV or further study application. See our Showcase Website. Would you like some study skills advice?Study Zone continues to offer online 1:1 study skills appointments, Writing Cafes and workshops. We offer support in areas including studying at home, online learning, academic writing, referencing and proofreading. We also have a suite of online study skills resources on our digital site. To find out more please visit the Study Zone website. ![]() Focus on the future: Career Zone can help you make positive start to 2021Whether it's to brush up on employability skills, help activate your new Handshake account to search for jobs and connect with organisations, or make a simple start to your career planning by talking things through with us, The Career Zone is here for you. The easiest way to chat to us (Monday to Friday, between 9:00am - 5:00pm) is via the chat box on our Careers webpages or you can call us on +44 (0) 1392 724493. Access to Internships (A2I)Access to Internships (A2I) can help you arrange your own paid internship in the UK. We can provide information, support and generous funding for eligible students. All funding is issued on a first-come-first-serve basis until Friday 7 May 2021 for internships at the University of Exeter, and Friday 11 June 2021 for all other qualifying internships. Please visit A2I for further information. Want to make your CV stand out from the crowd?The Exeter Award is a fantastic way to boost your employability, giving you recognition for taking part in activities outside of your studies, developing a range of skills to take into the graduate job market and demonstrating to employers the skills and attributes you have. Attendance at many of our employer events and skill sessions will count towards the Exeter Award, so keep your eye out for the logo for accredited events. Find out more about what’s involved for the Exeter Award on our website. ![]() All of the following events will be held online: Thursday 14 January, 3pm-4pm - Postgraduate welcome event, online with the Vice-Chancellor Professor Lisa Roberts and representatives from the Students' Guild. Book your place here Keep an eye on the Students’ Guild Website to keep up to date with upcoming events. Tell us what you think of this newsletter:Get in touch with your feedback or news stories at: |